Suicide Squad (English) Full Movie Hd ##VERIFIED## ↗️
Suicide Squad (English) Full Movie Hd ##VERIFIED## ↗️

Suicide Squad (English) Full Movie Hd
suicide squad is not just another of will smiths many cinematic self-parodies. its that, too, but its also something else, something quite different. it takes some quite bold artistic decisions and then goes through a process of incredible pain to arrive at its final version, but, without it, the movie that we get wouldn’t even be in the same ballpark as captain america: civil war. under its glassy surface is the kind of nutty story the suicide squad needs.
but it isnt there in its current incarnation, and its easy to understand why. director david ayer (hancock, end of watch, fury), seems to be a man running for the hills, forever reluctant to admit that theres a problem. he begins as if he were inspired by george nolfiand his original draft, which had a strong villain leading the charge in amanda wallaces methodical style. but then things changed radically, and instead of following the story as written,ayer’s version is like a movie that has been pieced together from several different drafts, each of which was written by a different director. ayer’s story is a variation on the second version, which contains wallaces screenplay, but that final screenplay also has a different artist’s voice from the first.
its very hard to describe suicide squad in terms of this kind of connect-the-dots storytelling, with all of its back-and-forths. its actually more like a series of jolting non-sequiturs, as each scene veers wildly in a totally different direction before the penultimate one inevitably sets things to right again. the suicide squad experience is essentially like sitting through a horror movie that keeps upping the ante by giving you a new set of shocks every 20 minutes, without ever trying to make the story make sense. its completely unpredictable, and that is really what these movies should be. at its best, it will never make any sense at all, and at its worst, its merely so uneven that any semblance of logic is even more difficult to hang on to than when the film began. suicide squad is an exercise in the art of making an audience pay attention with as many different nerves as they can.
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