Malaysia has hanged numerous individuals on charges of trafficking cannabis, but recently the wind has started to blow in a different direction – with Malaysia …
Halal kan ganja,bye2 lah mati sebab over dose dadah jenis kimia
why are they behaving as if marijuana is a bad thing here in malaysia? in america it is legalized in most states . malaysian people need to grow up
its a pity your lady "specialist" is so far behind the times. Research has already moved on. She needs to catch up. This is why Msia is so far behind. She doesn't even know the corrrect name for CBD and THC!!! its cannabidiol and Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, not cannabinoid and 9 tetrahydracannabinoid
This doctor can suck my dick. If you don't think it should be legal, i wish your mom dies in front of you in the most horrible way imaginable
Medicinal marijuana should be legalized ….
Legalize and confine medical marijuana usage within user residential parameter.
I have adhd and asperger and i need cbd oil for my life…
Actually weed is not danger.. but if we use it overdose it will acfect our mind…That True..United State earn 3 billion dolar the tax money…Hope Malaysia Legalize Marajuana Soon…
x byk negara boleh tanam ganja.. so kalau malaysia benarkan penanaman dan pengunaan maka malaysia boleh keluarkan ganja yang bagus.. ini sbb kite berada di garisan khatulistiwa.. yang mana cahaya mata hari ada sepanjang tahun.. kelebihan ganja sudah kita ketahui.. keburukkan nye hampir tiada jika digunnakan dgn betul.. setahu aku kalau pegang pokok ganja x kene samak mcm pegang babi kan..? so pokok tu halal lahhhh.. sokeyannn
Im eager to get into cigarettes and vapes but those are harmful. Marijuana on the other hand, outweigh its benefits with the balance amount of thc and cbd. Dudes, logic please :/
nice. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Come on malaysia.
I'd rather the government ban alcohol and cigarettes to legalize marijuana. Alcohol and cigarettes are heck damn harmful and many times more addictive than marijuana. True story
In my point of view , combustion of tobacco in cigarettes is categorized as a carcinogen which causes cancer . Furthermore, cigarette contains 4000 or more dangerous chemicals . For example , tar . Cigarettes can cause bronchitis , lung cancer and many more . Many people are diagnosed with dangerous diseases due to smoking cigarettes . A blunt or joint (rolled marijuana) has no dangerous chemicals in it and marijuana is used for cancer treatment as it kills cancer cells . Plus , till now , no one has suffered dangerous diseases due to smoking marijuana. So , negara lain dah “menghalalkan” , kita bila lagi ?
Exactly it’s legal to sell cigarettes , alcohol, smoke and even being social drinker but not marijuana, it’s a joke. Interestingly hemp has many Industrial benefits like used for bio mass as alternatives for green energy.
Malaysia takut kalau legal kan ganja industri rokok dan arak akan terjejas…
Stop playing God, science is clear on this, make it legal. And if you blame God, then ban alcohol you cowards. Don't say "weed will hurt you, and we want to keep you safe, so we will execute you"
Di zaman ekonomi kritikal yang menghempas pulas rakyat, apa salahnya rakyat nak bertenang sikit. Come on Malaysia !
Halal kan ganja,bye2 lah mati sebab over dose dadah jenis kimia
why are they behaving as if marijuana is a bad thing here in malaysia? in america it is legalized in most states . malaysian people need to grow up
its a pity your lady "specialist" is so far behind the times. Research has already moved on. She needs to catch up. This is why Msia is so far behind. She doesn't even know the corrrect name for CBD and THC!!! its cannabidiol and Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, not cannabinoid and 9 tetrahydracannabinoid
This doctor can suck my dick.
If you don't think it should be legal, i wish your mom dies in front of you in the most horrible way imaginable
Medicinal marijuana should be legalized ….
Legalize and confine medical marijuana usage within user residential parameter.
I have adhd and asperger and i need cbd oil for my life…
Actually weed is not danger.. but if we use it overdose it will acfect our mind…That True..United State earn 3 billion dolar the tax money…Hope Malaysia Legalize Marajuana Soon…
x byk negara boleh tanam ganja.. so kalau malaysia benarkan penanaman dan pengunaan maka malaysia boleh keluarkan ganja yang bagus.. ini sbb kite berada di garisan khatulistiwa.. yang mana cahaya mata hari ada sepanjang tahun.. kelebihan ganja sudah kita ketahui.. keburukkan nye hampir tiada jika digunnakan dgn betul.. setahu aku kalau pegang pokok ganja x kene samak mcm pegang babi kan..? so pokok tu halal lahhhh.. sokeyannn
The user of cannabis commits a victimless crime !
Malaysia mmng bodo..
Salam 420 guys.. Chill.. Kita tengok jea kerajaan sekarang apa lagi yg depa mau kata tumbuhan dari ciptaan tuhan ni
Who agreed to legal cannabis in Malaysia pls like..
CBD-Legalize it
THC-Blazelize it
Im eager to get into cigarettes and vapes but those are harmful. Marijuana on the other hand, outweigh its benefits with the balance amount of thc and cbd. Dudes, logic please :/
nice. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Come on malaysia.
I'd rather the government ban alcohol and cigarettes to legalize marijuana. Alcohol and cigarettes are heck damn harmful and many times more addictive than marijuana. True story
In my point of view , combustion of tobacco in cigarettes is categorized as a carcinogen which causes cancer . Furthermore, cigarette contains 4000 or more dangerous chemicals . For example , tar . Cigarettes can cause bronchitis , lung cancer and many more . Many people are diagnosed with dangerous diseases due to smoking cigarettes . A blunt or joint (rolled marijuana) has no dangerous chemicals in it and marijuana is used for cancer treatment as it kills cancer cells . Plus , till now , no one has suffered dangerous diseases due to smoking marijuana. So , negara lain dah “menghalalkan” , kita bila lagi ?
Exactly it’s legal to sell cigarettes , alcohol, smoke and even being social drinker but not marijuana, it’s a joke. Interestingly hemp has many Industrial benefits like used for bio mass as alternatives for green energy.
Malaysia takut kalau legal kan ganja industri rokok dan arak akan terjejas…
Stop playing God, science is clear on this, make it legal. And if you blame God, then ban alcohol you cowards. Don't say "weed will hurt you, and we want to keep you safe, so we will execute you"
Di zaman ekonomi kritikal yang menghempas pulas rakyat, apa salahnya rakyat nak bertenang sikit. Come on Malaysia !