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Pharma company blamed for opioid epidemic merely slapped with fine, faces no criminal case

A major American Pharmaceutical company has has started bankrupcy proceedings after being accused of creating an opioid epidemic. Purdue Pharma has …

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  1. Sackler family, Jeffrey Epstein + Ghislaine Maxwell + Allen Dershowitz, Harvey Weinstein, etc. See the trend of "juice"? Follow the "chosen" yellow star to the petrodollar's global scams. Free speech is not for stating nasty facts that offend the Zionist Juice, Zionist Christians, & Zionist liberals.

  2. Hint: most of the people profiting from the sale of opioids are Jews – like the Sackler family. The Queen of England herself built her fortune by smuggling opium into China – in effect most of the western elites got rich through illicit means. Just remember this, peopel of color whenever you wish to allow whites into your country ….

  3. Time to sue the alcohol companies that have killed people and it's high addiction rate also making life miserable for family members . The opiod crisis has been going on now for more than 30years and if you don't know that then you must be young or you lived under a rock and have no business making decisions on THIS opioid crisis it's like telling someone how they should parent and they have no kids this is why our country can't get anything done right to many people making decisions on stuff they have no clue how to fix ….

  4. Reckless decisions my ass, this was all by design. Big pharma and multinations ARE your government. You don't have a free marjet, you are not free, and these a-holes are planning your genocide. Wtf up.

  5. 3:42 it isn't seems to be the way. It is the way and profits are above the fine after the market base has been established. Always nice to set some precedence's favorable to the companies along the way. Guess why the manufacturers hired FBI lawyers to help during the big sales push. None of them being tried……yet and probably never.

  6. Opium was the drug given to the Chinese by the British Monarch when the Chinese refused trade with them. I believe the British have their hand in the opium epidemic in an effort to take down the USA as with the Zionists.

  7. Today
    ……….. The
    ….  Magicians
    of      Pharaoh
    are the Drug Dealers

    They carry
    Three Magic
    poisonous snakes up their sleeves;

    One White
    One Dark
    One Green

    Performing for Pharaoh 24/7
    Poisoning the Hearts and Minds of   Mankind

  8. Big pharma causes opiod addiction, government works to put people in jail over drugs…see how they "kill two birds with one stone". Big pharma corporate execs aren't going to jail (you hear them just say that, due to it being a 'civil' case…) Sad.

  9. Absolutely there should be CRIMINAL charges!  A fine for a fraction of the illicit profits resulting in death and mass addictions is in itself a crime by our own government!

  10. Really,,,Cash doesn't help whats been done …''the damage done''Neil Young….This is the wrong way to approach…Let the past show that how we've been doing things doesn't work. Change the hard fact that for some reason so many of us are trying to change the damn anxiety that dwells in all of us it seems(escapism)….55 yrs.old ,,,snorted heroin in Hamilton Ontario ..18 months of it destroyed my entire life at.36 yrs. of age??? and all my teeth,back to front,gone NICE!I'm A Killer Survivor Tho … doesn't help … just needs to see more than they are of life and the beauty of having this time here …

  11. This is what right wing libertarian ism is all about, they want to make money off you and then when caught stealing or committing fraud, they just get to pay a fine and walk away, their true capitalism. They cry taxation (in their rigged capitalist world) is theft, but they never mention that their "profit" is just as much theft and enforced by the same gun…they are the wolves in sheep's clothing.

  12. Doctors in the USA are Not to be trusted they are just another part of the corrupt Zionist government, US doctors can an will kill you and you're family without care $$$$$$. like they have to thousands of people already.

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