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Protesting pot convictions at Toronto's Global Marijuana March

Protesters at the Global Marijuana March in Toronto are calling on the federal government to grant amnesty to people convicted of simple cannabis possession …

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  1. Lmao!! They are getting all the info on growers that they will knock as soon as all their cronies are in place who are going to grow for the government!! Where I live the cops raided three weed spots but allowed these other four to operate!! Guess how much business those 4 got after wards??? Mark my word!! Everyone that's not in with the government will not be growing nothing or selling nothing!! The last thing that any government wants is a bunch of Jenny's and joes to become rich and powerful!!!! Lol

  2. It's been a year that Post Canada has been delivering me my favorite weed. And they know it. I guess that makes my postman guilty of trafficking. Just leave us alone, it's good business for all.

  3. I got caught twice smoking and driving and possessing, the two times during DUI check roadblocks, once in Kingston, Ontario, in 2011 and recently in november in Lennoxville. Québec, and got absolutely nothing. Just lost a couple of grams of weed that they probably smoked themselves. Love my Canada.

  4. CBC why do you so rarely allow comments?

    Also why was the filming done at the tail end of the march? Were you trying to make it look insignificant? Why not go to where everyone was gathering and giving speeches?

  5. Why do we implement LAWS if they are to be knowingly broken by those who face charges prior to the LEGALIZATION of marijuana. You may reduce said charges but NOT through them out since they HAVE broken the LAW.

  6. The real plan is to delay and delay till the Tories win the next election and poof, there goes your legalization. They never intend to legalize it because the illegality makes too much money for cops judges and lawyers.

  7. I love Canada! It is truly one of the best places in the world to live, but it is backwards, when it comes to cannabis, laws! It is 2018 people!

  8. We've been promised legal MJ since Pierre Elliot Trudeau was Prime Minister. That was part of his running platform/ a campaign lie.

  9. Do the number of people who worked hard all week and are sitting home over the weekend smoking some 'Dubes,' get counted in the number of these protesters… ?

  10. If it's legalized no nobody's going to study and the next generation is going to be homelessness 👵👴my opinion…

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