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Patch Adams Compares the Gesundheit Institute to Current Hospitals

When I entered medical school, I saw a problem. Doctors were rude, arrogant people who belittled everyone around them. When I entered medical school, …

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  1. Now the tiny little bug teaches humans how to love one another. This transformation seems quite painful, but hopeful to me. I have no political interests in this world after I have seen enough clinical prestiges, monetary gain and fake fames in the medical, hospitals, insurance, pharmaceutical and scientific research world. Mr.Patch Adam is one of the true healers, who I need to meet and learn from someday.

  2. Patch Adams is a great individual. I hope more doctors learn from him and realize what he has done and created needs to be incorporated into every part of health care.

  3. Your info and thinking is a revelation to me at the age of 70. You have made this world more friendly and human. All the very best for your mission. Do you have branches across the globe?

  4. You’re totally correct Dr this one hospital I was in was very cold & sterile. You are treated like a name & number. Some Drs don’t seem to care.

  5. i re study of about you. maybe met sister around dartmouth area? dee moore. as i studied nursing/healthcare, and in the 80's did my civic duty to be an aid ( but wipe?) but belive in yours and other ideas. care is missing in the health industry… ' i rezembell that.' carry on, but not so wildly' i used to say, but for us. let us just,,, carry on…

  6. What’s going on with the hospital? When is it going to be over and built already?
    I am so excited for you and your cause and can’t wait for you to accomplish what you have started 40 years ago

  7. These are really the right words! I hope all the same your direction will only expand!

    Hello to you from a small country called Latvia;)

  8. Saw the movie. Liked it very much. Cudos to Dr. Adams. At the end of the film. They show the institute in the far distance in the mnts. Where exactly in WV is it located. I would like to visit someday. Not as a patient. I respect u Dr. Adams. It takes a special person to be a doctor.

  9. I have mad respect for Dr. Patch. Really enjoy watching the movie with Robin Williams. But curious to know how much liberties they took in producing the movie. If more doctors were like Dr. Patch the medical system would be a better place.

  10. I'm inside the hospital everyday and sometimes a teacher come to me to say something like I need to be a little more strong than I am, because I'm worried all the time about many simple things about the patient. But all the time I am so sad how can some person stay month inside that horrible place and not to be crazy. Nurses don't ask permission to touch and bothe the patients. Some of these days, my patiente was hurt because they tied him so very thightly. Of course I become very angry because the doctor is always so pround to know all the exams and medicines to finish the sick, but they are not doing the minimun to have humanity. It's sad because I know they are doing what the people teach than in the best way than can, no one teach my teacher to love with all heart people they even don't know well. And I am becoming a little afraid to be a stressed doctor like than because I'm going to work inside this bad medicine sistem. I'm loosing the hope in people.

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