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How Marijuana Works

How People Make It In the Legal Weed Business

SUBSCRIBE TO ALL 4: What happens when you make weed legal? Take a trip to Colorado to find out. Watch the series on All4 …

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  1. Lol she said there are risks involved with weed. My dude I took 500mg edible Brownie. It hit me and even at peak I biked 20 miles to and from home. Went to work and functioned throughout the whole day. Just know yourself and how you are on it. Been smoking for a long time so I'm sure many can agree they can handle their shit in any situation.

  2. It very well may be my past but once I got into the medicinal industry here in Maryland, it really hurt my heart to see how many ex cops and ex FBI were now in the business and seeing how they sort of treat it like a joke and only do it for the money all the while I KNOW personally some of these guys who treated marijuana users like trash people prior to the legalization of medicinal marijuana in my area. It was disgusting when I know many men and women who wouldn't get the chance to live out a dream and apply many years of valuable experience because of prior "drug" convictions related to marijuana. I hope this isn't the case everywhere but I did in fact see a lot of this in my area. I also read a comment on rich getting richer and sadly another thing I would agree with in my area, I've met and heard disgusting lies and slander towards "pot heads" from business owners and ideas of investing only to make a buck. That's why I won't PAY the government to enjoy what mankind should freely be able to access and enjoy. Yes I left what I thought would be a dream come true job of being a cultivator, I know many look at that as foolish and maybe stubborn but I will not lessen my morals and beliefs for a dollar. Side note I do not want to argue with anyone I am simply sharing some of my experiences and beliefs. Jah Bless.

  3. You need to research and discuss that some states that it is medically legal that if you have or apply for a medical marijuana card it is illegal for them to buy or posses a firearm. That's not right.

  4. Theres nothing technical about it lady not 1 fucking person in written history has died from a over dose of weed! Now if they do some stupid shit while high guess what thats little dumbass's fault NOT MY MEDICINE!!!

  5. Enjoyed the video. I thought it was more of a guide on how to start making money in the cannabis industry. Still great content. Thanks

  6. The people who make it in this business do it at the cost of residents quality of life. This industry uses obscene amounts of water and power and causes low frequency vibes to torture nearby and not-so nearby residents. The light pollution is obscene as is the stench. Our local grow calling themselves Pure Greens has destroyed our home and any enjoyment we had left of it with their noise. This industry is foul and will cause any sustainable town to give up it's sustainability. Our town is using this opportunity to gentrify the costly locals they must deal with in favor of tourists who are not such a pain in the tail. The result? Destruction of our town. If you want to know what not to do when your areal legalizes, then $alida, Colorado is a perfect example.

  7. Huge difference between driving on pot and booze, booze you are having a crash or worse, pot you are forgetting where you were going but everyone is safe, you are driving like your driving test.

  8. If your so worried about it getting into kid's hands then why don't you illegalize alcohol? It actually kills people. So double standard. I mean dispensaries are so secured compared to liquor stores. All you need to do to fix that concern is to just be responsible with it.

  9. this title is just a blatant lie. they brielfy reference the business side with literally 0 details about anything. title should be more like "a look at the impacts of legal weed in denver"

  10. Recently in Louisville Kentucky the prosecutor will no longer charge people for marijuana possession bc the cops were targeting black people.

    While the black population is only 25% they made up 66% of all marijuana arrest. Im glad the prosecutor has decided to stop the cops violent actions.

  11. The government only made it legal because the're broke.The federal government has been broke .They will want a piece of the profits and make it legal soon.

  12. I`m from Colombia and I`m searching some investors for a new family cannabis company, or maybe some clients for export our next product, someone know were I can find it?? a web page related with that or anything that could help me I will appreciate that.

  13. Cannabis has been fully LEGALIZED in CANADA , you can now smoke a joint anywhere you can smoke a cigirette. Just not around kids or schools , common cense right!!! We still dont have alot of weed retail locations the government is keeping a very close eye on who get a retail licence and who they can get there weed from. The best part about the Cannabis Act in Canada is you can now grow your own . You are allowed only 4 plants per house , so most stoners are growing there own . Also you can order weed to your house online, thats kinda cool too , but more expensive. Quebec and Manitoba do not allow growing but every other province allows growing … Tweed weed is the biggest in Ontario too.

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