There's a new push to legalize recreational marijuana in New Jersey; CBS2's Alice Gainer reports.
Home/Legalization/NJ Lawmakers Turn To Voters For Approval Of Recreational Marijuana Legalization Legalization NJ Lawmakers Turn To Voters For Approval Of Recreational Marijuana Legalization There’s a new push to legalize recreational marijuana in New Jersey; CBS2’s Alice Gainer reports. Related
Hey guys, we need your support! Can you help us out? Let's stop fining people, giving them criminal records, locking them up, and seizing their personal property over a plant! Please take a moment to support US Federal Legalization of Cannabis and Hemp plants by signing our petition! Thank you for being a truthful voice for this plant. MORE ACT #HR3884 #S2227
So basically not till 2021 or 2022 we will able to smoke freely all they fighting about is taxes just set a good tax people will pay it
Hey guys, we need your support! Can you help us out?
Let's stop fining people, giving them criminal records, locking them up, and seizing their personal property over a plant!
Please take a moment to support US Federal Legalization of Cannabis and Hemp plants by signing our petition!
Thank you for being a truthful voice for this plant.
#HR3884 #S2227
We’re going rec, Jan 2020, -Windy city…GL!
Great make it easy for us New Yorkers , New jersey residents go to the poll
So basically not till 2021 or 2022 we will able to smoke freely all they fighting about is taxes just set a good tax people will pay it