I just moved here from California and I got to say the legalization of weed is a big negative
Who lives in Santa Fe and cough cough knows someone
Did it pass
Marijuana is illegal because Latinos and blacks were more likely to rape a white woman. It’s still illegal even though the foundation was RAAAAACIST! Marijuana shouldn’t be illegal. FUCK THESE WHITE RACIST POS! NOW they want to control it and make money off it after they demonized blacks and Latinos for DECADES!
States on legalization of Marijuana…It is known that legalization of cannabis would bring epic revenue to the state, and the only reason it is not legalized is because that tax money would be located in the general pot of the state…Local jurisdictions (judicial systems) make far more exclusive money through state and federal funding…meaning, local jurisdictions make their money on funding based on convictions…the more statistics of crime…the more funded money for police, prosecutors, judges, parole/probation officers, jails, jailers, counseling, therapists etc…It's all about those jobs that would be reduced…Because criminal backgrounds legally allows discrimination of where one is allowed to work or live…leaves them completely reliant on the charity of others to survive…where charity is not found…they are forced to survive on criminal activity…creating the revolving door…that again feeds the statistics on the need for more funding…this makes a commodity of people being convicted far more valuable for exclusive funding of local jurisdictions than the far greater revenue that would be produced for the state…
All the deliberation and delay has lost our state out on serious $
I get it now! It's because New Mexico is a border state. That's why it's going to be stricter. Just build the wall already😂
Those "medical patients" have nothing to worry about. It will much easier to buy, and probably be cheaper. Please NM doesn't fuck it up, just let us have it in full and regulate it like alcohol. It's a no brainer, don't listen to any of those Republicans. This is a blue state!
Their gonna fuck it up. It's not gonna get done right. They're going to create new ways to imprison us over it🙄
first in state history bullshit it already made it to a vote and then for somewhat i would say is a very shady reason it was dropped never heard anything again
2020 huñnzâ. Good wy 2 keep som imgrnts frm smuggln bud through . Tired of seeing that damn shwag around NM haha forrealz though. Chronic ERA
if only the queer lawmakers in texas would do the same….
Awesome share!
Allison looking good
Good make new Mexico billions like we make colorado
Always some political bs i swear if this stuff becomes about dem and repubs whos party gets to choose. Never gonna get shit done
I'm from colorado trust me don't legalize it yet stay medical cuz the same people that profit from the arrest will start profiting from the legal sales shit is messed up
Cannabis… the word is cannabis, not pot or weed. Smh.
Colorado's tax revenue of MJ is much lower than expected. Also, the number of MJ related car crashes and DUI arrests have skyrocketed. The high tax on MJ has created a HUGE underground market.
I just moved here from California and I got to say the legalization of weed is a big negative
Who lives in Santa Fe and cough cough knows someone
Did it pass
Marijuana is illegal because Latinos and blacks were more likely to rape a white woman. It’s still illegal even though the foundation was RAAAAACIST! Marijuana shouldn’t be illegal. FUCK THESE WHITE RACIST POS! NOW they want to control it and make money off it after they demonized blacks and Latinos for DECADES!
States on legalization of Marijuana…It is known that legalization of cannabis would bring epic revenue to the state, and the only reason it is not legalized is because that tax money would be located in the general pot of the state…Local jurisdictions (judicial systems) make far more exclusive money through state and federal funding…meaning, local jurisdictions make their money on funding based on convictions…the more statistics of crime…the more funded money for police, prosecutors, judges, parole/probation officers, jails, jailers, counseling, therapists etc…It's all about those jobs that would be reduced…Because criminal backgrounds legally allows discrimination of where one is allowed to work or live…leaves them completely reliant on the charity of others to survive…where charity is not found…they are forced to survive on criminal activity…creating the revolving door…that again feeds the statistics on the need for more funding…this makes a commodity of people being convicted far more valuable for exclusive funding of local jurisdictions than the far greater revenue that would be produced for the state…
All the deliberation and delay has lost our state out on serious $
I get it now! It's because New Mexico is a border state. That's why it's going to be stricter. Just build the wall already😂
Those "medical patients" have nothing to worry about. It will much easier to buy, and probably be cheaper. Please NM doesn't fuck it up, just let us have it in full and regulate it like alcohol. It's a no brainer, don't listen to any of those Republicans. This is a blue state!
Their gonna fuck it up. It's not gonna get done right. They're going to create new ways to imprison us over it🙄
first in state history bullshit it already made it to a vote and then for somewhat i would say is a very shady reason it was dropped never heard anything again
2020 huñnzâ. Good wy 2 keep som imgrnts frm smuggln bud through . Tired of seeing that damn shwag around NM haha forrealz though.
Chronic ERA
if only the queer lawmakers in texas would do the same….
Awesome share!
Allison looking good
Good make new Mexico billions like we make colorado
Always some political bs i swear if this stuff becomes about dem and repubs whos party gets to choose. Never gonna get shit done
I'm from colorado trust me don't legalize it yet stay medical cuz the same people that profit from the arrest will start profiting from the legal sales shit is messed up
Cannabis… the word is cannabis, not pot or weed. Smh.
Colorado's tax revenue of MJ is much lower than expected. Also, the number of MJ related car crashes and DUI arrests have skyrocketed. The high tax on MJ has created a HUGE underground market.
Recreational legalization will be a pivotal agricultural, economic, and social justice opportunity for New Mexico. If residents want a head start on horticultural education, check out my online Cannabis Horticultural Science course: https://video.canresearch.net/playlist/cannabis-horticultural-science-course/671
About time hear something sensible
They just want to tax the potheads…
Legalize marijuana!
If they do legalize this anyone who is incarcerated for marijuana should be released
As if we didn't have enough homelessness, mental illness, synthetic drug use, violent crime, and overdose deaths. Guess they want more
People are going to self-medicate. Cannabis is bttr than opiods!
Thank God. Thank God. Take that, Santa Fe Police. I'm going to expunge your pathetic charges. Take that Santa Fe Police. This is what you deserve.
Bernie Sanders 2020, legal at the federal level.
Do it
Legalize it !!!
Take my money
The DEMOCRATS are doing one thing rite. But the rest of the bills are no good