Love the video my dude….I'll check em out ….thanks for the review ….one question….where did you get the little water pipe….I love it and want to order one
You have to try the premium line from Organic Green Roots!! The best CBD flower I've ever smoked!
Great review
Been watching for awhile you got me started with cbd have PTSD and appreciate your channel and trust your recommendations arete is my favorite always looking for something different
Please get a vape my man the flavor will be on point… The mighty changed my life
Thanks for the great review. I have not tried CBG Flower and I appreciate you included this in your review. Sounds like I need to try some CBG now.
Love the video my dude….I'll check em out ….thanks for the review ….one question….where did you get the little water pipe….I love it and want to order one
You have to try the premium line from Organic Green Roots!! The best CBD flower I've ever smoked!
Great review

Been watching for awhile you got me started with cbd have PTSD and appreciate your channel and trust your recommendations arete is my favorite always looking for something different
Please get a vape my man the flavor will be on point… The mighty changed my life
Thanks for the great review. I have not tried CBG Flower and I appreciate you included this in your review. Sounds like I need to try some CBG now.
Ever thought about trying Five Leaf Wellness?