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How Marijuana Works

Marijuana for Morning Sickness?

With more and more states legalizing marijuana, The Doctors discuss a study which found a high percentage of cannabis dispensary employees are …

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  1. Marijuana is safer for people then proscribing any type of pill. How many people do we know that have to wake up everyday and take at least 3 different pills a day to tell them how to feel. In my opinion marijuana is safer then depression medication. Most people who are on antidepressants, need to take a pill everyday otherwise it can cause severe depression to the point of self harm/suicide. Also these pills usually effect your kidneys, liver, heart, so on. Every pill a doctor prescribes is just a Guinea pig pill, they don’t know the long term effects of this pill because it’s new. But marijuana has been used for thousands of years, just like honey. It’s a miracle medicine, that can be used for several different health problems. There’s no serious health problems tied to marijuana ever, and you can never over dose like you can on prescription medications. Doctors don’t want people using marijuana because they know they will be losing money.

  2. Smoking marijuana is perfect for morning sickness… no birth defects matter of fact all 3 of mine are straight A students and well on point with everything

  3. All propaganda! Herb is the purist plant on this earth with many health benafits. Cigs hold 150+ toxic chemicals herb doesnt. CBD doesn't hold thc

  4. Women are being Rx morphine for migraines during pregnancy though an that’s totally fine… there has literally been no research that said it’s bad for bran development

    The studies suggested that long term a child can develop adhd or depression no more or less than it happening without cannabis.

  5. Haha these people are so uneducated. I smoked weed my entire pregnancy and my son is very very advanced. I see no issues with him, no delays, no regressions, nothing. Hes perfectly healthy, and perfectly normal. I'm pregnant again and I'm 11 weeks along and during these 11 weeks, I've lost 40 lbs. 40!!! I'm so sick and nauseous nonstop, I've fainted at work and had to go the emergency room because I couldn't even keep water down. And I had to get super cute stitches on my brow. I started smoking weeks again earlier this week and I already feel amazing. It helps so much. I'm able to eat, drink and play with my son. Before I would just lay down all day because I had no energy, I was constantly puking (even if my stomach was empty) and I was always on the verge of fainting. Cannabis is an incredible plant and it (in my own personal experience since theres no studies that can morally be done) is a major gamechanger for pregnant women. You dont have to take the medications they prescribe that do cause birth defects. I have never ever encountered a weed baby with any defect that wasnt genetic.

  6. These are just addicts trying to justify their use while pregnant since they are unable to quit for their unborn child. Fathers need to be more selective in whom they choose to impregnate if they truly care for their kids. It is not fair to the child. I've heard pot users say it makes them a better driver . You cannot argue the fact with someone that has to depend on Marijuana. For some it is a cure for mad cow disease.

  7. Y’all crazy if y’all think weed is damaging to a fetus when it’s not even damaging the mother….. alcohol and prescription drugs are what you need to avoid not weed.

  8. This guy is stupid! I used it for my first pregnancy and it worked. My son is perfect. He was a gifted student, tested genius and is 23 and has started his career.

  9. These people are closed minded and these are the types of ppl who grew knowing that's illegal by bc it's bas and its side affect the only side effect the weed has that I know of is getting high removing pain physically emotionally and disconnecting from the for a little bit you can also take perks codeine and etc… BUT! from the ones we get prescribed by doc those have a whole lot of bad side effects that can actually kill but yet I have not heard Anyone dying from weed they mad they can lose money by with drugs they killing us slowly and they don't know that they are killing themselves too 🤦‍♀️

  10. Marijuana REALLY stops hyperemesis garvidum morning sickness. You can eat and be comfortable. It's better then Zofran and other pharmaceuticals. A woman can almost immediately hold good down and stop vomiting. Do a study on this.

  11. Weed Is not like whiskey or any other drug. Weed shouldn't be even called a drug because it's a plant and it's natural. There is not one case study showing someone has died from weed. Unless it was placed but then again they didn't die from the weed. Weed cannot harm an unborn child. Because like I said it is natural. And a woman being pregnant knowing what its like to throw up for my ENTIRE 1st trimester and has tried everything to keep food down and has lost weight because my body won't keep food down because I'm pregnant. Then yeah I'm gonna occasionally smoke weed buy only when I'm sick as a dog. You should really do more research because you all sounded like complete idiots. Sorry🤷‍♀️

  12. This douche obviously hasnt dealt with a woman whos going through HG and is on the verge of killing her baby from throwing up 24/7 and it gets worse and worse and has tried EVERYTHING

  13. You say marijuana like its crack. The fuck? If you had any idea what hyperemesis gravardium felt like you wouldnt feel the same. Weed is weed its the pussiest thing you can do its natural. Fym

  14. this group of people have no idea what they are talking about. HG is serious. Alcohol is PROVEN to be bad for baby the same as SMOKING. But marijuana has no pure evidence of it causin issues to the fetus

  15. No to morning sickness tea works great!! I wish I would have bought it sooner. I'm 34 week's now and still get occasional morning sickness, but once I drink a cup of this I feel so much better.

  16. Somked with my daughter cause my morning sickness. Cause my doctor said my baby would be fine. I stopped smoking when I hit 15 weeks. Now my daughter is about to be 2 and she's smart as fuck. She knows her ABC's she can counts to 10. It had not effects on her brain.

  17. But you'll prescribe me Zofran which is known to cause birth defects!!? I've done my research, and I'm not talking about the drug websites that say marijuana is just as bad as heroine 😒
    I've talked to tons of other women who smoked when they were pregnant, only marijuana, and none had any claims of birth defects or developmental issues. All said their children were perfect, meeting all milestones on time if not sooner than other children! I've talked to older women who's children are adults with children of their own and they are all just fine! I smoked until I was 20 weeks with my daughter who is now a smart and independent 2 year old, if I wouldn't have I would have ended up in the hospital for sure! I could not even keep water down! Nausea meds are great for nausea but what about my appetite?? I would throw up whatever I forced myself to get down! I had absolutely no appetite before I got pregnant and it only got worse in early pregnancy. I stopped smoking when my cravings started kicking in and I didn't need it anymore. Marijuana has many, MANY benefits and I'm tired of people putting it down with no proof it is bad! Do your own research people! Talk to people who have experience with it! They can't even do any studies on pregnant women so anything they claim to be true is absolutely not! They don't look at women who only consumed marijuana they see it on your drug test and run with it even though some also drank, smoked cigarettes and some even did hard drugs also! Talk to actual women who ONLY smoked marijuana and I GUARANTEE you'll disagree with this close minded bunch just as much as I do!

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