Orofino Police Officer Harasses Medical Marijuana Petitioners
After having petitioned on a public sidewalk near public property, an officer from the Orofino (Idaho) Police Department pulls me and my 77-year-old father over …
It is painful when someone without any training or education in a medical field pretends to speak with authority.
What a total jerk! Wasting time harassing you !!! I support your initiative!!!
Dang he has issues!!!
the big mistake i noticed. YOU TALKED TO THE COP!!!
Police are not your friends; they are there to find any reason to arrest you.
Is there a law in Orofino that says petitioners can't use public parking spaces? 8^)
DO NOT ANSWER POLICE QUESTIONS! Unless he suspects, or has proof that u were parking somewhere that u didn't have permission (or were trespassed from), u DO NOT have to prove your innocence! First thing u should have asked him was "do u have any reason to believe that I did not have permission to park there?" Then when he tries to what he thinks is play dumb, even though he truly is an idiot by saying it's just a question, the very next thing u need to ask is if u are being detained for a crime or violation. If not, DO NOT produce ID and tell him to fuck off. This cop had the temperance of a toddler and was trying to argue everything and act like he was doing nothing wrong by stopping u. And it doesn't matter if a state has 1 or 2 party consent laws. ANY person can film the police in the course of their duties without notifying them that they are being recorded. Start pushing back people. The cops are going to be an asshole to u no matter what. They will sit there with a smile on their face, acting like your friend, all as an attempt to get YOU to admit guilt and give THEM a good reason to ticket or arrest u. U being nice back is NOT going to change anything, except how easy it is for them to build their case against u. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Idaho doesn't want your filthy liberal Oregon dope smoking politics. Go back to your Leftist loving state, and stop trying to make law enforcement look bad for your own Bernie loving agenda!! Feel the Bern – must be hemorrhoids!!
Camera oh camera .Keep them rolling.
This pig is something else.
How would the cop have responded if you were protesting for higher pay for cops?
So the idiot is a cop and his wife is a nurse , that does not make him any less the idiot , every thing that came out of this cops life was either illegal or just plain idiotic , another douche bag with a badge
"My wife, who's a nurse…"
Well, my uncle is an entomologist, so I'd be in merry hell if I couldn't answer this question about the mating habits of Drosophila melanogaster…
This is what passes for logic in Blue Line Land.
"Is Oregon a single-party state?"
Setting aside that Idaho isn't Oregon, the notions of single-party and two-party pertain to wiretapping laws, which only apply where there's a reasonable expectation of privacy, and not only is there no expectation of privacy in public, recording interactions with law enforcement is a protected activity under the first amendment.
Why do these fuckwits insist on exposing their ignorance of the most basic principles of their profession at every single opportunity?
I thought you were very nice to him. I'd have torn him, a new one for being such an imbecile.
Thanks to Questionable Authority for flagging your channel. As a chronic pain patient myself, in a country (UK) in which it's difficult to get decent pain relief even from the criminals, I applaud your efforts.
I don't know whether to LIKE because I believe in medical cannabis, or DISLIKE because of the behavior of the policeman. Keep up the good work.
Idaho needs to recognize the year 2019 already. #GrowUp
So, if you were never detained, why the request for your driver's license?
The lengths people will got to just to try to talk to another human. I could not, in any moment, figure out why this encounter had to take place. Policy enforcers are required to prove probable cause of a crime before this "conversation" can go anywhere, let alone, demand one to surrender their 4th Amendment rights. And the policy enforcers wonder why scrutiny is their enemy today.
Permission to park in a public citizen owned parking lot ?
I could've swore I heard the police officer ask to see a drivers license , but since he "Never Stopped You" I MUST BE WRONG . / :
Policeman has no idea what a QUESTION IS!
If it had been me, I wouldn't have answered any questions or provided my drivers license. The conversation would have gone something like this: Officer: I'm just curious blah blah blah blah.
Me: No thank you. Have a nice day.
People, If us citizen don't start putting a stop to this kind of force from them tyrants all its going to do is get worse and worse! ANYTIME you see cops always pull out your cell phone and start videoing them! if there in the right or wrong! Stand up for your rights!!!
I watch hundreds of videos from cop watchers, talking about first Amendment auditors Like anything else People says if you don't use it, You will lose it! and that applies to your first Amendment! Now days you see more and more cops getting killed, Now days you see more and more cops killing people on the street. Now days you see cities paying millions of dollars out in lawsuits over cops trying to take your first Amendment from people! Cops now days are so so out of control and there is a very very big disconnect between people and cops and if there isn't something done fast all its going to do is get worse! more people will be killed for no reason and lots more cops will be getting killed!!!! Hopefully!
Damn this cop is making all cops look bad.
Do cops ever realize how stupid they look when fishing like this Remington guy. Then at the end acts concerned about windows being down in the rain.
Honestly if he's parked on a side walk then he isn't parked right. Also marijuana is not a good use for medicinal uses. People get addicted, it only temporarily masks symptoms, but it really doesn't need to be illegal. It is however illegal. This cop was not being to much just curious and this guy was instantly defensive.
Let me know when you come to Lewiston Idaho. I have TONS of people who are willing to sign any petition that legalizes medicinal and recreational marijuana. Also(just my two cents) i dont think the cop was harassing, but i do think he was being a snarky douche. We gotta remember that there are people in this world who just flat out hate marijuana for no good reason. Hes probably one of them.
I live in orofino haha this stuff happens alot
cop's wife is a nurse, guys, therefore he knows all there is to know about cannabis. the science is settled 😂😂😂
My vid proving i live in orofino idaho is up on my channel go check it out nonbelievers
The moment the king stole our money and called it taxation that gave him the right to be on PUBLIC PROPERTY Mr .Tarmac Pirate . It's his understanding that if marijuana becomes legal for medical than eventually for recreational purposes he will have to resort to extorting money from people for really petty ordinance violations like the state's that have legalized it . The simple answer for the tarmac pirate would be for him and other so called law enforcement officers to demand a change and start going after real criminals like murderers, rapist, home invaders, financial criminals both in and out of our Government or get a new job ,anything short of those two things he's just digging himself a Grand Canyon size hole that he will eventually answer for through God ,Karma or both either way it won't go unpunished.
asshole cop , harrassment is not just doing my job , it is being an asshole
Anyone else think the cop looks like Bubbles on Trailer Park Boys? I think True Idahoan '05 is the cop.
Also. Where you where parked is a public parking lot. I park there for over a hour every day and never have a problem.
I live in this shit hole town and i think i speak for everyone when i say you got hands dowm the biggest douche bag cop in this place
If this gentleman WAS parked in an area where he needs permission to do so, and did not have permission, then nothing about this traffic stop is without probably cause or in any way unconstitutional. The police are within their authority to pull over a driver, if the officer can articulate a reason for doing so. The officer can demand to see a driving license, proof of insurance, vehicle registration, etc. as a routine part of the stop. This video contains no evidence of harassment, bullying, or any other offense against Mr. Belville.
Officer Remington was fired or asked to resign 20 years ago from Orofino PD and then rehired by his buddy when he was was promoted to chief after the former chief retired.
It is painful when someone without any training or education in a medical field pretends to speak with authority.
What a total jerk! Wasting time harassing you !!! I support your initiative!!!
Dang he has issues!!!
the big mistake i noticed. YOU TALKED TO THE COP!!!
Police are not your friends; they are there to find any reason to arrest you.
Is there a law in Orofino that says petitioners can't use public parking spaces? 8^)
DO NOT ANSWER POLICE QUESTIONS! Unless he suspects, or has proof that u were parking somewhere that u didn't have permission (or were trespassed from), u DO NOT have to prove your innocence! First thing u should have asked him was "do u have any reason to believe that I did not have permission to park there?" Then when he tries to what he thinks is play dumb, even though he truly is an idiot by saying it's just a question, the very next thing u need to ask is if u are being detained for a crime or violation. If not, DO NOT produce ID and tell him to fuck off. This cop had the temperance of a toddler and was trying to argue everything and act like he was doing nothing wrong by stopping u. And it doesn't matter if a state has 1 or 2 party consent laws. ANY person can film the police in the course of their duties without notifying them that they are being recorded. Start pushing back people. The cops are going to be an asshole to u no matter what. They will sit there with a smile on their face, acting like your friend, all as an attempt to get YOU to admit guilt and give THEM a good reason to ticket or arrest u. U being nice back is NOT going to change anything, except how easy it is for them to build their case against u. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Idaho doesn't want your filthy liberal Oregon dope smoking politics. Go back to your Leftist loving state, and stop trying to make law enforcement look bad for your own Bernie loving agenda!! Feel the Bern – must be hemorrhoids!!
Camera oh camera .Keep them rolling.
This pig is something else.
How would the cop have responded if you were protesting for higher pay for cops?
So the idiot is a cop and his wife is a nurse , that does not make him any less the idiot , every thing that came out of this cops life was either illegal or just plain idiotic , another douche bag with a badge
"My wife, who's a nurse…"
Well, my uncle is an entomologist, so I'd be in merry hell if I couldn't answer this question about the mating habits of Drosophila melanogaster…
This is what passes for logic in Blue Line Land.
"Is Oregon a single-party state?"
Setting aside that Idaho isn't Oregon, the notions of single-party and two-party pertain to wiretapping laws, which only apply where there's a reasonable expectation of privacy, and not only is there no expectation of privacy in public, recording interactions with law enforcement is a protected activity under the first amendment.
Why do these fuckwits insist on exposing their ignorance of the most basic principles of their profession at every single opportunity?
I thought you were very nice to him. I'd have torn him, a new one for being such an imbecile.
Thanks to Questionable Authority for flagging your channel. As a chronic pain patient myself, in a country (UK) in which it's difficult to get decent pain relief even from the criminals, I applaud your efforts.
I don't know whether to LIKE because I believe in medical cannabis, or DISLIKE because of the behavior of the policeman. Keep up the good work.
Idaho needs to recognize the year 2019 already. #GrowUp
So, if you were never detained, why the request for your driver's license?
The lengths people will got to just to try to talk to another human. I could not, in any moment, figure out why this encounter had to take place. Policy enforcers are required to prove probable cause of a crime before this "conversation" can go anywhere, let alone, demand one to surrender their 4th Amendment rights. And the policy enforcers wonder why scrutiny is their enemy today.
Permission to park in a public citizen owned parking lot ?
I could've swore I heard the police officer ask to see a drivers license , but since he "Never Stopped You" I MUST BE WRONG . / :
Policeman has no idea what a QUESTION IS!
If it had been me, I wouldn't have answered any questions or provided my drivers license.
The conversation would have gone something like this:
Officer: I'm just curious blah blah blah blah.
Me: No thank you. Have a nice day.
People, If us citizen don't start putting a stop to this kind of force from them tyrants all its going to do is get worse and worse! ANYTIME you see cops always pull out your cell phone and start videoing them! if there in the right or wrong! Stand up for your rights!!!
I watch hundreds of videos from cop watchers, talking about first Amendment auditors Like anything else People says if you don't use it, You will lose it! and that applies to your first Amendment! Now days you see more and more cops getting killed, Now days you see more and more cops killing people on the street. Now days you see cities paying millions of dollars out in lawsuits over cops trying to take your first Amendment from people! Cops now days are so so out of control and there is a very very big disconnect between people and cops and if there isn't something done fast all its going to do is get worse! more people will be killed for no reason and lots more cops will be getting killed!!!! Hopefully!
Damn this cop is making all cops look bad.
Do cops ever realize how stupid they look when fishing like this Remington guy. Then at the end acts concerned about windows being down in the rain.
Honestly if he's parked on a side walk then he isn't parked right. Also marijuana is not a good use for medicinal uses. People get addicted, it only temporarily masks symptoms, but it really doesn't need to be illegal. It is however illegal. This cop was not being to much just curious and this guy was instantly defensive.
Let me know when you come to Lewiston Idaho. I have TONS of people who are willing to sign any petition that legalizes medicinal and recreational marijuana. Also(just my two cents) i dont think the cop was harassing, but i do think he was being a snarky douche. We gotta remember that there are people in this world who just flat out hate marijuana for no good reason. Hes probably one of them.
I live in orofino haha this stuff happens alot
cop's wife is a nurse, guys, therefore he knows all there is to know about cannabis. the science is settled 😂😂😂
My vid proving i live in orofino idaho is up on my channel go check it out nonbelievers
The moment the king stole our money and called it taxation that gave him the right to be on PUBLIC PROPERTY Mr .Tarmac Pirate . It's his understanding that if marijuana becomes legal for medical than eventually for recreational purposes he will have to resort to extorting money from people for really petty ordinance violations like the state's that have legalized it . The simple answer for the tarmac pirate would be for him and other so called law enforcement officers to demand a change and start going after real criminals like murderers, rapist, home invaders, financial criminals both in and out of our Government or get a new job ,anything short of those two things he's just digging himself a Grand Canyon size hole that he will eventually answer for through God ,Karma or both either way it won't go unpunished.
asshole cop , harrassment is not just doing my job , it is being an asshole
Anyone else think the cop looks like Bubbles on Trailer Park Boys? I think True Idahoan '05 is the cop.
Also. Where you where parked is a public parking lot. I park there for over a hour every day and never have a problem.
I live in this shit hole town and i think i speak for everyone when i say you got hands dowm the biggest douche bag cop in this place
If this gentleman WAS parked in an area where he needs permission to do so, and did not have permission, then nothing about this traffic stop is without probably cause or in any way unconstitutional. The police are within their authority to pull over a driver, if the officer can articulate a reason for doing so. The officer can demand to see a driving license, proof of insurance, vehicle registration, etc. as a routine part of the stop. This video contains no evidence of harassment, bullying, or any other offense against Mr. Belville.
Officer Remington was fired or asked to resign 20 years ago from Orofino PD and then rehired by his buddy when he was was promoted to chief after the former chief retired.