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New York Governor Cuomo Holds Coronavirus Briefing | NBC News

Watch live coverage as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a coronavirus briefing. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch …

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  1. Cuomo the Dumbo is a bold face liar. Its your roll as governor to get off your butt and do your own work for your state. You have a wimpy attitude about everything. Be a man instead of a crying little boy. And then you don't appreciate what has been done for you and your state. The people of New York does, but you DON'T!

  2. Cuomo is completely responsible for most of the deaths in New York city. He completely ignored dozens of warnings that the city was not even nearly prepared to deal with a small epidemic and was given detailed lists of items and changes he needed take care of. He did NONE OF THEM!!!!! NONE!!!!!!! Then when it finally struck, he did NOTHING to stop the initial spread of the virus. NOTHING AT ALL UNTIL IT WAS FAR TOO LATE!!! Hunt this lying libtard down and throw him off the tallest skyscraper face first!!

  3. New York City, you stay strong and safe and keep up the social distancing, as a responsible civic duty, all of us other state look up to you, and you and inspire us with your strong will and should be proud! Millions of prayers are given to you all. Governor Cuomo really know what he’s talks about and knows what the people need and want to hear, if he ran for president I would surely vote for him in an instance. Keep it up nyc and stay safe!

  4. Gov Cuomo, where is your face mask? In side of room you do not take face mask and ask other people take mask? Shanghai, China have more people in the city and more close with Wuhan, they only have around 600 case and 7 people pass away. How many case do New York have? one month ago Shanghai already reopen, when does New York reopen? If you want New York reopen more quick, please take your face mask first.

  5. Sounds like his quarantine is filled with people and gathering and food. His daughter brings her boyfriend. He has NO IDEA what most people live like when he is demanding they stay home alone.

  6. There is no disputing what he is saying. He breaks it down for even the smallest of minds. So there Mr. Trump do you understand your role in testing now????!!!!

  7. New York (city and state) are such an inspiration to me in these dire times; and I'm sure to many others around the world. I'm in a timezone 15 hours ahead of NY but I've adjusted my clocks so I don't miss Cuomo's daily briefing. They give me hope and resolve. I have no detailed prior knowledge of him and was surprised to see him pull up outside the nursing home last Sunday in a gas guzzler (he is a New Yorker after all) but he does seem to me to say all the right things at the right time.
    As to who is at fault here, there will be reviews and recriminations but ultimately, the buck stops at the White House. It is clear to anyone who reads the Red Dawn emails that numerous American epidemiologists, doctors and academics knew in January that trouble was on the way. The question is how the warnings did not get to the White House briefings. The glib answer would be that the warnings did get into the briefings but were not written with a Sharpie so the laziest most vile individual in White House history could not read, let alone comprehend, them.
    To an Australian, American politics is really just a running joke which is OK most of the time but in a time of crisis, it suddenly becomes very serious. How is it that Cuomo is not President. Or Newsom or Whitmer or any number of other outstanding people you could have put in the White House. In Cuomo's case, I suspect it is simply that the midwest hates smarty-pants New Yorkers who use words with more than one syllable.
    Best wishes New York. Time to grab a coffee and get my daily dose of New York Tough.

  8. He is the only political person I trust and watch. President I'm sick of him and stopped awhile ago. Why wouldn't he do anything federal??🤔

  9. The only testing in NJ is in Northern NJ South Jersey and the shore areas are not being tested. So don't trust the statistics relating to Jersey its only half the state.

  10. God is in control..Always was always will be..Got Jesus??? Need2 Romans.10:9-10 kjv bible says.That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead thou shalt be saved.Repent World if you havent.i did research on this slurry soup, of this contains all the viruses n diseases w we've ever had.!!! My opinion is they want depopulation, and the found the or not you want to catch a ride on this bus is up to you..You choice but who ever takes this vaccine is in for one bumpy ride..Not to mention it's long term effects..from what I read about the side effects.they make the people on the walking dead series look like a walk in the park.minus the safe distancing..thought I'd through that in there for a little sence of Bats the fruit bat..hmmm.GODblz Bsav out there!! LivnluvinCHRIST.Love paula h

  11. there are cases just hasn't been reported yet… be safe n stay aware of truth n false reported information. this virus is much deeper than what we are being told.

  12. The very wise Governor and if I were in New York I cannot mention much then voting him in again. A great responsibility and the Governor is taking so much wise responsibility and I in NZ it gets much better every day.

  13. Well this pandemic has compromised myself and my wife and our lives even if the virus does not effect me i returned from work to find out from the people we rent from a couple and there to children who are like family to me and my wife that they were self quarantine the house they gave us the option to stay i chose to go and told them my wife is my life can she stay so she did there's no way she ever be homeless so im homeless and working to pay her rent crazy i know but i just recovered from a nine month surgery so im praying I've been on the irs books foor 36 years paying taxes single mind you

  14. Even lying politicians can level up. But you have to dispense with the politics! At some point they’ll realize it’s imperative to be honest and forthcoming for sake of saving lives.

  15. hey love the the big project in saratoga ny like spac remodel for no concerts who can trust it anymore from a virus. Spac better prepare for stimulus this year for lock down reason no cash flow . love that new trail walk way near spac i wonder who's going to pay for that if business all go bankrupt.

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