I would rather buy cannabis in any store than cannabis from a dealer..Come on Arizona finish and legalize already 😂
How about we follow the constitution and throw out the unconstitutional drug laws on the books! 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
I think Congress should smoke a joint. An then PASS it.
This is against BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS! Just Free F R EE D O M👌
We don't need any more racist old white men appointed to these positions anymore. Their view points are outdated and ancient.
Its going to be made federally legal by a republican administration. Democrats are good for nothing.
As a United States citizen of the Americas of the world I can officially say that I make the best chicken while I'm working on marijuana people be all like, a bro how you make that good chicken ? I be all like it's a secret I be on that fire
the feds are tasting the herb$. of course they want more herb$ but they dont want more new entrepreneurs making herb$
Trump is doing a great job 👍.
If you trust our vote, We the People for voting the people in office then why can't we make our own decisions and vote on legal marijuana
Let the people vote.. Seems fair
I think he is being fair, we can't expect everyone to accept this with open arms but at least he is open minded enough to make compromise salute to him…legalize it thoooo
Same opinion is Trump says same wants the feds to change the law
What's with the over dramatic cringey background music with every video from this outlet?
well, i agree with Barr that Congress should be the ones making it clear whether marijuana is a federal offense or not.
He’s pro red flag laws, call senator to not vote this rino in
This seems to be the policy of the GOP now. "Oh, we hate marijuana but if the states want it we won't stop them". And then the Alcohol lobby bribes them to pass a Federal anti-marijuana law and we're back to square one.
That's … reasonable !?!?!?
I smoke regardless of your decisions, william, so save your breath
Moron democrat senators questioning someone on marijuana when they probably never used any. Kamala keeps asking the same questions over and over instead of asking new questions. LOL, im glad shes running for president, she will help Trump get reelected.
I can't believe we're still having this discussion in 2019.
I would rather buy cannabis in any store than cannabis from a dealer..Come on Arizona finish and legalize already 😂
How about we follow the constitution and throw out the unconstitutional drug laws on the books! 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
I think Congress should smoke a joint.
An then PASS it.
This is against BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS! Just Free F R EE D O M👌
We don't need any more racist old white men appointed to these positions anymore. Their view points are outdated and ancient.
Its going to be made federally legal by a republican administration. Democrats are good for nothing.
As a United States citizen of the Americas of the world I can officially say that I make the best chicken while I'm working on marijuana people be all like, a bro how you make that good chicken ? I be all like it's a secret I be on that fire
the feds are tasting the herb$. of course they want more herb$ but they dont want more new entrepreneurs making herb$
Trump is doing a great job 👍.
If you trust our vote, We the People for voting the people in office then why can't we make our own decisions and vote on legal marijuana
Let the people vote.. Seems fair
I think he is being fair, we can't expect everyone to accept this with open arms but at least he is open minded enough to make compromise salute to him…legalize it thoooo
Same opinion is Trump says same wants the feds to change the law
What's with the over dramatic cringey background music with every video from this outlet?
well, i agree with Barr that Congress should be the ones making it clear whether marijuana is a federal offense or not.
He’s pro red flag laws, call senator to not vote this rino in
This seems to be the policy of the GOP now. "Oh, we hate marijuana but if the states want it we won't stop them". And then the Alcohol lobby bribes them to pass a Federal anti-marijuana law and we're back to square one.
That's … reasonable !?!?!?
I smoke regardless of your decisions, william, so save your breath
The video is 4:20
Moron democrat senators questioning someone on marijuana when they probably never used any. Kamala keeps asking the same questions over and over instead of asking new questions. LOL, im glad shes running for president, she will help Trump get reelected.
I can't believe we're still having this discussion in 2019.