"In 8 months I was completely symptom-free" | Wim Hof Method Experience
We met Doug at the WHM Experience in San Francisco last year when we found out about his transformational life journey he’s had since he found the WHM.
But what about the first cold shower we start. Are we going to get sick or!?
You didn'teven tell what you did to get better.If you couldn't hardly ready walk were did you start!?
Hello! I have psoriasis and 4 months ago I started doing this method and I am much better off the disease. In a few days I will upload videos to my channel with photos of the before and after for those who want to heal! Follow me 🙂
I just started this method a week ago I Have terrible arthritis in my ankle and my feet are constantly hurting. It’s hard for me to walk. Do you think I should be soaking my feet in icewater throughout the day?
Wow es una historia realmente admirable! Me da fuerzas para continuar y no rendirme 💪!
I have Raynaud's phenomenon, if I had an ice bath, I would die
👍 LIKE Thanks for sharing, your story! 🤗
Does this method work on hashimoto’s disease
WIM HOF! You are the F!!! BOSS!! Thank you!! You and Dr Sebi Really influential in my life!
Where were you when God created your immune system?
This is one of the most amazing testimonials I've ever watched. Man, I wish I could train with Wim directly.
Been having cold showers for 5 days now and doing the breathing exercise once a day (before shower) in the mornings. Start the shower with the slightest amount of warmth, like borderline cold and then turn it down gradually till it’s as cold as it goes and stays here for 3-5 minutes whilst breathing deeply and controlled. No diaphragm/chest restriction. Feel so alive and have energy throughout the entire day. Wont be stopping anytime soon, thanks Wim Hof for instilling such positivity and hope into humanity. Cheers.
screw mainstream medicine…learn to breathe…thank you Wim
What if you have reynauds
I have had multiple Autoimmune disease for 20+ years.
I know that there is science behind all of this, but even if it were just psychosomatic it is still incredibly powerful. When he said “I knew I was gonna be ok” was when he started getting better. Wim Hof sped up the process.
Getting into the ice tub for the first time. Never done that – but how dies the body react ?
I know someone for sure gonna tell me that I'm rude for asking this… But it's just out of curiosity, looking for answers for my own existence. If breathing and exercise helps with immune system, depression, anxiety etc. how come Mister Hof visibly (damage in the face) struggles with alcoholism? How to handle addictions in general if it's forever part of numbing trauma, in result lying to one's self that they are in control? Is having control over your physical self enough to not look for, or ignore need for emotional control?
Holy crap rewatched the video since it’s so awesome.. but just saw the chains on His neck while doing perfect push-up in a one leg Trx😱😱😱 dude that hard As Isshhh!!!
We just became Brothers Doug!! Love your story and can understand every bit of it( the power of love that led you to new beginning!!) Hats off Brother!
DID God have SOMETHING to do with all theat?
Mr. Steiny is the real deal holyfield.
This is powerful
Amen. Amen amen God bless you brother Wim and keep you safe, happy, healthy and strong. I have a still new private practice that i call BWC, breathe! Wu-chi Chigong. Your discovery is so great, my coaches and i are including it into our work. Its effectiveness and simplicity belies its deep benefits. Is there a workshop in Kansas?
Bless ❤️
ICE Therapy…..an unexplored Medical Science.
😢😢I can not do, because I have cronic bladder infection. I make only Yoga, but cold water and I get a bladder infection
yup i cried like a little girl
Hi my name is john and i have a question for you wim hof makes it smart
But what about the first cold shower we start. Are we going to get sick or!?
You didn'teven tell what you did to get better.If you couldn't hardly ready walk were did you start!?
Hello! I have psoriasis and 4 months ago I started doing this method and I am much better off the disease. In a few days I will upload videos to my channel with photos of the before and after for those who want to heal! Follow me 🙂
I just started this method a week ago I Have terrible arthritis in my ankle and my feet are constantly hurting. It’s hard for me to walk. Do you think I should be soaking my feet in icewater throughout the day?
Wow es una historia realmente admirable! Me da fuerzas para continuar y no rendirme 💪!
I have Raynaud's phenomenon, if I had an ice bath, I would die
Thanks for sharing, your story! 🤗
Does this method work on hashimoto’s disease
WIM HOF! You are the F!!! BOSS!! Thank you!! You and Dr Sebi Really influential in my life!
Where were you when God created your immune system?
This is one of the most amazing testimonials I've ever watched. Man, I wish I could train with Wim directly.
Been having cold showers for 5 days now and doing the breathing exercise once a day (before shower) in the mornings. Start the shower with the slightest amount of warmth, like borderline cold and then turn it down gradually till it’s as cold as it goes and stays here for 3-5 minutes whilst breathing deeply and controlled. No diaphragm/chest restriction. Feel so alive and have energy throughout the entire day. Wont be stopping anytime soon, thanks Wim Hof for instilling such positivity and hope into humanity. Cheers.
screw mainstream medicine…learn to breathe…thank you Wim
What if you have reynauds
I have had multiple Autoimmune disease for 20+ years.
I know that there is science behind all of this, but even if it were just psychosomatic it is still incredibly powerful. When he said “I knew I was gonna be ok” was when he started getting better. Wim Hof sped up the process.
Getting into the ice tub for the first time. Never done that – but how dies the body react ?
I know someone for sure gonna tell me that I'm rude for asking this… But it's just out of curiosity, looking for answers for my own existence.
If breathing and exercise helps with immune system, depression, anxiety etc. how come Mister Hof visibly (damage in the face) struggles with alcoholism? How to handle addictions in general if it's forever part of numbing trauma, in result lying to one's self that they are in control? Is having control over your physical self enough to not look for, or ignore need for emotional control?
Holy crap rewatched the video since it’s so awesome.. but just saw the chains on His neck while doing perfect push-up in a one leg Trx😱😱😱 dude that hard As Isshhh!!!
We just became Brothers Doug!! Love your story and can understand every bit of it( the power of love that led you to new beginning!!) Hats off Brother!
DID God have SOMETHING to do with all theat?
Mr. Steiny is the real deal holyfield.
This is powerful
Amen. Amen amen God bless you brother Wim and keep you safe, happy, healthy and strong. I have a still new private practice that i call BWC, breathe! Wu-chi Chigong.
Your discovery is so great, my coaches and i are including it into our work. Its effectiveness and simplicity belies its deep benefits.
Is there a workshop in Kansas?
Bless ❤️
ICE Therapy…..an unexplored Medical Science.
😢😢I can not do, because I have cronic bladder infection. I make only Yoga, but cold water and I get a bladder infection
yup i cried like a little girl
Hi my name is john and i have a question for you wim hof makes it smart