LUNG SCARE | Respiratory Expert Questions Links to Traditional Vaping
Progressives’ war on vaping escalated to a new and dangerous phase in the past few weeks, going well beyond mere misinformation and hysterical rhetoric.
So, after 10 yrs of Worldwide Safe Nicotine vaping in a dozen countries, the USA National Democrat TV "News" media tries to blame nicotine and flavors! They know this is False! Its been covered by MANY local and regional News outlets, like the Wash Post articles, etc. This is so the Democrat crooks, can ban, tax, fine, certify, inspect, regulate, etc an entire multi billion dollar National Industry. They need to do this, to fill their state and city coffers again because they spent all the National Tobacco Agreement money! Once they have the US peoples emotions behind them, they can charge whatever they want, to fine, tax, certify, and inspect, every ,store, facility, bottle! Basically just their usual strong arm, mafia tactics, that they know so well.They also "Never let a manufactured crisis go to waste!" The National Tobacco Agreement that was worked out in 1996 gives each state a percentage of All tobacco sales in their state. The states coffers would get many hundreds of millions of dollars from tobacco sales, from customers in the "future". These Dem Governors took out loans, on that "future" expected income! California's was predicted to be $16.5 billion. NYC was $16.4 Billion (just for a couple examples) Most states are tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.Thanks to vaping, that "future" cigarette income has dried up! People got off the cigs for safer vaping! Now these crooked governors needed a replacement for that tobacco money! They need money to pay on their N.T.A. loans! Democrats saw the cause for cigs demise, and went straight after it, vaping! Doing what they normally do, Dem's always go for emotional appeals, (to try to appear like they are helping, while they steal from us!) The Democrat National TV media has run this "Save the poor teens from vaping illness" "Flavored Nicotine E-Cig Illness" garbage for over a month! Night and day! Bans have started now, in most Democrat Governors controlled states! All because of a 20 &23 yr old brothers (crooks) were in backyards making nasty THC/Vitamin E Acetate concoctions and illegally tampering, and filling, 3-5000 devices per Day! Then packaging them and shipping them out with people in cars. This got all these people sick, and killed 8. Hopefully, this was just a coincidence! (I am trying to convince myself.) The National democrat TV "News" intentionally conflated "Nicotine Vaping " as being the cause for the "vape Illness" as they named it. They also blamed flavors! Months ago San Francisco banned vaping.This week Dem Controlled NYC,Jersey,Chicago, and Michigan all made bans.Now the Democrat Governors can do their e-juice ban and reinstatement with massive taxes,fines,etc.If it is anything like cigs it will be near 900% tax. State by state this is their agenda. Even if pres Trump and the FDA wont even have to do a national ban. This was all done, by the National Democrat TV News media and these elected crooks/thieves, (almost legally), and without a gun. Meanwhile the EU is putting vape shops in their hospitals because they have done study after study showing its over 95% safer than smoking! The Misleading National TV News Knows the Truth but Wont air it "Contaminant found in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, tests show" (there are 7 Wash Po Articles about this) "Brothers arrested after $1.5 million THC cartridge operation discovered in Kenosha County" Filling 3-5000 devices a DAY with Vitamin E Acetate/THC "A MAN ARRESTED WITH 3000 PODS OF THC E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK! " Back on JUNE 13! HTTPS://BLOG-VAPE.COM/EN/2018/06/13/A-MAN-ARRESTED-WITH-3000-VIALS-OF-THC-E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK In the last paragraph it shows the reason for the DEMAND of this THC Vaping black market Cloucester County PD Captain Brendan Barton stated that “the problem with vaping marijuana is that it cannot be detected by smell”. "In school settings, those in charge have no way of knowing if the kids in their classrooms are vaping highly-concentrated THC juices." Timber Creek High School superintendent Kasha Giddis also added, at a recent press conference, that she had only noticed a student was vaping when a pleasant pineapple scent filled the classroom. With such rich flavors, there is no way to detect the contents of the e-liquid for THC. Of Course! They can Vape THC and NOT smell like they just smoked a joint! Its a Teenagers Dream! There is your demand ! Nothing to do with Nicotine E Juice and the LYING MEDIA KNOWS IT!
The Misleading National TV News Knows the Truth and Wont air it "Contaminant found in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, tests show" (there are 7 Wash Po Articles about this) "Brothers arrested after $1.5 million THC cartridge operation discovered in Kenosha County" Filling 3-5000 devices a DAY with Vitamin E Acetate/THC "A MAN ARRESTED WITH 3000 PODS OF THC E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK! " Back on JUNE 13! HTTPS://BLOG-VAPE.COM/EN/2018/06/13/A-MAN-ARRESTED-WITH-3000-VIALS-OF-THC-E-LIQUID/ In the last paragraph it shows the reason for the DEMAND of this THC Vaping black market Cloucester County PD Captain Brendan Barton stated that “the problem with vaping marijuana is that it cannot be detected by smell”. "In school settings, those in charge have no way of knowing if the kids in their classrooms are vaping highly-concentrated THC juices." Timber Creek High School superintendent Kasha Giddis also added, at a recent press conference, that she had only noticed a student was vaping when a pleasant pineapple scent filled the classroom. With such rich flavors, there is no way to detect the contents of the e-liquid for THC. Of Course! They can Vape THC and NOT smell like they just smoked a joint! Its a Teenagers Dream! There is your demand ! Nothing to do with Nicotine E Juice and the LYING MEDIA KNOWS IT!
They hyping it up cuz they scared ppl leaving smoking and starting vaping….loosing tax generated from smoking…
And flint Michigan still doesn’t have safe water. But let’s panic over vaping 🤦🏽♀️✌🏼
I’ve vaped for 7 years after smoking cigs for 24. Smokers cough gone… all of this panic is brought to you by big tobacco.
To claim those teens have lung damage from vaping is like saying they are being poisoned from vater! I bet my middle finger that they've been vaping some serious bad stuff, not regular good juice!
I think it might be better to look into the influence of big tobacco here
‼️‼️👀👀‼️‼️Then do your research💯💯‼️ I've capped for five years plus and I can once again run for over a mile and sing and do all the things smoking was killing. Nicotine is not dangerous. Do your research. Whqt your putting in your lungs IS NO DIFFERENT THAN AN ASMATICS INHALOR‼️‼️👀👀‼️‼️‼️ DON'T BE AN IDIOT‼️‼️💯👀👀 we are watching ‼️
So if one gets run over and they have vaped, it must be vaping related? Thank you Dr Riccardo for your better logic than the anti vaping crowd. That anti vaping crowd need to realise that they are discriminating and causing smokers to die unnecessarily, but what do they care? They are also anti smokers.
This is getting dirty, on my national TV news (Europe) there was a pompous headline "Serious lung disease cases connected with E Cigs" without further explanation.
As a smoker that quit 2 month and enjoying vaping once a while this make me wondering how safe vape really is? 94 cases is something that should give us an alert. I think the problems come from nicotine salt. It's fairly new and haven't been tested
From what I have heard on TV news the Doctors thta I have heard do not know what they are trying to blame this on
The doctor clearly stated that the teen so called epidemic is not taking place in Europe.
What kind of journalist puts out information without having facts or hard evidence that’s not journalism that’s a one sided story telling to benefit certain groups or entities agenda tbh they are manipulating the system by putting out false information without a shred of evidence !
They were Saying That The Kids were using Black Market "Pot"…….Mixture???….in Carto Tanks…..And That is What made Them Sick !!!
I couldn't keep a straight face while the good doctor was trying to be such a diplomat about US vaping hysteria. 😂😂😂
Something tells me synthetic cannabinoids and other cutting agents had more impact don’t buy a fake 🛒
Thank you Brent – this latest "headline" is yet another fine example of media's irresponsibilty. The lack of investigation before broadcasting is to the detriment of the public. Clearly the priority is viewership over public health.
So, after 10 yrs of Worldwide Safe Nicotine vaping in a dozen countries, the USA National Democrat TV "News" media tries to blame nicotine and flavors! They know this is False! Its been covered by MANY local and regional News outlets, like the Wash Post articles, etc. This is so the Democrat crooks, can ban, tax, fine, certify, inspect, regulate, etc an entire multi billion dollar National Industry. They need to do this, to fill their state and city coffers again because they spent all the National Tobacco Agreement money! Once they have the US peoples emotions behind them, they can charge whatever they want, to fine, tax, certify, and inspect, every ,store, facility, bottle! Basically just their usual strong arm, mafia tactics, that they know so well.They also "Never let a manufactured crisis go to waste!" The National Tobacco Agreement that was worked out in 1996 gives each state a percentage of All tobacco sales in their state. The states coffers would get many hundreds of millions of dollars from tobacco sales, from customers in the "future". These Dem Governors took out loans, on that "future" expected income! California's was predicted to be $16.5 billion. NYC was $16.4 Billion (just for a couple examples) Most states are tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.Thanks to vaping, that "future" cigarette income has dried up! People got off the cigs for safer vaping! Now these crooked governors needed a replacement for that tobacco money! They need money to pay on their N.T.A. loans! Democrats saw the cause for cigs demise, and went straight after it, vaping! Doing what they normally do, Dem's always go for emotional appeals, (to try to appear like they are helping, while they steal from us!) The Democrat National TV media has run this "Save the poor teens from vaping illness" "Flavored Nicotine E-Cig Illness" garbage for over a month! Night and day! Bans have started now, in most Democrat Governors controlled states! All because of a 20 &23 yr old brothers (crooks) were in backyards making nasty THC/Vitamin E Acetate concoctions and illegally tampering, and filling, 3-5000 devices per Day! Then packaging them and shipping them out with people in cars. This got all these people sick, and killed 8. Hopefully, this was just a coincidence! (I am trying to convince myself.) The National democrat TV "News" intentionally conflated "Nicotine Vaping " as being the cause for the "vape Illness" as they named it. They also blamed flavors! Months ago San Francisco banned vaping.This week Dem Controlled NYC,Jersey,Chicago, and Michigan all made bans.Now the Democrat Governors can do their e-juice ban and reinstatement with massive taxes,fines,etc.If it is anything like cigs it will be near 900% tax. State by state this is their agenda. Even if pres Trump and the FDA wont even have to do a national ban. This was all done, by the National Democrat TV News media and these elected crooks/thieves, (almost legally), and without a gun. Meanwhile the EU is putting vape shops in their hospitals because they have done study after study showing its over 95% safer than smoking! The Misleading National TV News Knows the Truth but Wont air it "Contaminant found in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, tests show" (there are 7 Wash Po Articles about this) "Brothers arrested after $1.5 million THC cartridge operation discovered in Kenosha County" Filling 3-5000 devices a DAY with Vitamin E Acetate/THC "A MAN ARRESTED WITH 3000 PODS OF THC E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK! " Back on JUNE 13! HTTPS://BLOG-VAPE.COM/EN/2018/06/13/A-MAN-ARRESTED-WITH-3000-VIALS-OF-THC-E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK In the last paragraph it shows the reason for the DEMAND of this THC Vaping black market Cloucester County PD Captain Brendan Barton stated that “the problem with vaping marijuana is that it cannot be detected by smell”. "In school settings, those in charge have no way of knowing if the kids in their classrooms are vaping highly-concentrated THC juices." Timber Creek High School superintendent Kasha Giddis also added, at a recent press conference, that she had only noticed a student was vaping when a pleasant pineapple scent filled the classroom. With such rich flavors, there is no way to detect the contents of the e-liquid for THC. Of Course! They can Vape THC and NOT smell like they just smoked a joint! Its a Teenagers Dream! There is your demand ! Nothing to do with Nicotine E Juice and the LYING MEDIA KNOWS IT!
The Misleading National TV News Knows the Truth and Wont air it "Contaminant found in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses, tests show" (there are 7 Wash Po Articles about this) "Brothers arrested after $1.5 million THC cartridge operation discovered in Kenosha County" Filling 3-5000 devices a DAY with Vitamin E Acetate/THC "A MAN ARRESTED WITH 3000 PODS OF THC E-LIQUID IN HIS TRUNK! " Back on JUNE 13! HTTPS://BLOG-VAPE.COM/EN/2018/06/13/A-MAN-ARRESTED-WITH-3000-VIALS-OF-THC-E-LIQUID/ In the last paragraph it shows the reason for the DEMAND of this THC Vaping black market Cloucester County PD Captain Brendan Barton stated that “the problem with vaping marijuana is that it cannot be detected by smell”. "In school settings, those in charge have no way of knowing if the kids in their classrooms are vaping highly-concentrated THC juices." Timber Creek High School superintendent Kasha Giddis also added, at a recent press conference, that she had only noticed a student was vaping when a pleasant pineapple scent filled the classroom. With such rich flavors, there is no way to detect the contents of the e-liquid for THC. Of Course! They can Vape THC and NOT smell like they just smoked a joint! Its a Teenagers Dream! There is your demand ! Nothing to do with Nicotine E Juice and the LYING MEDIA KNOWS IT!
They hyping it up cuz they scared ppl leaving smoking and starting vaping….loosing tax generated from smoking…
And flint Michigan still doesn’t have safe water. But let’s panic over vaping 🤦🏽♀️✌🏼
I’ve vaped for 7 years after smoking cigs for 24. Smokers cough gone… all of this panic is brought to you by big tobacco.
The real problem that the news intentionally ignores.
To claim those teens have lung damage from vaping is like saying they are being poisoned from vater! I bet my middle finger that they've been vaping some serious bad stuff, not regular good juice!
I think it might be better to look into the influence of big tobacco here
‼️‼️👀👀‼️‼️Then do your research💯💯‼️ I've capped for five years plus and I can once again run for over a mile and sing and do all the things smoking was killing. Nicotine is not dangerous. Do your research. Whqt your putting in your lungs IS NO DIFFERENT THAN AN ASMATICS INHALOR‼️‼️👀👀‼️‼️‼️ DON'T BE AN IDIOT‼️‼️💯👀👀 we are watching ‼️
So if one gets run over and they have vaped, it must be vaping related? Thank you Dr Riccardo for your better logic than the anti vaping crowd. That anti vaping crowd need to realise that they are discriminating and causing smokers to die unnecessarily, but what do they care? They are also anti smokers.
This is getting dirty, on my national TV news (Europe) there was a pompous headline "Serious lung disease cases connected with E Cigs" without further explanation.
As a smoker that quit 2 month and enjoying vaping once a while this make me wondering how safe vape really is? 94 cases is something that should give us an alert. I think the problems come from nicotine salt. It's fairly new and haven't been tested
From what I have heard on TV news the Doctors thta I have heard do not know what they are trying to blame this on
The doctor clearly stated that the teen so called epidemic is not taking place in Europe.
What kind of journalist puts out information without having facts or hard evidence that’s not journalism that’s a one sided story telling to benefit certain groups or entities agenda tbh they are manipulating the system by putting out false information without a shred of evidence !
They were Saying That The Kids were using Black Market "Pot"…….Mixture???….in Carto Tanks…..And That is What made Them Sick !!!
Thia just in. A new study shows that smoking has been linked to 3.3 million lung disease deaths just in the year 2017!
^Where is this headline at?^
Edit* source-
I couldn't keep a straight face while the good doctor was trying to be such a diplomat about US vaping hysteria. 😂😂😂
Something tells me synthetic cannabinoids and other cutting agents had more impact don’t buy a fake 🛒
Thank you Brent – this latest "headline" is yet another fine example of media's irresponsibilty. The lack of investigation before broadcasting is to the detriment of the public. Clearly the priority is viewership over public health.