Amen – thank you for sharing your personal experience. So true & I can so relate. Paranoia, isolation, wake & bake hamster wheel, insecurity, crouching in the dark & bowing down to my paraphernalia. It was all about worshipping my senses because of course I had to mix it with gluttony & lust. That was the cherry on top of my sensory overload idolatry.
It ruled me & led me to harder drugs cuz it could never satisfy, and neither could they. I still struggled quitting when I got saved after decades of dependency & starting at a young age. I was convicted every time I lit up & glory be to God I was able to stop in 2016.
Every herb bearing seed given for meat in Genesis 1 was before the fall of man. Every thing was created very good. Only the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not to be eaten.
After the fall, everything changed. “And unto ADAM he said, Because Thou hast harkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of the which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; THORNS AND THISTLES shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,…..” “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to TILL the ground…….”Gen. 3: 17-19a
“And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of THE GROUND WHICH THE LORD HATH CURSED.” Gen.5:29
We live on a planet that is beautiful but also very cursed. Before the fall, ADAM only had to dress and keep the garden. Gen.2:15 After the fall, Adam has to leave the garden and till the ground by the sweat of his face. The ground now produces thorns and thistles along with the herb of the field. There now was “work and toil” trying to eliminate all of the plants that were not desirable or edible so that they didn’t choke out what was edible. Today we call them weeds and there are many poisonous plants around as well.
1 of 2 cuz I’m not a tweet-brain conformist to the dialectic…lol. Just try to ‘tweet’ a whole Pauline sentence once!…..Anyways, keep on climbing, Pilgrim, I just want to post when I’m in agreement, too! That’s actually more often than not though we really are more likely to mention differences while assuming likemindedness otherwise. We know from the scriptures that sobriety, humility & charity in Christ according to the scriptures is the only reason we are able to disagree in some areas while still having good will toward brethren in Christ & appreciation for profitable exhortation of the flock. The young and inexperienced need to hear the hard truths on issues like this ‘where the rubber meets the road’ before they become victims of these things & roadkill. —
(You might try some ginger & honey, pineapple juice with the cinnamon for that throat, may help ease the back a bit, too. …….Then the potheads all say: SEEEEE, those are all plant-based, God-given helps so pot is okay, too, you hypocrite! Lol. So ‘smart’ that they make no distinctions or divisions between these things OR between body, soul and spirit and what is the right ‘food’/nutrition/meat etc for each according to legitimate need. We Christians discern that by evident truth and the scripture, and though the world refuses scripture: truth and conscience still condemn them.)
1Peter 4:2-8 KJB That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. 3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
1Peter 4:4 ¶ Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: :5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. :6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
1Peter 4:7 ¶ But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. :8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
I don’t pretend to understand it all, but I think there are twin sins with the whole pot & sorcery, pharmakiae and porneia thing: one is the ‘hedonist’ that is all about feeling happy & feeding the flesh at the expense of others & truth in one manner; and the other is the ‘stoick’ elitist or nicolaitan ‘elect’ who pragmatically figure that since ‘some people’ are just gonna do that anyways, we ‘supers’ might as well make some money and use it to wield power and control over the ‘lessers’ building our own personal kingdoms & systems here. Hey, we can even call it ‘building the Kingdom of God’. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
1 Timothy 6:10 KJB For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Both are Babylonian or elitist socialist managed by initiation and ‘knowledge’ & involve two groups of people that refuse to be bound by God’s boundaries & law limiting their ‘personal power’ and who desire to be ‘gods’, denying personal responsibility & obedience to God. Some just claim to be above the need to resist sin, flesh and the devil….sinlessly perfect ‘supers’ that can ‘handle it’…..because their sin is love of money and illegitimate power, drunk on Mammon, rather than simple drunkenness.
Part of the problem is that real discernment requires truth & sobriety, & freedom plus the scriptures…..while relativity and mysticism give cloaks for sin & allow for tyrants and tyrannical systems to garner power & illegitimate authority over the flock.
Sadly I can cite so many examples on both sides of this & can also testify dealing with a slow-growing and less aggressive cancer outside the system that it’s growing ever more difficult to sort through the confusion of claims and outright lies to try and find God’s truth!
I know one who lost many friends to suicide & death by other high risk or out-of-touch drunken accidents, over-burdening of the heart and so forth ———–all due to psych-med and dope use. This person also suffered abuse due to legal psych-meds ending with street drug self-medicating. She used to understand the abuse of the system in all of this, but decided that she would go with the philosophy that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them.’ Now that she’s ‘clean’ herself, she has cut herself off from all users, the ‘weak’, the stupid not deserving truth or helps, and compassion….and has now moved from ‘poverty’ to ‘middle class’ by working with a female Hindu doctor who works with pharmaceutical companies to develop psych meds. They target addicts and that part of the populace marginalized & cut off at the knees due to the broken families and broken minds, souls and bodies of the victims of the masters of the craft. When an experiment goes ‘bad’ and lives are made worse or destroyed rather than ‘helped’, it’s just chalked up to the cost of progress & they move on to the next gen drug.
Amen. Abstain from all appearance of evil
Folks could learn some more by watching The Sacred Plant series, with John Malanca. Now, they have gone a bit overboard, and seem to be jumping on the charisma train, but the basic information is good, uses for cbd, for children with seizures, ppl with cancer, healing from auto immune problems, lots of application, and individualized care and help is surely needed, with much prayer. May God be glorified in our seeking only to obey Him, glorify Him with our lives.
Thank you for making the difference between getting high, and seeking health through more natural ways. Many are getting left behind in the healthcare system, and have found hope and healing with cbd. I praise God for the healing He allowed for me, and need no medicine right now, but I research, as my conditions deteriorate.
Btw, in some medical treatments, in some states, there can be varying amounts of thc added to the cbd, for various reasons.
God bless you for always being real, honoring God, sharing Scripture, rightly dividing His Word. Praying for your back to have release from pain, tension.
40 year old pothead says mom can I borrow the car I've got to take care of this Annette well only if you put gas in it and come right back oh I will call Mommy he gets out in the car and takes off and isn't back for two days and leaves his 87 year old mother at the house in 10 below zero weather he's in there smoking pot with his buddies hahaha cough cough cough I got the munchies man can I crash on your couch what about your mom's car doesn't she need it hahaha I forget about that 🙁 Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues few days later the cars in the ditch impounded 87 year old grandma gets a call from her 40 year old son can you bail me out of jail mom again
No end of video
In the old days a lousy father would come home drunk and spend all of his money on beer in the bar or glint gambling and come home and have no food for his wife and kids are able to pay the mortgage right today if they come home with a bag full of marijuana same difference cough cough cough what man hahaha I forgot man haha oh, did you look for a job today haha what man I forgot the you got a couch I can crash on don't you.! Man I got the munchies can I crash you refrigerator 🙁
How many potheads do y'all know out there that are going wow man let's move to Illinois man pot is legal:-) it's a joke
I have noticed I raised 4 kids as Christians I was against marijuana no I wasn't smoking it with my kids like a lot of parents do. No way I've got a clean conscience that way thank God for that but it seems that my kids who are rebellious at an early age are still on marijuana if they only would have listened and it has destroyed our relationship to this very day and his kids are in their 40s and I've seen the road it's taking him down
The marijuana salesman have been hit me up with advertisements on my phone giving opportunities for people to invest? I always delete immediately and think what a disgusting joke and how many people will they suck in unfortunately how many Christians then again you could invest in the opioids industry with big Pharma right, or perhaps human trafficking investment which is widespread they used to tell us that by using any form of drugs which includes marijuana you were condoning bloodletting in Murder through the whole process all the way through all the drug dealers to South America all the prostitution all the crimes all of the embezzlement all the dirty filthy lucre….. are your hands clean?
I wish the pot was ten times stronger some of the pot in the nineties was there it wasoff the chain I was there
When I was lost I knew smoking pot was a sin. My goodness, these people are lost as a golf ball in "HIGH WEEDS"! LOST
Anyone that defends pot is lost and going to hell.
Aromatic cane what do you think the Lord was talking about something that is poisonous I don't think so or where it is said ALL of the seed baring herbs I give you to use or where it says judge not lest you be judged that covers a lot and you can't put your sins on and don't quote laws of the land crap because laws of the land let you kill baby's
There was Cannabis in the holy anointing oil, cannabossom means Cannabis , people knew when Moses was talking to God because of the smoke that coming from his tent where he was hot boxing
Amen – thank you for sharing your personal experience. So true & I can so relate. Paranoia, isolation, wake & bake hamster wheel, insecurity, crouching in the dark & bowing down to my paraphernalia. It was all about worshipping my senses because of course I had to mix it with gluttony & lust. That was the cherry on top of my sensory overload idolatry.
It ruled me & led me to harder drugs cuz it could never satisfy, and neither could they. I still struggled quitting when I got saved after decades of dependency & starting at a young age. I was convicted every time I lit up & glory be to God I was able to stop in 2016.
Every herb bearing seed given for meat in Genesis 1 was before the fall of man. Every thing was created very good. Only the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was not to be eaten.
After the fall, everything changed. “And unto ADAM he said, Because Thou hast harkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of the which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; THORNS AND THISTLES shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,…..” “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to TILL the ground…….”Gen. 3: 17-19a
“And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of THE GROUND WHICH THE LORD HATH CURSED.” Gen.5:29
We live on a planet that is beautiful but also very cursed. Before the fall, ADAM only had to dress and keep the garden. Gen.2:15 After the fall, Adam has to leave the garden and till the ground by the sweat of his face. The ground now produces thorns and thistles along with the herb of the field. There now was “work and toil” trying to eliminate all of the plants that were not desirable or edible so that they didn’t choke out what was edible. Today we call them weeds and there are many poisonous plants around as well.
1 of 2 cuz I’m not a tweet-brain conformist to the dialectic…lol. Just try to ‘tweet’ a whole Pauline sentence once!…..Anyways, keep on climbing, Pilgrim, I just want to post when I’m in agreement, too! That’s actually more often than not though we really are more likely to mention differences while assuming likemindedness otherwise. We know from the scriptures that sobriety, humility & charity in Christ according to the scriptures is the only reason we are able to disagree in some areas while still having good will toward brethren in Christ & appreciation for profitable exhortation of the flock. The young and inexperienced need to hear the hard truths on issues like this ‘where the rubber meets the road’ before they become victims of these things & roadkill.
(You might try some ginger & honey, pineapple juice with the cinnamon for that throat, may help ease the back a bit, too. …….Then the potheads all say: SEEEEE, those are all plant-based, God-given helps so pot is okay, too, you hypocrite! Lol. So ‘smart’ that they make no distinctions or divisions between these things OR between body, soul and spirit and what is the right ‘food’/nutrition/meat etc for each according to legitimate need. We Christians discern that by evident truth and the scripture, and though the world refuses scripture: truth and conscience still condemn them.)
1Peter 4:2-8 KJB That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. 3 For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
1Peter 4:4 ¶ Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: :5 Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. :6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
1Peter 4:7 ¶ But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. :8 And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
I don’t pretend to understand it all, but I think there are twin sins with the whole pot & sorcery, pharmakiae and porneia thing: one is the ‘hedonist’ that is all about feeling happy & feeding the flesh at the expense of others & truth in one manner; and the other is the ‘stoick’ elitist or nicolaitan ‘elect’ who pragmatically figure that since ‘some people’ are just gonna do that anyways, we ‘supers’ might as well make some money and use it to wield power and control over the ‘lessers’ building our own personal kingdoms & systems here. Hey, we can even call it ‘building the Kingdom of God’. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
1 Timothy 6:10 KJB For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Both are Babylonian or elitist socialist managed by initiation and ‘knowledge’ & involve two groups of people that refuse to be bound by God’s boundaries & law limiting their ‘personal power’ and who desire to be ‘gods’, denying personal responsibility & obedience to God. Some just claim to be above the need to resist sin, flesh and the devil….sinlessly perfect ‘supers’ that can ‘handle it’…..because their sin is love of money and illegitimate power, drunk on Mammon, rather than simple drunkenness.
Part of the problem is that real discernment requires truth & sobriety, & freedom plus the scriptures…..while relativity and mysticism give cloaks for sin & allow for tyrants and tyrannical systems to garner power & illegitimate authority over the flock.
Sadly I can cite so many examples on both sides of this & can also testify dealing with a slow-growing and less aggressive cancer outside the system that it’s growing ever more difficult to sort through the confusion of claims and outright lies to try and find God’s truth!
I know one who lost many friends to suicide & death by other high risk or out-of-touch drunken accidents, over-burdening of the heart and so forth ———–all due to psych-med and dope use. This person also suffered abuse due to legal psych-meds ending with street drug self-medicating. She used to understand the abuse of the system in all of this, but decided that she would go with the philosophy that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them.’ Now that she’s ‘clean’ herself, she has cut herself off from all users, the ‘weak’, the stupid not deserving truth or helps, and compassion….and has now moved from ‘poverty’ to ‘middle class’ by working with a female Hindu doctor who works with pharmaceutical companies to develop psych meds. They target addicts and that part of the populace marginalized & cut off at the knees due to the broken families and broken minds, souls and bodies of the victims of the masters of the craft. When an experiment goes ‘bad’ and lives are made worse or destroyed rather than ‘helped’, it’s just chalked up to the cost of progress & they move on to the next gen drug.
Amen. Abstain from all appearance of evil
Folks could learn some more by watching The Sacred Plant series, with John Malanca. Now, they have gone a bit overboard, and seem to be jumping on the charisma train, but the basic information is good, uses for cbd, for children with seizures, ppl with cancer, healing from auto immune problems, lots of application, and individualized care and help is surely needed, with much prayer. May God be glorified in our seeking only to obey Him, glorify Him with our lives.
Thank you for making the difference between getting high, and seeking health through more natural ways. Many are getting left behind in the healthcare system, and have found hope and healing with cbd. I praise God for the healing He allowed for me, and need no medicine right now, but I research, as my conditions deteriorate.
Btw, in some medical treatments, in some states, there can be varying amounts of thc added to the cbd, for various reasons.
God bless you for always being real, honoring God, sharing Scripture, rightly dividing His Word. Praying for your back to have release from pain, tension.
40 year old pothead says mom can I borrow the car I've got to take care of this Annette well only if you put gas in it and come right back oh I will call Mommy he gets out in the car and takes off and isn't back for two days and leaves his 87 year old mother at the house in 10 below zero weather he's in there smoking pot with his buddies hahaha cough cough cough I got the munchies man can I crash on your couch what about your mom's car doesn't she need it hahaha I forget about that 🙁 Good Time Charlie's Got the Blues few days later the cars in the ditch impounded 87 year old grandma gets a call from her 40 year old son can you bail me out of jail mom again
No end of video
In the old days a lousy father would come home drunk and spend all of his money on beer in the bar or glint gambling and come home and have no food for his wife and kids are able to pay the mortgage right today if they come home with a bag full of marijuana same difference cough cough cough what man hahaha I forgot man haha oh, did you look for a job today haha what man I forgot the you got a couch I can crash on don't you.! Man I got the munchies can I crash you refrigerator 🙁
How many potheads do y'all know out there that are going wow man let's move to Illinois man pot is legal:-) it's a joke
I have noticed I raised 4 kids as Christians I was against marijuana no I wasn't smoking it with my kids like a lot of parents do. No way I've got a clean conscience that way thank God for that but it seems that my kids who are rebellious at an early age are still on marijuana if they only would have listened and it has destroyed our relationship to this very day and his kids are in their 40s and I've seen the road it's taking him down
The marijuana salesman have been hit me up with advertisements on my phone giving opportunities for people to invest? I always delete immediately and think what a disgusting joke and how many people will they suck in unfortunately how many Christians then again you could invest in the opioids industry with big Pharma right, or perhaps human trafficking investment which is widespread they used to tell us that by using any form of drugs which includes marijuana you were condoning bloodletting in Murder through the whole process all the way through all the drug dealers to South America all the prostitution all the crimes all of the embezzlement all the dirty filthy lucre….. are your hands clean?
I wish the pot was ten times stronger some of the pot in the nineties was there it wasoff the chain I was there
When I was lost I knew smoking pot was a sin. My goodness, these people are lost as a golf ball in "HIGH WEEDS"! LOST
Anyone that defends pot is lost and going to hell.
Aromatic cane what do you think the Lord was talking about something that is poisonous I don't think so or where it is said ALL of the seed baring herbs I give you to use or where it says judge not lest you be judged that covers a lot and you can't put your sins on and don't quote laws of the land crap because laws of the land let you kill baby's
There was Cannabis in the holy anointing oil, cannabossom means Cannabis , people knew when Moses was talking to God because of the smoke that coming from his tent where he was hot boxing