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Market volatility may continue into 2019

FBN’s Lauren Simonetti and Connell McShane discuss the state of the U.S. economy and the recent market selloff.

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  1. I find it amusing that this is one of the few videos posted by Fox News that doesn't have the comments filled by Trumpsters. All we get from them is crickets. LOL! So much winning, right? Trump sure is "Making America Great Again" by reversing the economic growth created by Obama, ruining the relationships with our allies, having multiple government shutdowns while his party controls BOTH the house and senate, and continuing to further divisions within this country through his rhetoric. Remember folks, #MAGA!

  2. Funny when people criticize the Fed for raising rates yet claim we have a strong economy. Usually a strong economy can withstand 2 percent rates.

  3. It's not only about the Fed hiking rates. They are unwinding their massive balance sheet (QT) and taking away that huge market prop will tank the markets. Stocks and real estate will keep falling, recession coming.

  4. None of the pundits understand that we've been in a fed-induced bubble since 2008. We learned nothing from the last bubble and financial crisis, and we have more debt & leverage in our economy than in 08. When you print a bunch of money, inflate asset prices, and borrow money, it looks like economic growth. Unfortunately it's a bubble!

  5. People started selling off when the house was won over by Democrats… even tho they havent got control yet us investors know to sell high and early… with the dems taking the house next year we know the US will be on lock down as far as growth then add in rate hikes and boom… if youre not out by then you will be riding out the storm.

  6. Shutdown proves once and for all Trump has no idea what he's doing. Anybody with half a critical mind and an attention span longer than a gerbil can figure out that Donald Trump is no master negotiator.

  7. People, even "market intellectuals", seem to be stupid about this. First of all, if you're sitting at the poker table and you're up BIG, the game MUST eventually end. It can't go on in perpetuity. However, even though the markets DO go on in perpetuity, those players that are "up big" need a reason to take profit at some point. Part of this is because we're approaching the end of a tax year and there are those that wanted to pull out some profit before the end of the year. They were looking for reasons to pull out. The variables in a downward slide are….. who's buying on the way down and, when do they buy. Right now, it's easy to argue that economic conditions have not changed since the market started it's slide. What HAS changed is the Democrat's rhetoric about "investigations", "impeachment", "climate change nonsense" and other issues of their making. Liberals can, in no way, state that they are "business friendly". If Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, and others start shooting their mouths off about "fairness", "inequity", and "economic rights", the next step is…. the economy will be affected. IT IS UNDENIABLE.

  8. Tobacco is demonized while marijuana is the new fixer of pain and budget deficits. Two shots of whiskey a day prevents dementia.

  9. IPOs are overrated. The more IPOs, the more over-valued the market. Most IPOs will be bankrupt within a few years. Mostly a money-grab at public investors' expense.

  10. Volatility is shaking out the complacency. High-quality dividend value stocks with real assets that have been beaten down 40% to 50% is where to move into now.

  11. The Fed raised interest rates and the market crashed. Cause snd effect. The Fed failed to raise interest rates for the entire Obama regime. A Republican takes over, the Fed ups the rates multiple times? I'm calling BS. The Bureaunazi deep state are in the Fed too. The U.S. North East megalopolis deep state Bureaunazi bubble hates Republicans.

  12. don't worry ________ made this The Government of the United States can withdraw the congress, from this project of the Wall. where the state of Texas keeps all the money laundering and the Texas wall can be made.

  13. REALITY CHECK FOLKs !! !!    a weak US $,  over inflated mortgage debt and personal debt with an out of control National Debt, that is increasing at an accelerated rate such never seen in US history before.  Inflation at 3% and also accelerating, effectively nullifying any gains made by GDP ( which most of the 4.1% gains are one time gains )…  this contracting economy is over heated.    Now add the tariffs to the already sky rocketing gas prices.     The last 3 decades prove emphatically that the conservatives always F&ck-up the Economy, all recessions during that time where caused by the Con's.  Just like this next one !!     {{ FYI, what kind of Gov. makes it legal to kill Elephants for sport, a bunch of cowards, that's who }}

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