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LIVE: Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh (Day 2)

Confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett #Kavanaugh (Day 2, PArt 1) – LIVE at 9:30am ET on C-SPAN3, C-SPAN Radio & online here: …

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  1. I wish Kagan and Sotomayor had been grilled just as much a Judge Kavanaugh. They have no business being on the Supreme Court. They are ridiculous embarrassments.

  2. We the people still believe that a person is innocence until proven guilty! Another thing, lets vote out all the bad apples and replace them with good ones! I know Hawaii, California, and New Jersey don't have good apples so those states need to have them replaced. I'm sure there are more so do your homework!

  3. He is a nice man is all the posts here hahahahahahaha, dude tuned out to be the biggest douche of all time. If U want to make an impression on America just answer yes no or I do not know (let your lobbiests be your voice box otherwise NOT in a hearing) other than that U R suspect and if U do it with a hostile attitude U look quilty, that's right out of any police or lawyer's play book on interogation. To bad sexual assault is an issue here having said that Kavanaughs attitue is THE reason to deny him infact he needs to step down and retire.
    NOTE: I have faced a Judge in a DEPT. as a defender & I was totally innocent and I knew showing my anger to any thing was not in my best interest thing is I did not have the responsibility of considering the USA's best interests & Kanavaugh could not contain himself enough to recognize that. BTW I won that case.

  4. Ford didn't know how she got to the party or how she got home from the party or where the party was or what year it was.
    In the four people she said was at the party all denied it she's a loser liar

  5. I agree Brookhaven all has shown himself to be a decent man with a decent family so anyone that just wants to make judgements against him so quickly not knowing anything really about him you know you can do what you want to it's a free country but I certainly certainly believe that you will pay for it in the long run

  6. What made the grade for me was when the lady ask her what were the things you remember the most about that incident was, "I remember, the rooms, I remember the stair way, I remember their laughing at me BUT she never remembered their faces……that tells it all for me. ! It could have happened yes, but not by the guys she thinks did it.

  7. at 11;58 when protesters are disrupting the hearing, feinstein, leans towards grassley and says, chuck, I dont think they should be taken out, they been here all day, then Grassley says, your advice is to leave them, then she says, my advice is to… then gets cut off, and keep in mind, she is sitting on the then, anonymous kavanough accuser's letter. it is so obvious, especially now looking back at this hearing/lynching, and now these false accusers? this is all very well coordinated , and planned hit job on this SCOTUS

  8. What about Clinton rape victims?

    By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – – Tuesday, September 18, 2018

    Christine Blasey Ford’s recent rape claims against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are very serious. So much so that I think Mrs. Ford and Monica Lewinsky should console the alleged rape victims of former President Bill Clinton.
    Apparently Mrs. Ford’s brother is somehow connected with Fusion GPS’ false Trump-Russia-collusion dossier. Not to mention that Mrs. Ford could have brought up her accusations when Judge Kavanugh was in the news in 1993, looking into the strange death of Vince Foster.
    It is amazing that the media will never ask the Clintons how it feels to have “false” allegations of rape facing you.

  9. Don't trust the transcript!

    I was looking for Sen, Grahams "Law of Armed Conflict" questioning. As I was following the audio with the transcript of hearing I noticed some dropped words like "uh" or repeats of the same word. OK, no biggy. I would even understand words that sounded similar being transcribed wrong, I see that a lot on closed captioning. Then I hear 2001, but read 1991. What? that's not even close.

    At 2:43:39, Senator Lindsey Graham asks Where were you on September 11, 2001.

    This is the transcript.
    557:13 >> WHERE WERE YOU SEPTEMBER 11,
    557:14 1991?

    That's weird. Then a last name gets changed. At 2:45:07, Judge Bret Kavanaugh says the name Sarah Taylor, not Sarah Wright.

    The transcript,

    What does Sarah Wright have to do with 1991? Probably nothing, but I can now understand how deaf people may have a completely different take on things because transcripts "LIE".

    I did find what I was looking for, and more than I expected.

    2:45:45 Law of Armed Conflict.

  10. Sen. Hirono appears here as a condescending, spiteful person. Not only were her questions ill-formed and apparently designed to use several rhetorical tactics instead of being designed to seek answers, she felt it necessary to disregard any attempt by the nominee to provide an answer which would contest the pretentious pomposity on display by such an unprofessional, activist witch. Indeed, I’d have been hard pressed to give negative marks had he simply told her to shut the f*ck up… she deserved that and far more.

  11. Question: Say a person got an abortion and it caused them long term guilt and regret, emotional distress and depression. Say the person thought it was offensive to God and they felt their eternal salvation was forfeit because of their choice.

    Since the government made it legal, and readily available, that conditioned the person to think that it was morally okay. The person didn't consider the moral implications due to it being legal. Say the person felt pressured and rushed by the clinic, the spouse, the family members to get the abortion. So they made a hasty decision based on convenience. Say the plaintiff saw it as an 'abortion on demand' and the clinic joked about how "it's no big deal, we have girls who come in on their lunch break to have the procedure done."

    Would the person be able to make a case on that? Who would they sue? If the court agreed that the government contributed to the emotional distress and hardship and the possible loss of eternal salvation for the individual, by promoting abortion and allowing it to be performed 'on demand'…, would they be able to overturn Roe v Wade? Make it illegal?

  12. @1:23:00 Hiring a all-female clerk staff isn’t “equality”. It’s preferential and arguably paternalistic pathological altruism. While I’m sure their academic background and experience was top notch, I find it hard to believe there were no male applicants. This means male applicants, regardless of qualification, were rejected using discrimination based upon sex.

    Arguing to be for “equality”, implying to mean equality of opportunity while actually practicing attempts to impose equality of outcome, is not the correct way to be inclusive to any group. In fact, it reinforces the zero-sum fallacy by taking unjustly from one group to favor another. Finding ways to be inclusive is important, but don’t b.s. us and think we don’t see it clear as day.

  13. Weird how the woman behind Kavanaugh is the same woman who replaced Plaid Shirt Guy at the Montana "rally" . . . quite a coincidence isn't it?

  14. Corey Booker doesn’t want to make things better or he would be trying to. The questions he is asking are making it seem like this one judge could make all these things happen. Ridiculous. He is just trying to grandstand. He already knows how he will vote. Sickening spectacle.

  15. No your not correct, it's not their 1st amendment that they are pushing it is just a cover up for their failures.
    I believe that they are just rude and aregant and they mad because the truth about what they are doing is probably against the law.
    Must push back to get rid of president Trump because he is going to hang many of them and they know it.

  16. Feinstein has no clue what she is talking about … This is what you get when you have people making laws that haven't a clue about what they are making laws about. This lady banned "assault rifles" and I bet she has never shot one, and couldn't describe one. Pretty sad. She needs to retire.

  17. 45:30 its because the bullies are cry bullies and if you beat them like they deserve they get you charged with assult unless you had a phone or some other evidence of the harassment and even then things could still no go favorably so the bullied are forced to bite there tongues until they cant. in my case it was known with no doubt that if i lost my shit people would be beat to the hospital or death. they told me when they decided they pushed to far because my face was twisting so much that they new they went to far. we ended up friends unironically.

  18. Sen Booker's tone is demeaning and patronising. As a Mexican American I don't need someone like him to speak for me, but I do need a SCJ like judge Kavanaugh to uphold constitutional precedents and rulings and prevent our nation's judicial branch from becoming a political pawn in the hands of liberal anarchists

  19. Dems must be Dem witted, the truth is right in your face and you can't even see it.
    What America and the people have been though sense the death of JFK and Trump is pushing the exact same thing JFK was pushing yet the Dems can't still see the truth.
    Think about this, JFK Jr was a close friend of Trump's. They had a very good relationship with each other. Would you have voted for JFK Jr.

  20. Seems like a waste of time to me. Most every Senator has already made up their minds…so just grandstanding but interesting to verify why Congress rating is a 6 to 11% depending on the poll. Silly people we send up there. Watching some programs on Generation Z…looks like a wonderful group of kids that are not stupid and really educated on these things. Hope I live long enough to see some real people sent to Congress that really care about We the People!!!

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