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Manitoba leaders debate 2019

Manitobans vote in two weeks, and the leaders of the province’s four main political parties square off in a televised debate broadcast from CBC’s Winnipeg …

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  1. Pallister just makes claims with no citations or justifications at all. His words sound good and are easy to believe; my wife and I know much different first hand with both of us in healthcare and education.

  2. The question that ALWAYS gets to me when election time comes around is: where does everyone find the information that supports their vote, and how do they convince themselves that this information is reflective of the truth and not spun in some manner by partisanship?

    In other words, how do you go about making a rational vote?

  3. We all love to hate politicians but the PCs now have track record. A record of improving the economy while reducing excessive spending. They have improved the future for all Manitoba. To my amazement, they fulfilled the promise of a reduced PST. It now looks like the PC's much hated heath care changes are working too. So I'm voting PC because it is working.

  4. What a completely disorganized shitshow of a debate. No time for a half coherent thought. Moderator might be on ambien. Nobody had anything resembling an answer to a question besides pallister. NDP promise free money, Greens promise free money both with no plan as to where it’s going to come from. Liberals had nothing to say at all really. Pallister says lower taxes, balanced budget, increased healthcare spending and new jobs. Having previously known next to nothing about any of these people or their platforms, I think I know who I’ll be voting for.

  5. kids are already growing up to be environmentalists BECAUSE of the lack of change happening bih going outside does not make you an environmentalist, actually caring and doing what you can makes you one. clearly pallister isn't

  6. CBC what candidate are you going to promote and lie for. We know your creditably Is beyond reproach from past experience.
    The tax funded feminists Marxist media of Canada is the young Turks of the north and is as respected ,especially your journalists.

  7. I will not vote for a party whose leader is someone that Tara Hart is wholey dreading becoming premier because she knows he is about gaining power for power's sake and fame, and he can't bring himself to face his past criminal transgressions against others less physically as strong as him as a transparent, humble and mature adult.

  8. A few thoughts on tonight's All Leader's Debate:

    Thanks to the three Networks for providing a common forum. I believe that citizens should be engaged and we should be knowledgeable and talk about the offerings these people make to the electorate as the servants of us – " the people ". That is what election time is for. I am sure there will be some lively dinner table discussions over the labour day weekend. So I see the relative cost of 1.5 hrs of TV time as a cost of the business of democracy that we all pay for by taxes in peacetime and upon the altar of freedom with lives in times of war.. It is valuable time and the private and public broadcasters that make that time available – thank you for doing so, And to those who offer to serve – a sincere thank you for that service as well.

    We heard a lot of fluff and misdirection in this debate and arguably the format moved us over a lot of turf issue wise in a hurry-up fashion that removed any chance of substantiveness outright. Ultimately there was no real opportunity to dissect any issues or for that matter really debate them.

    I think its time to have townhall debates where citizen questions – real peoples questions as opposed to attempts to do the gotchya journalism or jaded give me your stump speech setups.. provides a truly engaging an interactive means to go over the issues. This debate was a snoozefest. A chance for the 4 parties to catalogue their main points and stump speeches. The human costs of these decisions and their impacts lost to the politicians instead of here I am citizen asking a reasonable question and expecting a truthful real answer.

    I felt that the Premier was glossing over the truth – in that statistics were used to defend everything he's done – no words to principles or beliefs as if all governmental decisions were the result of a cost-benefit study. It left me feeling that there was a lack of sincerity on his part – but he was also under attack all night. I, however, was left thinking rightly so.

    No knock out punches – but we were not boxing here – this is an exchange of ideas – or rather my idea is this your is this and it's not as good as mine is.

    So for mud wrestling fans – nope nothing here. For Fans of truth and new ideas, a few glimmering moments of spark from both Mr.Beddome and I have to admit Mr. Lamont. Beddome was the only one that acknowledged other team members. For fans of the more of the same old same old – you got that in spades tonight.

    Here's the rub in my mind: Nobody said they would be willing to sit down and work together to solve some of these big problems together and thats why Majority governments should never be allowed to happen in Manitoba. So I'll be voting Green because the mess thats coming in the next 15 years is going to take all of us together and their children's children to solve.

  9. 54:28 – "He was calm, he was ready" I don't know what debate you were watching but if by calm you mean "raving Trump imitation" and ready you mean "repeating the same talking points over and over in response to questions, comments, general sounds being made near him and over any other attempts at debate at a debate" maybe we saw the same thing.

  10. I never knew Bartley Kives was such a right-wing stooge. Missing matter: Pallister said he was going to do to Education what he did for Healthcare. Good Gravy, how could this not be addressed AND saints preserve us. We're sunk. Manitoba hasn't had a Liberal premier in 61 years, so it's not them who have driven this province into the potholes.

  11. YES PRIVATE SECTOR, as in small business men. what about working people? FROZEN SOCIAL SERVICES!! what about social workers, nurses and people on the front line. i work in social services and they wont even hire a new secretary, freezing jobs and FIRING people. Tourism in Manitoba give me a break.

  12. Why do leftist / progressive politicians love big government, increasing taxes and making people dependent on the government? Most of their policies invariably lead to more debt and higher taxes.

  13. I’m even more disappointed I was blocked from being on this debate panel. Traditional media continues to show their bias by not allowing a true democratic debate to happen.

  14. 5 minutes in, Pallister sounds like a deranged lunatic living in another world. Don't like Kinew, but I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would vote for that pallister nutjob.

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