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NYC Mayor de Blasio Holds Briefing Amid City’s Reopening, George Floyd Protests | NBC News

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio holds a media availability on the coronavirus response as the city prepares to reopen amid the George Floyd protests.

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  1. American politician who has served as the 109th mayor of New York City since 2014. Jesus, you guys really had him in there for that long?

  2. So when someone calls 911 because they were shot by an intruder, the 911 operator will say "And how does that make you feel". I give it a week and people will beg for police protection…and they will get it. We may not like our 'new normal' with tighter restrictions and more authoritarian/fascist rule but that's what we'll get. It's like a chess board. Think about it 4 moves ahead. Very bad road we're on. Dare I predict forced lobotomies for the black community. That's about 3 moves ahead.

  3. If there is a 2nd wave of COVID, you can't thank your Democrat Governors and Mayors for allowing them to continue.

  4. Mental health care is a revolving door, no one wants to do what really needs to be done. There is great poverty of the soul, because of the bad social values that exist in ALL communities today, the lack of value for all life, for the family. You cant fix a problem unless your really ready to honest look at the symptoms. I dont think we are there yet. This is not a racial issue, this issue faces all humanity.

  5. Another daily briefing from America's worst mayor, and his pathetic wife who can't account for close to a billion taxpayer dollars allocated for one of her so called programs. They're creeps.

  6. you know there are other people in this country , that dont agree with all the values of "BLACK LIVES MATTER" which by the way made the road leading too our white house look like trash !! so nwhy are these things being allowed too happen????

  7. you know there are other people in this country , that dont agree with all the values of "BLACK LIVES MATTER" which by the way made the road leading too our white house look like trash !! so nwhy are these things being allowed too happen????

  8. I don't live in New York, but I am very concerned for the welfare of all New Yorkers with this leadership. Allowing all that looting was a disgrace. New York is going to turn into Chicago.

  9. Hopefully all the police will stay in their cars until their shift is over. Put in 8 hours and just go home. Let the Democrats slosh around in their own filth

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