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PLANTING HERBS & VEGETABLES & KENTON COOKS ! #relaxing #garden #familyvlog | Kenton & Habiba

Today we are planting a herbs and vegetables in the garden bed! Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, thyme …..also Kenton joins me in the kitchen. What’s for dinner?

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  1. You and the children (young adults) did a great job on the garden beds. Your hard work will pay off. You will see the fruit of your labor.

    Never had grilled eel. What does it taste? Don't say chicken. Lol

  2. i LOVED this vlog!!! auntie habiba this is my favorite vlog of yours! from the little plants to the little baby lizard who paid you a visit to this moment at 21:20 i just loved this gem you put together <3

  3. I love ❤your cooking but I am here for the garden🥀🌻.. I never thought of using cardboard for raised bed base, this is something new I am learning here.. So beautiful to see your children helping out as well..

  4. I remember the last when your Dad came to visit he wanted seeds to take home with him. I am sure if he is watching he is very proud of your garden ❤

  5. Love your gardening and seeing all the family working together to make it good, what a blessing. I love growing herbs myself and it make a difference when cooking with fresh herbs. 🙏❤

  6. Hi Habiba! Did you guys make the garden beds yourselves or can you buy them assembled? Btw, I love your channel I’m relatively new to it , discovered it at the beginning of the pandemic and have become a huge fan. I enjoyed this vlog so much, beautiful family…I’m catching up on all the older videos as well😍😍😍

  7. Yesss,I love gardening like no man's business,they give me comfort.I hate 🦎…I had to keep my phone away…🤣🤣🤣.The kids are really helpful,Khali wants mummy to get the best out of her hard work.My third son is also lefty.God bless you and your family….🥰😍

  8. Being disabled (I have MS), a raised garden bed would be a good option. But now that I live in Vegas, I rarely linger in this oppressive desert heat. I saw beautiful Hibiscus flowers years ago when I visited Bermuda. I don’t like creepy crawly anything, lizards included. I know it’s silly, but they scare me.

  9. Curious as to why you guys used cardboard instead of a weed barrier fabric. The cardboard will disintegrate with watering, and weeds will push through. The barrier fabric is designed to inhibit weed growth in your beds. Just a heads up, that “friendly cat” will be your garden’s worst nightmare. Cats make your vegetable beds into their litter box. I know all too well from experience. The best thing to do is to frame the bed with fishing line so the cat(s) can’t easily step into the bed. Their feces and urine are also harmful to the garden soil and therefore your herbs and veggies.

  10. Habiba this pandemic has brought out the best in our families. It’s so good to have the family together growing together. I did the same as you way back in Convent in Lagos hibiscus featured in Art class and biology lessons too!I wander about hibiscus tea though? Is it the same as sorrel? The sorrel with which we make a vitamin C rich Christmas drink in many of our Caribbean islands? 🌶🤙🏿.

  11. The Vegi garden is coming out nice Habiba👌 the wild life/Cat loves you & your beautiful garden Lol I started a small raise bed & im excited to see it all grow 😊🤗

  12. * many persons are planting I too did a little on our yard. I like your drvk with the flower plants I am staring mine. You give me the idea and motivation so I started and it is relaxing. Looking forward to seeing more of your kitchen garden blessings ⚘from 🇹🇹

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