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Michael J. Fox's fight against Parkinson's

Actor Michael J. Fox is known to millions for the “Back to the Future” films and the TV series “Family Ties” and “Spin City.” But for the past two decades it’s been …

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  1. Love his response when asked about what's still to come! What a soldier – huge inspiration to anyone who's battling and feels like giving up. Don't do it, keep on fighting and staying positive like Michael does folks. Also the Back to the Future films are awesome, so there's that too. What a cool guy x

  2. Damn, guy was my childhood hero. Loved him in Atlantis, Homeward Bound and Back to the Future. Tragic, but guy's dealing with it like a true hero

  3. Wow, I watched this interview twice and it caught my attention when Fox said: "the same neurones that fire my thinking, fire my body.". I thought it was superb because it shows how it is all really interconnected. It might sound obvious but for a person like me who has fibromialgya, it makes all the sense in the world. Brave human being. Cheers.

  4. Dear Michael J.Fox and Other victims of Parkinson's disease,

    My younger brother, Dr.Weera Krusan, has been working as an orthodontic dentist in provincial hospital of Yasothon, Thailand for more than 25 years. During long working life, many patients were consulted from other departments to him with dental and jaw problems, such as jaw arthritis, degerative TMJ with crepitus during movement, jaw subluxation, jaw lock, dental loss, malocclusion of jaw etc. Some of those patients also had other underling problems, such as intractable migraine, Parkinsonism, and other neurovascular diseases. After manipulation and moving the jaws of patients, he had observed, for many times, that problems surprisingly improved or even disappeared. After that, he studied hard to find out the relationships between those diseases and dental/jaw problems. From reviewing literatures, there were some evidences showing the relationship between some neurovascular diseases and TMJ(temporo-mandibular joint) problems.
    So, he developed the new techniques, named as “Weera technique” for jaw exercise and adjusting TMJ alignment by moving jaw in all directions until it met the right position where there is no pain or no clicking sound during moving jaw or symptoms relieved then ask them to do jaw exercise by moviing jaw(small degree of opening and closing mouth of that position) 50 times/session for 3 sessions/day. Sometimes, customized dental splints were also applied to maintain the proper position of jaw during daytime or sleeping time. This technique has been used with thousands of cases with different TMJ-related neurovascular diseases for at least 10 years with unbelievable reponse. After teaching the patients with TMD (temporo-mandibular dysfunction) practicing jaw exercise and then were followed up every 2-4 weeks, most distress symptoms were significantly improved and/or disappeared. The methods to identify TMD-related neurovascular diseases in symptomatic or high risk cases were performed by pressing finger tips on TMJ just in front of your ears, then move your jaw, if it is the case you can feel tenderness or clicking sound or forward and backward motion(subluxation) of TMJ. Most cases of short and small jaws(brachycephaly), eroded surface from grinding, after trauma, chewing tough foods or gum, early loss of teeth, usually have TMD which causing neurovascular diseases later on.

    The first disease which inspired him to investigate and studied hard about the relationship between TMD and neurovascular diseases is migraine. The incidence of this incurable disease is as high as 12-17 % worldwide, but now is proved to be curable by only simple maneuver (Weera technique) without excessive medication. (you can look at VDO clips in Youtube/ Weera Krusan and practice by yourself) Moreover, he have noticed dramatic good response in many TMD-related neurovascular diseases and others, such as cervical dystonia, generalized dystonia, essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease, trigeminal neuralgia, motor tics, convulsive disorders, eye squint/ptosis, Meniere disease, or even autoimmune skin disease etc. So, it is very worthwhile to share this useful and cost-free technique to help suffering people worldwide from many diseases. You have nothing to lose and this method is harmless. Try to practice regularly and let us know the results.

    This knowledge is basically emerged from his own observation during working and curiosity. Regarding to the famous article written by doctor A.C. Fonder, titled “The dental distress syndrome quantified”, it reasonably explained the relationships between many diseases and the jaw and spinal posture. This article inspired him a lot to seriously study about these problems and developed the methods to solve the challenging big problems.
    Based on the knowledge from this study and previous studies about effects on trigeminal nerve, we now can explain the relation between tooth loss and dementia. So, lower teeth loss means loss the lower part of face which cause the mandible move backward and upward until it become imbalance in relation to base of skull and cervical spines. The imbalance will cause traction and tension to trigeminal nerve plexus which was close to TMJs. In term of functions, trigeminal nerve regulates blood flow to the brain through carotid arteries. So, if the nerve impulse along trigeminal nerve was affected, the blood flow carotid arteries will also decreases causing brain hypoxia, persistent yawning, dementia or even Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, the nerve impulse will also induce effect on amygdala of brain leading to behavior change which can resulted in neuropsychiatric problems and may be benefited by this method. The current treatments of neurovascular disease, including PD, are usually symptomatic and not cure. We must have early detection, preventtion and effective treatment. This simple method is a good alternative or adjuvant treatment which anyone can do yourself.

    I am Assoc. Prof. Srichai Krusun, MD., the senior radiation oncologist of Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand who was so interested in this innovation for more than 4 years. I have applied this innovation for treatment of my patients with impressive results in many diseases such as migraine, essential tremor, motor tics, trigeminal neuralgia, Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, I have developed a new customized soft dental splint from silicone material with single step moulding within only 2-3 minutes, as cheap as 1 USD/ piece. Dr. Weera Krusan has beensupported to set up the Research Center for TMD-related Facial Pain and Neurovascular Diseases(RTFND) in Yasothon Hospital for a couple of years had tried to use this kind of my soft dental splint in a case with severe convulsive disorder who presented with persistent generalized spasticity, dysphagia, dysphasia, bed-ridden and unable to walk. Two weeks after application of soft dental splint, this patient can walk, talk, and swallow without occurrence of convulsion again. Now, our research is going on. But, I hope this information may be beneficial for you and others.

    We are waiting for good news from you all.

  5. Everyone's life is equal. If you have something good, something else must fail. You will only know that after you see the entire life of someone.

  6. I'm scared I shake time to time I'm 38 notes it starting shaking when I was16ish- 29ish but I thought it was strest or something but I real took notice 3 year ago when some time I drop think randomly like keys or drank. Shake uncontrollably or partly Some time a beer relaxes it so I dont shake . Sometimes people ask me why I'm shaking when I think I'm standing still . And ask me if I'm on drugs but I'm not I ask my doctor once but he just used it nothing I dont have the hand doing the pill roll I dont know. I trying to learn the symptoms but I dont find much on how it startd.. I want to know more so I can rule it out and move on .. help please

  7. MJF has brought so much attention to this devastating disease. When my 1st husband was diagnosed I knew there was so much that can be done that it did seem like a death sentence it used to! Thank you Mr Fox. (also MJF was so gracious when I met him and only wanted to talk about his book, not his acting.)

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