You all will enjoy the benefits from the cooking pot, First and foremost if you plan to move that cooking pot, pick up (X) your recipes first. If you pick up your pot first, your recipes will disappear. You don't actually need the recipes to cook in the pot, you only need to know the ingredients. The recipes can be hung on walls also. The x2 or x4 on the ingredients is just stating that you need any combination of those items to equal stated quantity. Same concept for that shark bait, x2 Tilapia/Herring, you just needed one of each or two of one. There are a total off 11 recipes and it is possible to hang all of them on the cooking pot back board. Most recipes will give you 2 servings but two of them will only give you one while the best recipe will give you three servings. That extra food buff, green bar, can actually extend your food bar, beyond max, about 25% more. That buff also takes a longer time to degrade compared to the normal colored food bar. There is a small difference in the amount of food buff between each recipe, some will give you more than others. Unfortunately there isn’t a hydration buff or at least I haven’t found it if it does exist. Sorry to say, but the seagulls no longer lay eggs in the nest. That was removed when they added the domesticated animals. But continue gathering those feathers as you will need them for your arrows later in the game. Also if can kill a gull you will get a different food item than what you currently have, at least I don't think you've gotten it yet. The advanced grill is great for those large fish for now but eventually you'll probably just end up using cooking pots for all your cooking.
You all will enjoy the benefits from the cooking pot, First and foremost if you plan to move that cooking pot, pick up (X) your recipes first. If you pick up your pot first, your recipes will disappear. You
don't actually need the recipes to cook in the pot, you only need to know the ingredients. The recipes can be hung on walls also. The x2 or x4 on the ingredients is just stating that you need any combination of those items to equal stated quantity. Same concept for that shark bait, x2 Tilapia/Herring, you just needed one of each or two of one. There are a total off 11 recipes and it is possible to hang all of them on the cooking pot back board. Most recipes will give you 2 servings but two of them will only give you one while the best recipe will give you three servings. That extra food buff, green bar, can actually extend your food bar, beyond max, about 25% more. That buff also takes a longer time to degrade compared to the normal colored food bar. There is a small difference in the amount of food buff between each recipe, some will give you more than others. Unfortunately there isn’t a hydration buff or at least I haven’t found it if it does exist. Sorry to say, but the seagulls no longer lay eggs in the nest. That was removed when they added the domesticated animals. But continue gathering those feathers as you will need them for your arrows later in the game. Also if can kill a gull you will get a different food item than what you currently have, at least I don't think you've gotten it yet. The advanced grill is great for those large fish for now but eventually you'll probably just end up using cooking pots for all your cooking.