Bang kalo boleh tau itu brapa lama masa panen nya ..??
Sy sdh punya black sapote tpi msh kecil & sy pingin punya white sapote biar lengkap
Mas… bisa sy pesan cangkoknya ??? Brp WA panjenengan tlg hub WA sy 0817304070 bude Enwin
Alamat mana pak ?
Resp. Person what is the name of this fruit and how can we gate the seeds from you ,where's from you are ( country,place) .Please make a video in English ,thank you.
Bang kalo boleh tau itu brapa lama masa panen nya ..??
Sy sdh punya black sapote tpi msh kecil & sy pingin punya white sapote biar lengkap
Mas… bisa sy pesan cangkoknya ??? Brp WA panjenengan tlg hub WA sy 0817304070 bude Enwin
Alamat mana pak ?
Resp. Person what is the name of this fruit and how can we gate the seeds from you ,where's from you are ( country,place) .Please make a video in English ,thank you.
Nak nan
nak nan
Hrg bibitnya brp?