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Pennsylvania Suddenly Favors Cannabis Legalization

After sending the Lt. Gov. on a statewide tour to study constituents’ positions on Marijuana Legalization, Governor Tom Wolfe announced his intentions to pursue …

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  1. They should just legalize it all: Weed, heroin, meth, cocaine, fentanyl, machine guns, the whole works. No reason for any kind of limitations on that stuff – let natural selection take over!

  2. When did Fetterman come to Upper Dauphin???
    For a few years now, within the State Capitol in Harrisburg, they allowed a certain amount on person without arresting folks. Mostly due to the terrible problem of the huge much needed help for the mental health homeless people all over the city.
    As of today PTSD is given the green light only for Miliatry folks who have come back from deployment.
    Pat Toomy needs to be voted out!!! He seems to forget that By The People, For The People, and We Are the People, pay his salary and he needs to clear the way for what the citizens voted for a loooong time ago!!
    I've been on the M.M. program for almost 6 months now and haven't had a seizure since!! Or screaming and crying in bed with any of my other health issues. But Not All!!
    At a recent visit to my M.M. Dr. I was told about Red Lining which, as I was told And shown on his computer screen, is as the Dr.,actually said,"Big Brother!" has their eye on Many of us in the program and also those who are prescribed other meds for many conditions. Last I looked the State of Pennsylvania is NOT my Dr.!
    As to a method for finding out the amount in system they can track, such as blood/alcohol, why is that an issue? If you cause harm either by car, violence or anything else, judge those crimes and give penalties for Those crimes.
    And shut down the Privatization of prisons set in place that keeps the greedy with steady income Alllll down the line. MOST Importantly the Privatization and warehousing of Children!!!!
    I can't even tell you how many of my exstudents are serving hard time or life in the State. And Many of them are those kids they filled up with Ritalin in the late 80's-90's until they figured out, "Oh we done messed up and have damaged the growth hormones in these kids!" and now they're nI taller than 5ft and going from juvenile prison into maximum State!!!!
    I also don't know who thought it was a good idea to put children on heavy duty seizure meds such as Depicote to "Shut them up!" but that's a whole other video in itself.
    Thank you Sir for your work and I'm glad I found your channel today!! Subbed!

  3. Alcoholic rehabilitation should be a simple affair. With services like Uber and Lyft, institutions could use these or like-services to have somebody driven home, then have the ride and tow home included in their fine. The fine would be the punishment, which also makes the drunk driver accountable for their actions, then repeat offenses (say, three-sttrike policy) would lead to removal of license and incarceration, which would lead to arrangement of rehabilitative care.

    If after several attempts at rehab the drunk doesn't reform, put that person in jil long-term. Repeat jail visits would lead into prison, as further punishment, then rehab after prison, and societal reintegration finding a hopefully-reformed drunk a job which fits their skill set.

  4. Don't forget — cannabis, like any other drug can lead to unwanted side effects. Recently around my area there has been a clinically-proven 50% risk of miscarriage for couples who consume cannabis, attributed to poor / malformed sperm.

  5. the fact we even have to fight for this is ridiculous but private prisons are basically slave farms,bodies in jail mean $0.60/hr for labor IF THAT then you have to pay the prison that money you make,plus your family has to pay,and if they want to send you money the prison takes half,these are private for profit companies

  6. I always thought the better way to handle intoxicated operation of a vehicle was to treat it like distracted driving with modifiers. Drunk driving is so much easier to prove than high driving and I can't see with current laws with technology to merge the laws together yet for dui or owi.

  7. Marijuana is already ubiquitous. Legalize it or don’t, it won’t change what I’ve already been doing for over 30 years. It just might make it a little safer and more convenient though. When has prohibition ever worked?

  8. There was that one death that was killed by marijuana … but it was because he was arrested and swallowed a ziplock bag full, and suffocated on the bag. So … it was the police action that caused the death.

  9. The only concern I would mention, is that one of the public said that the taxes/funds from legal cannabis. Watch the video from Last Week Tonight about the lottery. If you don't want to watch, current funding means (tax abatement/incentives increase) or rates/levels will be cut and use the lottery funds to "back fill" the intended program(s), instead of actually increasing total funds to that program(s).
    I would strongly suggest the public in states adopting laws, that something be added that the state can not cut current funding and must make reasonable increases.

  10. Jeff "Trailer Park Fun Cop" Sessions' head must be exploding right now. Only problem if Alabama ever legalizes it, Roy Moore will have something else to lure 12 year olds into his car.

  11. This is less about someone passing a law against marijuanaand more about the FDA refusing to classify marijuana as anything other than a schedule 1 controlled substance, as such it is illegal. Many speculate the DEA pressures the FDA to keep marijuana classified as is in order to allow the arrest and prosecute based on possession and sale of marijuana. It has been suggested by many that this is due to the amount of money the DEA recieves for prosecuting people for marijuana related offences.
    Because of the FDA classification most states have laws specific to marijuana and what classifies possession vs. Intent to distribute. As more States choose to put aside the FDA's classification and allow for the legal possession, distribution, and consumption of marijuana FDA his position regarding the classification of marijuana looses strength.

    All of this stated it is still a federal crime and federal agencies can prosecute people for breaking federal law in states where marijuana has been legalized, if they make the mestake of transporting marijuana, or money earned in the sale of marijuana across state lines.

    Money earned in the sale / distribution of marijuana cannot be deposited in most banks to do to Federal regulations. this increases the amount of crime around marijuana related businesses, since a large amounts of cash will always be a target for criminals.
    What is needed to solve the marijuana problem is federal legalization.

  12. Pretty good video, I just have one issue. Leonard said "We know…" a few times when talking about the effects of marijuana. Unfortunately due to its status as a Schedule I drug, getting research on the effects of marijuana in the US is extremely difficult. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence, sure, but it's pretty easy for the studies to fail scientific scrutiny. So in the end, we only think we know. Move marijuana to Schedule II to allow the research to happen. Let's be sure we do know.

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