I'm finally interested in longer-term accumulation.
Feel fortunate I found you guys. What a great time to learn. Thanks for doing good things.
People should learn when stock is oversold there should be a bounce but not will or must.
Bought a penny stock called ACB at the close at 4.96 Canadian. haha under 5 bucks never thought i would be trading that stock under 5 again.
TILT is 17 cents….from 3 dollars to 17 cents…let that sink in Dan…it can ALWAYS go lower
May I ask why you're more interested in CGC than Aphria? I was thinking of employing your strategy of the shorts taking profit pre earnings (who don't want to gamble pre earnings) for a small pre earnings short covering pop
red red red
Hey Dan, thanks for this video. Most important part for me was your rational and realistic take on the sector. It can be hard to find a reasonable opinion when things get crazy like this.
Thanks Dan a Canadian fan
This is a great opportunity for the sector , just not for day traders. Long term, I’m slowly accumulating pot stocks I had previously sold for a profit. Looking forward to Mexico legalization and US banks joining the mix
Although this may be intentional, you can click on the – sign top left and hide your indicator settings to clear the clutter on the screen. Keep up the great work, I'm very appreciative of your content. Thank You.
Harv was down 18% and no coverage ?
Great video very informative
Dan you need to correct yourself. You can't just paint that as a long selling apha like that when naked shorting is also an option….
thanks Dan. Doing a good thing.
I would have never guessed this would be happening now 2 years ago. Dispensaries were open for years here in Canada and now they started shutting them down and "inspecting" Government manipulation at it's finest – I thought I learned my bagholding lessons before but I guess not Back to before square one for me. 20k – 80k – 14k…. but Dan says don't be sad =) The future is there waiting for us
Ianthus has its weekly RSI oversold almost at the teens now @20.79 and now trading at an annualized price to sales ratio of 2.27….This is just getting out of hand now.
I realize your comparing bitcoin to weed stocks but bitcoin doesnt have financials.If you compare sp to earnings the whole sector is still way overvalued.
Not happening.. CONSTELLATION will exit CGC position..cut loss….that will be final death nail….
I've never been this deep in the red. Wish I listened to Dan and set stop losses
Good vid man nice chat
Continued legislation will just drive up the price on a product that already has strong alternative channels. ie. I hear it's cheaper on the street by a lot. I live in Los Angeles and the streets are a drug store.
I mean, Crypto has no Fundamentals. So it can bounce 400% on pure speculation. But if you got actual sales numbers that show an overvaluation I doubt it. But you have more experience so I guess you'll be right.
I'm all cash. Waited for this kind of scenario.
I have puts on acb but I ain't making no money
If you're colorblind you're always red.
I think we are red today because that one feather blew in the wind ..
I'm finally interested in longer-term accumulation.
Feel fortunate I found you guys. What a great time to learn. Thanks for doing good things.
People should learn when stock is oversold there should be a bounce but not will or must.
Bought a penny stock called ACB at the close at 4.96 Canadian. haha under 5 bucks never thought i would be trading that stock under 5 again.
TILT is 17 cents….from 3 dollars to 17 cents…let that sink in Dan…it can ALWAYS go lower
May I ask why you're more interested in CGC than Aphria? I was thinking of employing your strategy of the shorts taking profit pre earnings (who don't want to gamble pre earnings) for a small pre earnings short covering pop
red red red
Hey Dan, thanks for this video. Most important part for me was your rational and realistic take on the sector. It can be hard to find a reasonable opinion when things get crazy like this.
Thanks Dan a Canadian fan
This is a great opportunity for the sector , just not for day traders. Long term, I’m slowly accumulating pot stocks I had previously sold for a profit. Looking forward to Mexico legalization and US banks joining the mix
Although this may be intentional, you can click on the – sign top left and hide your indicator settings to clear the clutter on the screen.
Keep up the great work, I'm very appreciative of your content. Thank You.
Harv was down 18% and no coverage ?
Great video very informative
Dan you need to correct yourself. You can't just paint that as a long selling apha like that when naked shorting is also an option….
thanks Dan. Doing a good thing.
I would have never guessed this would be happening now 2 years ago.
Dispensaries were open for years here in Canada and now they started shutting them
down and "inspecting"
Government manipulation at it's finest – I thought I learned my bagholding lessons before but I guess not
Back to before square one for me. 20k – 80k – 14k…. but Dan says don't be sad =) The future is there waiting for us
Ianthus has its weekly RSI oversold almost at the teens now @20.79 and now trading at an annualized price to sales ratio of 2.27….This is just getting out of hand now.
I realize your comparing bitcoin to weed stocks but bitcoin doesnt have financials.If you compare sp to earnings the whole sector is still way overvalued.
Not happening..
CONSTELLATION will exit CGC position..cut loss….that will be final death nail….
I've never been this deep in the red. Wish I listened to Dan and set stop losses
Good vid man nice chat
Continued legislation will just drive up the price on a product that already has strong alternative channels. ie. I hear it's cheaper on the street by a lot. I live in Los Angeles and the streets are a drug store.
I mean, Crypto has no Fundamentals. So it can bounce 400% on pure speculation. But if you got actual sales numbers that show an overvaluation I doubt it. But you have more experience so I guess you'll be right.
I'm all cash. Waited for this kind of scenario.
I have puts on acb but I ain't making no money
If you're colorblind you're always red.
I think we are red today because that one feather blew in the wind ..