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NX 9 free download full version is available for the users now. NX 9 full version has new features and features to improve the product and.Fatty acid composition of milk and blood in cattle after a single intrauterine infusion of a mixture of fatty acids.
Plasma and milk FA concentrations in 16 primiparous Holstein cows were compared to determine the effect of a single intrauterine infusion of a fatty acid mixture on FA accumulation in milk and blood. Fatty acid composition of plasma and milk was determined by gas chromatography at 0, 5, 10 and 30 d after a single intravaginal infusion of 2 g fatty acids/50 kg BW. Intrauterine infusion of fatty acids did not change the concentration of individual FAs in plasma or milk. For plasma FAs, C18:2n-6 tended to decrease and C18:3n-3 to increase in treated cows. The ratios of n-6/n-3 and n-6/n-6 FA were lower and n-3/n-6 higher in treated cows. The total concentration of saturated FA was lower in treated cows. The concentration of trans-C18:1 was higher in treated cows, but the ratio of saturated/unsaturated FA was higher in controls. In contrast, the content of vaccenic and rumenic acids in plasma was higher in treated cows. The concentration of monounsaturated FAs was higher in treated cows, but the ratios of C14:1/C14 and C16:1/C16 were lower in treated cows. The concentration of oleic and C18:1n-9 was higher in milk of treated cows. An intrauterine infusion of a fatty acid mixture in primiparous cows resulted in increased concentrations of vaccenic and rumenic acids in plasma and higher concentrations of oleic and vaccenic acids in milk.Q:
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