This is the biggest crock of bs I’ve heard in a very long time. Astounded at the misinformation being passed off as fact. Cigarettes are still legal but traditional vaping with flavored ejuice is now being banned?! Ask any person who vapes regular ejuice how their health has improved. I dare you. You may be surprised at what you hear. We need regulation for sale to minors. That’s it. The ban is being pushed on the public because big Tobacco is losing money in cigarette sales. The respective states lose money also because of the money big tobacco gives them. Google Tobacco Master Settlement agreement if you don’t believe me. The people of our great country get shat on yet again by politicians. Money talks, even at the expense of our people.
This is the biggest crock of bs I’ve heard in a very long time. Astounded at the misinformation being passed off as fact. Cigarettes are still legal but traditional vaping with flavored ejuice is now being banned?! Ask any person who vapes regular ejuice how their health has improved. I dare you. You may be surprised at what you hear. We need regulation for sale to minors. That’s it. The ban is being pushed on the public because big Tobacco is losing money in cigarette sales. The respective states lose money also because of the money big tobacco gives them. Google Tobacco Master Settlement agreement if you don’t believe me. The people of our great country get shat on yet again by politicians. Money talks, even at the expense of our people.