INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAIʻI: Should Hawaiʻi Increase Regulations on Vaping? | Program
Should Hawaiʻi Increase Regulations on Vaping? More State lawmakers are viewing electronic cigarettes as a threat to public health, especially among youth …
1pod=1pack cig. 42% hi-sch, 27% jr-hi sch tried vaping. salt vaping is free basing nicotine. Kids like flavors & inhale much more. Big tobacco companies own vaping. vaps camouflaged in hoodies, pens. Much higher nicotine concentration in vaps & 4x likely to smoke cigs. Mental is key flavor for addiction. THC oil, CBD, vape have no regulations. Heavy metals in paint are vape ingredients. Same health problems as in cigs. Mall sales & internet easy.
explosion of lithium battery in pocket was girls biggest worry, not death or illness. Higher tax considered to deter youth.
Died, 60 ppl in 2 weeks across 27 states who vaped. Trump put restrictions begins April 2020.
Obama put no ingredient restrictions on vaping. Its to finish killing off what drugs & alcohol didn't.
Control, tax, regulate. Repeat.
1pod=1pack cig. 42% hi-sch, 27% jr-hi sch tried vaping. salt vaping is free basing nicotine. Kids like flavors & inhale much more. Big tobacco companies own vaping. vaps camouflaged in hoodies, pens. Much higher nicotine concentration in vaps & 4x likely to smoke cigs. Mental is key flavor for addiction. THC oil, CBD, vape have no regulations. Heavy metals in paint are vape ingredients. Same health problems as in cigs. Mall sales & internet easy.
explosion of lithium battery in pocket was girls biggest worry, not death or illness. Higher tax considered to deter youth.
Died, 60 ppl in 2 weeks across 27 states who vaped. Trump put restrictions begins April 2020.
Obama put no ingredient restrictions on vaping. Its to finish killing off what drugs & alcohol didn't.
Not a priority