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Phoenix City Council Policy Session, February 25, 2020

Phoenix City Council Policy Session, February 25, 2020 Stay up to date with city news and information, bookmark and check daily!

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One Comment

  1. So, select city council members voted to stay in office! Its amazing that they cowed down to the anti police groups when threatened with being voted out of office. So Phoenix is now going to be the next Seattle, or LA. And we saw how well that worked. They mention 2 million dollars to investigate these officers; that’s per investigation. The policy should include that anyone making a complaint against the officer should swear out an affidavit and sign it so the accused officer can later sue the complainant after they were found to be lying.

    This will create city jobs, which in turn means salary’s, benefits, retirements, etc, another added expensive. Money that could have been used to hire more police officers.

    This mayor, and select city council members, should be ashamed! I now see why the water and garbage bills are going up, but city services are going down!

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