NOTE: A few ppl made the immediate good point you could also use plasticine, blue tac to wrap around the base of the pot – an easy reusable solution with …
I was doing some script tonight, and saw something that made me want to just thrash this out. Won't be for everyone but no doubt some will find it useful. Just when it comes to painting and modelling I don't like buying things I can make for myself in 5 minutes lol I will never buy a wet palette. Why anyone would pay 10x the money for what is essentially an unsealed plastic box is beyond me. Anyway. Hope this helps some ppl.
Great idea. What I found that works great, is a 1.25" PVC end cap. Flat bottom, perfect size, and about 50 cents at the hardware store. Also works great for keeping my miniatures on corks upright when I take a break.
Legos are great too. 2×4 bricks 🙂
I used to collect and paint warhammer but I didn't like playing the game, my brothers and best friend forced me to play it from time to time but I barely cared. What I loved was painting and the creation part. I'd customise loads of stuff, make my own terrain. Made my own castle. I customised all my characters with different parts and whatever I could get.
I love the fact you're enough like that to have figured out your own way of doing things. Even when I am just painting now, like watercolours for instance, I just cut two plastic bottles and use that for water etc.
There really isn't much of a need for a lot of art supply stuff its just there for convenience. However, I've always liked doing things very much my way and I appreciate that you do the same.
You can even fill it with silly putty. SHould hodl the wash good as well.
Knocking down Nuln oil… My carpet remembers…
My buddy has a 3D printer he'll make me one for free lol
I knocked mine over again yesterday and spilled half my bottle ☹️ this video comes in really handy. Tnx!
I spill pot alot, you know how much dope I lose in a year…oh wait, nevermind
Skip all that and just use some sticky tac or poster tac or what ever it is called where your from get a fairly sized glob and press the bottom of the pot into it and your painting space<aka table>.
If your feeling like a big spender, go out and buy one of those no spill mugs and cut it on half. use the bottom half and go from there. XD
so this isn’t bout weed?
hot glue it to an old CD
Kinda wanna get into WH40K tabletop but i definitely don't have it in me to learn everything
40k remains untainted, unlike Star Wars. God forbid Disney buys GW!
a tips for noobs, but hey if it can avoid wastes.
But im chaos so, let those paints spill.
Luetin, sorry to bother, i will comment here where there are less comments.
Could i ask you to make a video on the Age of Aphostasy? It's hard to follow every event that is scattered on the lexicanum of 40k, and your videos explain everything perfectly, so, it would be cool to see and understand who (The fuck) was Goge Vandire.
I'd just like to point out that, for some strange reason, I was unsubscribed from your channel.
I was wondering where you'd been, but yeah, it was just me.
Youtube is messing shit up again, it seems.
Funny Luetin how we dont get bored of the same thing streamed over and over ? (ARMA3)hey. But when the cash comes rolling in !!!
Ok just had to say, that for all the paints you could pick for the thumbnail, it HAD to be the one I actually spilled
I love your videos and I've seen you've done the imperiums worst defeats but I haven't found much on they're best victories at all. Just a suggestion great video btw helped me out alot.
Love all your content, Your lore videos are second to none, they are seriously masterpieces each and everyone.
My question to you is have you played/do you know much about the law of the original Warhammer aka the fantasy version? Is it not your thing? I just feel like you would do the lore so well in your style.
This guy could do a video about waiting in line at the DMV and I'd still find it interesting
What a great tip I’ve made a right mess tipping them bottles over by accident before
get a block of wood, sand it down, bevel the edges, and drill holes large enough for your pots to sit in, add putty or blutac as an adhesive, and finally you can opt in to bolt the block to your work bench or leave it as a free standing mobile unit.
Love seeing your take on the painting modelling side of the hobby great video very helpful
i will take you up on this one, i spill more washes than i put on miniatures – however, the money saving wet pallet out of tupaware is a step too far, mine was a tenner and just to be able to put the lid on and stow it away is well worth it, gimme your address and will send you one for xmas!
My solution to prevent pots topping over is to be careful with what I have around me. 100% success rate.
theres so much god damn sand where i live i could get that much giving my kitchen a sweep on cleaning day
in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only helpful craft tips
I prefer army painter.
Far better price. Far better bottle
Or here's a bright idea.
Buy from a less rubbish company.
I have little blobs of sticky tack under each of my wash bottles, works like a charm and cheap as borscht
My solution to the problem is to just not use over priced, shitty GW washes lol.
I was doing some script tonight, and saw something that made me want to just thrash this out.
Won't be for everyone but no doubt some will find it useful. Just when it comes to painting and modelling I don't like buying things I can make for myself in 5 minutes lol I will never buy a wet palette. Why anyone would pay 10x the money for what is essentially an unsealed plastic box is beyond me. Anyway. Hope this helps some ppl.
Great idea. What I found that works great, is a 1.25" PVC end cap. Flat bottom, perfect size, and about 50 cents at the hardware store. Also works great for keeping my miniatures on corks upright when I take a break.
Legos are great too. 2×4 bricks 🙂
I used to collect and paint warhammer but I didn't like playing the game, my brothers and best friend forced me to play it from time to time but I barely cared. What I loved was painting and the creation part. I'd customise loads of stuff, make my own terrain. Made my own castle. I customised all my characters with different parts and whatever I could get.
I love the fact you're enough like that to have figured out your own way of doing things. Even when I am just painting now, like watercolours for instance, I just cut two plastic bottles and use that for water etc.
There really isn't much of a need for a lot of art supply stuff its just there for convenience. However, I've always liked doing things very much my way and I appreciate that you do the same.
You can even fill it with silly putty. SHould hodl the wash good as well.
Knocking down Nuln oil… My carpet remembers…
My buddy has a 3D printer he'll make me one for free lol
I knocked mine over again yesterday and spilled half my bottle ☹️ this video comes in really handy. Tnx!
I spill pot alot, you know how much dope I lose in a year…oh wait, nevermind
Skip all that and just use some sticky tac or poster tac or what ever it is called where your from get a fairly sized glob and press the bottom of the pot into it and your painting space<aka table>.
If your feeling like a big spender, go out and buy one of those no spill mugs and cut it on half. use the bottom half and go from there. XD
so this isn’t bout weed?
hot glue it to an old CD
Kinda wanna get into WH40K tabletop but i definitely don't have it in me to learn everything
40k remains untainted, unlike Star Wars. God forbid Disney buys GW!
a tips for noobs, but hey if it can avoid wastes.
But im chaos so, let those paints spill.
Luetin, sorry to bother, i will comment here where there are less comments.
Could i ask you to make a video on the Age of Aphostasy? It's hard to follow every event that is scattered on the lexicanum of 40k, and your videos explain everything perfectly, so, it would be cool to see and understand who (The fuck) was Goge Vandire.
I'd just like to point out that, for some strange reason, I was unsubscribed from your channel.
I was wondering where you'd been, but yeah, it was just me.
Youtube is messing shit up again, it seems.
Funny Luetin how we dont get bored of the same thing streamed over and over ? (ARMA3)hey. But when the cash comes rolling in !!!
Ok just had to say, that for all the paints you could pick for the thumbnail, it HAD to be the one I actually spilled
I love your videos and I've seen you've done the imperiums worst defeats but I haven't found much on they're best victories at all. Just a suggestion great video btw helped me out alot.
Love all your content, Your lore videos are second to none, they are seriously masterpieces each and everyone.
My question to you is have you played/do you know much about the law of the original Warhammer aka the fantasy version? Is it not your thing? I just feel like you would do the lore so well in your style.
This guy could do a video about waiting in line at the DMV and I'd still find it interesting
What a great tip I’ve made a right mess tipping them bottles over by accident before
get a block of wood, sand it down, bevel the edges, and drill holes large enough for your pots to sit in, add putty or blutac as an adhesive, and finally you can opt in to bolt the block to your work bench or leave it as a free standing mobile unit.
Love seeing your take on the painting modelling side of the hobby great video very helpful
i will take you up on this one, i spill more washes than i put on miniatures – however, the money saving wet pallet out of tupaware is a step too far, mine was a tenner and just to be able to put the lid on and stow it away is well worth it, gimme your address and will send you one for xmas!
My solution to prevent pots topping over is to be careful with what I have around me. 100% success rate.
theres so much god damn sand where i live i could get that much giving my kitchen a sweep on cleaning day
in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only helpful craft tips
I prefer army painter.
Far better price.
Far better bottle
Or here's a bright idea.
Buy from a less rubbish company.
I have little blobs of sticky tack under each of my wash bottles, works like a charm and cheap as borscht
My solution to the problem is to just not use over priced, shitty GW washes lol.