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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Motivation and Experiences of Wim Hof Method Practioners

RMIT University in Australia has conducted a survey study, exploring the motivation and experiences of Wim Hof Method practitioners worldwide. This will offer …

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  1. Without the breathing I type slowly. This was typed soooo swiftly after a round of breathing😅. And seriously? Breathing rounds and cold showers are slowly and certainly improving my life quality in general!! Bless you

  2. This must be a pinnacle of human achievements. Wim should be honored the highest award and recognition humanity has to offer. I add my support and endorsement. This method saved my life from an absolute mental hell awaiting me thanks to a network of family, peers and work forces I had no support in navigating thru or preparing for. I can't go back and start over but this method can give me another chance to improve for the better. So happy to learn it is dong the same for others. An anonymous cheers to everyone. Best health and a wonderful life to all.

  3. Hello, on February 26 I was attacked by a group of men for racial reasons in Berlin. Since then I have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress. I suffer from panic attacks and hallucinations and when I have these attacks, I apply the win hof method that I have seen on the internet and it helps me a lot to stabilize my mind and eliminate panic. every time i suffer the attacks then i apply the win hof method. I am so grateful for this method and its creator that I want to learn how to do it professionally to help other people in the same situation as me and also to be able to stabilize my emotions. since it is just terrifying to panic attacks alone at home. I live in Berlin and I am Venezuelan, if someone please have any information on how I can professionally learn my recovery and then pass on the Win Hof method, then I will be eternally grateful. regards.
    Muchas gracias a la madre naturaleza y a Win Hof.

  4. I think its great you are using "accessible" ways to convey the information as animations. It would be awesome to have a guided meditation with wim.

  5. Wim is the medical Tesla of the millennium. If he resonates with you, that's all one needs. We don't need a consensus of people to agree, this is the disease we must get rid of. Like Ghandi said…."truth is still truth, even if it's the minority of One" seek Not popular opinion, but that which speaks true to your heart.

  6. Ruim drie jaar geleden ben ik begonnen met iedere ochtend een koude douche. Maar … toch werd ik nog enkele malen per jaar ziek, verkoudheid, griep, het bleef me niet bespaard. Op dit moment is mijn keel ontstoken en heb last van een vastzittende hoest dat al ongeveer 3 weken aanhoudt. Intuitief voelde ik aan dat ik moest stoppen met koude douches. Dus dat deed ik en merk nu dat de vastzittende hoest langzaamaan verdwijnt. Ik ben klaar met de Win Hof methode. Ondanks dat ik de koude douches fijn vond en de kou min of meer een prettige verslaving was wegen de nadelen niet op tegen de voordelen.

  7. Wim, any difference if I put cold water shower everywhere else on my body except my head? What's the difference? If I do put cold water shower on my head versus not? Thanks!

  8. I have ME/CFS currently on day 3. While I enjoy it, I feel extremely tired afterwards and my body tries to force me to sleep, sometimes I have to sleep.

    I don’t have any mental health issues or anxiety so I’m not noticing anything different on that front.

    I’ll try it for a month or for as long as it has no negative effects. Really hope this helps me. It’s nice to find something I haven’t tried before after 22 years illness. Thank you Wim 🙏

  9. Dear Mr. Hof, the World needs you to show how the Corona Virus is a phantom virus. Will you take the injection and put it all to rest for everyone 😊

  10. If anyone beats Corona virus with the Wim Hof method, we could all go back to worrying about heart attacks killing 1 in 3 Americans:( But that would require people change their eating habits. Much more exciting to talk about bacteria…even though that still leads back to diet…hmmm!

  11. Hey guys! I hope any of you could give a light: could the Wim Hof method be dangerous for someone with cardiac arrhythmia? I've been suffering from anxiety-driven extrasystoles and would like to know if the method can help me somehow. Thanks in advance!

  12. Yo WH! Can't you try this method on a Corona Virus patient? .. I mean seriously, you can just do it by Skype, and see if this can help them battle this disease. and sure, if it doesn't work you don't have to publish your results, but if it does.. man that'd be pretty fucking sweet!! 🙂

  13. Question: when you’re finished with the wim hof breathing the advice is to “breath normally” … does this mean breathing like you usually do or breathing how your body wants to breath? Because after the last 15 second breath hold and exhale I barely have any desire to breath, so I try to breath how I think I would breath if I haven’t done the wim hof breathing. Hope the question makes sense.

  14. I'vr had a severe mental illness for many many years. It's like I've had my finger on an edge before taking my life. I've always felt that for 8 whole years. 5 yearsI never went out. Now the thing that I've discovred with the WHM, I've felt that I'm out. I didn't need to die… I felt free

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