Korean makeup more into natural thing its not like you usualy does
Jeffree throughout this review: 🤩🤯😌😛😊😜😮😯🤔🤨😐😑😔😪
"I hate small things" we all get that unconsciously 😂
Etude house ohmygosh !🙆😍
What size do your track suits come in? Ive gained a lot of weight due to being hit by two cars in less than six months apart
"Hi deep eye sockets how are we doing today bitchhh"
I hated the way he ate that hahaha….
Chew with your fucking mouth closed pleeeease😱😵🤮!!! Thanks love ya queen💖👏
💖💖💖 kitkat
That grinch reference was fucking great 🤣
jeffree the vsco girl
you should try more korean makeups
When I heard him say "Singapore" I accidentally poked myself with the needle I was holding. (Because I live in Singapore)
Wow! beautiful palette colours. A palette that you will actually use every colour in it.
"in korea there's so many flavors of kit kat"
Japan left the group
Makeup made in China Me: eh?
Makeup made in Korea Me: wow that's cool omg i'm gonna die.
When you said chocolate tastes better outside the USA it’s because they put ingredients into US chocolate that they don’t show on the packaging where as in the UK and Europe we only use the natural cocoa produced from Africa and other small countries which we pay using the chocolate we buy 👍🏻😂
You know your rich when you buy a palette to stare at
Jeffree is so iconic "l bought 2 , one to look at and one to open"
Okay but Jeffree’s chewing…😳🤢
did anyone notice that most of the time jeffree wear nude color lipstick??
When you say "we love that" im like briamwashed haha 😄
Your prices are great..compared to other high end makeup it's compatible or cheaper. To be honest I rather pay for quality. I don't want BS stuff😂 I love you Jeffree!!! ❤️✌️🙏❤️
Korean makeup more into natural thing its not like you usualy does
Jeffree throughout this review: 🤩🤯😌😛😊😜😮😯🤔🤨😐😑😔😪
"I hate small things" we all get that unconsciously 😂
Etude house ohmygosh !🙆😍
What size do your track suits come in? Ive gained a lot of weight due to being hit by two cars in less than six months apart
"Hi deep eye sockets how are we doing today bitchhh"
I hated the way he ate that hahaha….
Chew with your fucking mouth closed pleeeease😱😵🤮!!! Thanks love ya queen💖👏
💖💖💖 kitkat
That grinch reference was fucking great 🤣
jeffree the vsco girl
you should try more korean makeups
When I heard him say "Singapore" I accidentally poked myself with the needle I was holding. (Because I live in Singapore)
beautiful palette colours.
A palette that you will actually use every colour in it.
"in korea there's so many flavors of kit kat"
Japan left the group
Makeup made in China
Me: eh?
Makeup made in Korea
Me: wow that's cool omg i'm gonna die.
When you said chocolate tastes better outside the USA it’s because they put ingredients into US chocolate that they don’t show on the packaging where as in the UK and Europe we only use the natural cocoa produced from Africa and other small countries which we pay using the chocolate we buy 👍🏻😂
You know your rich when you buy a palette to stare at
Jeffree is so iconic "l bought 2 , one to look at and one to open"
Okay but Jeffree’s chewing…😳🤢
did anyone notice that most of the time jeffree wear nude color lipstick??
When you say "we love that" im like briamwashed haha 😄
Your prices are great..compared to other high end makeup it's compatible or cheaper. To be honest I rather pay for quality. I don't want BS stuff😂 I love you Jeffree!!! ❤️✌️🙏❤️
im not sure if they r a boy or girl