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Is It Time To Legalize It? | Random Thursday

After a lot of requests, I decided to chime in on marijuana legalization. But after sharing it early with Patreon supporters, I got a lot of feedback about issues I may …

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  1. They have separated social drinking from other forms of drinking finding social drinking is beneficial and they believe it is the human need for socialization that makes the difference.

  2. I always thought my paranoia was a result of "Cannabis" being illegal. I just didn't want to get caught. Now it's legal in several states and I don't get paranoid anymore. Also you may want to look into why it was made illegal in the first place.

  3. The majority of ER visits are from ignorance not from it actually being harmful. While this is true with alcohol also, it's way easier to get hurt or killed from alcohol

  4. big pharma all over the world did the same thing with opium, meth, lsd lsa dmt cbd thc hgh and many others making synthetic versions like oxy and methadone that normally have worse side effects then the illegal form for more money instead of capitalizing on it and but no teaching plp how to use it properly and safely as a medicine through regulation doesn't turn enough of a profit

  5. The failure of Prohibition shows that seeking intoxication is a core human characteristic that is negatively associated with punishment – making alcohol illegal increases alcohol consumption. Thus, access to an intoxicant is a human right. Now, the intoxicant "alcohol" is toxic and most anybody's physician will say it is contraindicated, especially once liver damage has progressed. At that point withholding access to a relatively safe intoxicant, cannabis, is a vile violation of human rights.

  6. Comparing alcohol and marijuana is a non-starter. Not a fair comparison. Neither one is healthy for you and they both have very negative side-effects. Wine, in contrast and I guess other forms/types of alcohol, in very small amounts, are good for your blood stream. Smoke from marijuana, which is the form it is most often/commonly consumed by, is very unhealthy. It also can screw up your brain, your gene pool, takes away ambition and your memory, too. I'm not even going to finish this vid. We don't need more and more DOPED UP CITIZENS AND KIDS!

  7. I have smoked weed for well over 10 years every day without fail across 2 different countries. I used to drink socially when I was younger but never enjoyed it. I dont like the taste. If I am going to drink, its either cider or red wine. I also didn't enjoy how i felt nor the way i was conducting myself. Weed has always been a way for me to unwind when others would grab a beer or two. It helped me study through university, it has been there through some incredibly tough times, its helped me stay level and grounded. its helped me think, learn and create. it has been consistent and I have never had a hangover, been sick, had a fight or had to hold back disgusting shots of liquid and mentally prepare myself to swallow it. I was born in the USA but grew up in the UK. In my 20's I decided to grab a backpack and make use of my dual citizenship. Ive done great things, worked some amazing jobs, met some incredible people and ive finally made my way out here to beautiful Colorado, where i can finally for the first time in my life, legally walk into a store, and buy an ounce of weed just like a case of beer. I met my fiance back in New York and together we have built a cozy little life together. For both of us, to finally see cannabis treated so openly and fairly, just like alcohol, just feels right and the way things should be. My one rule for cannabis consumption is to only smoke at night when the day is done and there are no further commitments, just like a person would have a glass of wine or a beer. Just helps you keep moving on with life. (unless its the weekend of course!) It's never done me wrong yet!

  8. The VA prescribes me dronabinol but it's hard to take pills when I'm super nauseated. I asked if I could smoke instead. I was told "we haven't had enough testing on how marijuana reacts with your fentanyl." My response "but, I'm on marinol… (dronabinol)" pause we will have to remove you from the pain program (what they call the entity we enroll in and controls our lives mandating urine tests for drugs randomly, contact signing and checking to make sure we use our meds properly on a regular basis… we're veterans, not people marked for abusing drugs) "should you decide to get state ID to get prescribed marijuana… since the VA is federal and exempt from state laws. Sorry. "
    So even tho the marinol helps with me keeping weight on, even tho I can't take it when I have super flare ups and can't take my oral meds… I can't look into alternative solutions because marijuana is still federally illegal. So, just because a state allows marijuana veterans are not allowed access to this potential benefit. Even if we're on the synthetic version.
    Sounds more like pharmaceutical industry doesn't want to lose that money. Just my opinion… frustrated opinion. (Not to mention there are issues with marinol and it's dosages

  9. It should have NEVER been made illegal. There is only one reason that it was, The alchohol lobby! Is it surprising that it was made illegal just a couple of years after prohibition ended. The alchohol industry wanted anything that interfered with their new found profitability to be eliminated! Damn Congress and every lobbyist that ever bribed any government official.

  10. It's 100% illegal here in 'straya… It's not like anyone cares though. I know so many pot smokers nowadays that it kinda reinforces my belief that; once a certain number of people stop obeying a law, it becomes unenforceable and therefore no longer functions as a law. Legalise it ✌

  11. I've always heard everyone say it's labeled a schedule 1 drug, but in Tennessee if you get "busted" with pot they charge you with possession of a schedule 6 drug, a schedule 6 drug in Tennessee is "a drug with a low risk of physical dependency" according to what I've found online.

  12. My main issue between the two is when one drinks alcohol it goes into one only, for the person next to them to get a second hand high the drinker would have to regurgitate into their mouth! Its the smoke of marijuana i do not care for, so if one would drink, eat, or swallow a pill i would not go against the grain/weed.
    Last maybe far fetched thought is when one maybe jumps from beer/wine to whisky its still alcohol, if one jumps from marijuana to heroin??? And yes i am not getting into the beer to pot jump or vise versa.
    Admittedly as an older age group my wife and I have been hard core against pot, but after seeing/hearing this Random Thursday production our old squinted eyes have been slightly enlightened. Agree much more non-bias research is warranted, please.
    Thanks for the added intelligence, collateral damage from this episode was a positive. 🙂

  13. I find the statistics on accidents while high on cannabis to be very suspect. Considering how a person can test positive for cannabis, long after the effects have worn off. Until there is a reliable metric on how much THC that is detectable equals how much impairment. Of course, there's that medical study aspect that currently cannot be done until it's taken off the schedule one list.

  14. Thanks for an unbiased look at this issue, there are far too many hidden motives in the discussion on this topic, and I appreciate your commentary and opinion.

  15. Decriminalization does NOT halt a black market.
    Legalization does.

    If a drugs illegal to sell but not possess,
    That means the price is still controlled by the illegal market. Those who sell can inflate the price as much as they want, they don't need licences or safety checks. It's still an unregulated market, and the people who aren't criminals by possession are still contributing to that market.
    Even if it's schedule II under the us controlled substances act,
    Amphetamines, and most opioids are schedule II. There is a legal market for them in the medical industry, but that doesn't stop abuse or illegal selling of scheduled drugs.
    I clearly don't know what I'm talking about but I stand by it!

  16. I don't smoke marijuana or use any form of cannabis. I think pot should be legalized. With some caveats.
    1. Marijuana has been shown to cause cognitive deterioration in long term use. There are a couple of very good studies that have been done on this subject and the results are about as incontrovertible as you can get from doing studies. You don't turn into a vegetable but it does knock your IQ down with protracted use. "A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drug in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. YOU LOSE GRAY MATTER FROM USING POT. This is not subject to interpretation, it's a proven fact.

    2. It's not safe to smoke. The biggest problem with tobacco, specifically cigarettes as the other forms of tobacco consumption are far less dangerous than cigarettes, is the tar. It's the tar that causes lung cancer. That gooey brown stuff that accumulates at the end of a joint, the part traditionally called a "roach" because hey, it looks a lot like a cockroach? Yeah, that's tar. People who smoke cigarettes know this, if you smoke pot you should know it too. If you don't, you're in denial and see #1 above.

    3. Marijuana stifles volition. Being high on cannabinoids causes you to sit on your couch and in some cases eat foods you probably wouldn't if you didn't have the munchies. Sit and munch, munch and sit. Play video games and munch, munch and play video games. Etc. Complex endeavors tend to become too much of a bother when you're stoned.

    4. Being high doesn't go away, you just get used to it. The psychoactive ingredients in pot work by distorting the signal between nerves. Those psychoactive ingredients (THC) accumulate in the fatty conductor between nerve cells. Once it's there, it stays there for about 90 days. It continues to distort the signal between the cells, your brain simply adjusts to that distortion. There was an experiment done with a type of glasses that inverts the image that hits the retina in the back of the eye. That image is NORMALLY inverted, your brain just turns it right side up so you can use the image without confusion. The experiment flipped the image on the retina to the opposite of what is normal. After a couple hours all of a sudden people started seeing things right side up again with the glasses on. Their brains 'knew' that the image was wrong and corrected it. When they took the glasses off it took a couple hours and everything went back to normal again. Your brain does the same thing with a cannabis high, it knows that the high is "wrong" and just compensates for it over time. That means that even though you don't FEEL high the day after you smoke a joint, you ARE still high and for up to 90 days.

    So, pot makes you stupid and lazy, if you smoke it your lungs get coated with tar and you stay high long after you stop feeling high. These are all facts that for whatever reason Joe neglected. Go look them up before you try to tell me they're not so, I did and they are so. If you are too stupid to realize the accuracy of this information, too lazy to go look it up, and too high to care then all you do is prove my point.

    I also think that before anyone is allowed to buy legal cannabis they should have to read those four items I listed above plus anything new that turns up and then take a test to be sure they actually read and grasped the information. Not to keep anyone from buying pot, just so that no one has any excuse for thinking that cannabis consumption is completely safe and benevolent. It's not. I'm OK with that, if you want to smoke pot you should be too. People smoke tobacco and drink alcohol and know the risks, pot should be no different as far as informed consent goes. Then people who don't smoke won't have listen to all the ignorant fantasies about the benign harmlessness of cannabis from its fans. Those endless ignorant fantasies were alluded to by Joe in this video. We all get sick of hearing it real fast so go smoke your pot but for Pete's sake get informed about it TOO. Then shut the hell up, your cannabis jihad is just not that interesting.

    I think marijuana should be legalized because it's too expensive for society to put people in prison who are actually rendering themselves more harmless. People don't generally go out and steal to support a pot habit. As a rule they don't become homeless from chasing the pot dragon either. It's way too much hassle to plan a robbery and go out to a liquor store with a gun and get shot trying to steal money to buy pot. Mostly people who use marijuana are not hurting anyone but themselves EXCEPT —

    If you have an occupation wherein the lives and safety of other people depend on your alertness and ability to perform then you should never, ever use pot or be allowed to use it, even off duty. If you fly a plane, operate watercraft or land vehicles, work in air traffic control or any of the many, many other jobs that require a similar level of performance on your part and you get high on cannabis, you should lose your job and never, ever be allowed to do such work again.

    If you're in a field like that you should be drug tested regularly. If not, I don't care and see no need to waste money on drug tests.

    Other than that, you're mostly harmless so knock yourself out. Smoke all the pot you want, eat all the cannabis brownies you can stuff in your face, and sit on the couch or in front of a game console all day every day when you're not doing the menial jobs that society needs done by people like you. You can make enough to stay high, as drugs go pot is relatively cheap and you will be making yourself the perfect candidate for those boring, low paying jobs that no one wants. Hell, when you've got a buzz on they're not so boring anymore. That's great and it clears the field of good jobs for the rest of us.

    Yes, I know about Carl Sagan, btw. You're not Carl Sagan, you're very likely not even close. Look up an old saying that goes "The exception proves the rule." If you're not too lazy to check it out, do so while you still have enough gray matter left to understand it.

  17. First of all I am a subscriber, you bring up interesting topics and explain them eloquently. You are very good at your job. Second, I drink beer almost every evening and have friends that enjoy marijuana almost every evening. Nobody gets hurt. If anything I am the guy that wants to go drive somewhere to eat. My marijuana smoking friends don't want to go anywhere. The few times that I enjoyed weed, I didn't want to move off the sofa. Alcohol is much more dangerous. Marijuana should be legalized. I don't like weed, but a lot of nice law-abiding citizens do. Nobody gets hurt.
    If somebody decides to go in their backyard and do a couple bong hits before bed what is the harm? I am mid fifties, my friends range from 40 to 80yrs old. We all see it the same way.

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