Who cares about politicians? They are all the same: Rich and Crooked, man or woman, black or white! ROT IN HELL!
I fear for our country when we have 1/2 the country willing to throw out an election on made up charges. Just think, if they can do this to the President, they can do this to you. They failed to do their "diligence" in the house and they expected for the Senate to do the house's work for them. What kind of people are these? So evil, perverts, degenerates, and anti-Americans that is what the democraps are.
Think about this, Pocahontas wants to allow 9 year olds to make political decisions in America! I guess she's used to democraps doing this in America.
Bernie is a communist who spent his honey moon in Russia?
They both hate America. These are the candidates that the democraps want to rule in America?
Thanks to the democraps, communists, Pocahontas, the Camel, Spartacus, Bernie, Schiff, nutler, pisslouse, we will have Trump for four more years!!! Thank you democraps from the bottom of our hearts!!!
The RNC, Conservatives, Patriots, Police Officers, Armed forces, true Americans, Adults, all thank the democraps for helping us vote Trump in for 4 more glorious years. Your hateful attitudes have blinded you into giving the DNC communist, socialist, and anti-American candidates.
Last night brits were shouting for joy due to brixit's victory, but then they began to laugh about the democraps. They asked us, how could we possibly vote for a Democrapic party that had ruined England?
So one last "thanks" for the democraps who helped us re-electe the greatest President America has ever had.
Who says crime don't pay!
Great job sir!
Every time it's on TV it's the same old song and dance very little proof they just don't like Trump so they'll find any way they can to get rid of me if you don't go with the flow they reroute you on another River and lie to the public
Democrats Got Smacked Down Again…LOVED It…Trump 2020.
Why is it that every president of the U.S. since Nixon has been considered at some point im peachable.Clinton was impeached. But for some reason the worst, and most incompetent one ever to sit in the whitehouse,Donald Jackass Trump should not be removed.There is some warped thinking going on in the Republican party. They are stinking stupid.Satan himself must be holding their brain and their balls hostage. Trump has been impeached .He must be CONVICTED AND EVICTED.
The People call Hanover Fist! Hanover Fist. Calling Hanover Fist
8:54:45 He basically admits that he can come to any conclusion, like a priest, to interpret someone else's words to mean anything he deems necessary. "I can justify my flip flop!"
This whole trial was bullshit!
I hope they call witnesses. Don't even bother with calling Hunter or Schiff. Just call President Zelensky. CASE CLOSED!!!!
Check out the little girls defending hunter during the recess……
DONALD TRUMP WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Sure, and that's what the Germans said about Hitler, too.
Pathetic the Democrats are Destroying our country and all those who voted for are letting them Destroy it Thank you all you dumb Liberal Assholes
Behold ! All Nations of the earth, Repent ! and receive the Kingdom of God. ( A Billion new converts for JESUS by 2030)
Oh look all you sheep Trumper's don't believe the "liberal media," yet they write negative articles about Democrats and their families. Both parties are a joke, read everything. TRUMP / PUTIN 2020 BRO ALL CAPS SMOKE METH AND SLEEP WITH MY SISTER.
Obama? Any mention is "whataboutism."
When Alan Dershowwitz gave the list of presidents that have been accused of Abuse of Power, the Democrats case sank beyond recovery. Are you kidding me, all of the US presidents would have been impeached by the Democrats standard. What a big fat disgrace the Democrats have become!
Alan is the new hero! Go go go go go Alan!
We can hear what is going on… why do we need these commentators and their slant? Bolton? Why are you not addressing anything you hear. Liars or idiots?
KAG… impeach the Democrats in the House.
Vote for witnesses and subpoena Bolton or be complicit in Congressional negligence to fulfill its duty as a check and balance against the Executive branch.
The dems have lost! That's a Fact. I was on the fence for some time. but after listening to Trumps defence team and doing some research i see right though the dems lies.
( let me start by saying, I was a life long Democrat until the last few years ). Ronald Regan said it best, " I did not leave my party, my party left me. " I am not sure what Democrats stand for anymore. "The old Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, never wanted this. They knew it would backfire on the Democrats, but the young ones ( who know nothing ) kept on pushing it. Here is my prediction of what is going to happen. 1. You will see a few "Major" Democrat's vote to NOT impeach Trump. They will say things like " There just was not enough LEGAL proof. 2. Trump will be acquitted. 3. Trump will ask the Justice Dept. to look into what Joe Biden did and see if any charges will happen. 4. Biden will be done politically. 5. Republicans will get control of the House, Senate, and the White House. 6. Democrat's will never have the power they once had. You can call me crazy, stupid, bootlicker, I don't care. I was called all that a few years ago when I said Trump would win and I did not vote for Trump. I just call it like I see it.
People don't understand the consequence that is being wrought by fostering panic and absolute rejection of the system… Watch and see. the end of 2020 is going to be marked by widespread violence – no matter how this plays out.
Wake up.
I just love Donald Trump so impeach me..good old American pie ..the will never put the peach in Apple Trump Pie… Darn democraps not in my pie..
Analysis by Yamiche Alcindor of PBS: Even if the president did everything that they said he did, even if John Bolton is right and he did pull people into his office and said "look, I need you to get that investigation into Joe Biden in order for me to give up that 391 million dollars, that congress already appropriated to Ukraine…That still isn't impeachable.
He basically made the argument that abuse of power in and of itself is a really political term… it belongs in campaign rhetoric not, he said, in the context of a senate trial.
The other thing to note is that Alan Dershowitz, in laying out his arguments, he was making the same argument that acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney made in October 2019 when Mick Mulvaney said "Get over it. Political influence happens in foreign policy. It's how these things work."
If a president cannot be impeached for abuse of power that implies that his power is limitless, unbounded. That sounds like imperial power, not that of an elected official.
Bolton has a leaky diaper!
This impeachment is a Democrat attempt to illegally influence an election and to negate the constitution in order to illegally get control and power and to cover up their own criminal activities and treason.
When will people understand since the first day Trump announced he was running for president the democrats started their campaign of disinformation to persuade the voting public to hate him. Everything including this fake impeachment is all about conning the public to hate trump. Have you ever wondered why? The dems hate Trumps agenda this is clear, so this says their agenda must be opposite. What is Trumps agenda so far? to make America great and he is doing it…. What does this tell you? The dems agenda is to make the entire country into what we see every dem run state like, high tax and plenty of homeless. The dem utopia is designed for the wealthy to prosper off the backs of the poor just like a socialist country that ends up falling apart. This has been a scam on all of us from the beginning, try thinking and stop being scammed by the fake news and the dems.
This impeachment is a waste of time and taxpayers money. Its sickening to know mainstream media is so biased and influential to the undecided voter. The script they use is so frustrating to a commonsensed person who wants a nonpartisan approach.
Do people really understand what policies would be implemented if one of the presidential Democratic candidates get elected. Our country needs Trump for another 4 years.
“The man who can be trusted with very little will also be trusted with much; and the man who is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” – (Jesus Immanuel, the Messiah, at Luke 16: 10) –
I listened to every minute and learned a great deal. Thank you. Wonderful representation.
The result was determined months ago but they pretend they don't know and keep talking and spending money
Under the Miss America and Miss World rules if the one with the Crown on her head is impeached the runner up who is Hillary, will be Miss America or the President whatever.
This case is done. Just get on to the verdict. The defense just annihilated the House case two days ago.
DemonRATs….They will be eliminated….anyone playing the game will NOT get a pass. Q……SHEEP NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If corrupting an election, literally using a foreign power to generate disinformation, and using extortion to achieve that, with the extortion itself being a felony withholding of congressional appropriations, is NOT A CRIME equivalent to BRIBERY and TREASON, then we are doomed. Goodbye constitution, because it is NOT A CRIME to violate the constitution by simply not holding elections (which is the same an running a fraudulent election). Fails to achieve the "threshold factor"? It is FAR BEYOND the threshold of high crimes.
Hah, Nixon didn't have Fox News. Oh my god, one right-leaning news source in an ocean of left-leaning news bias. Oh no, we can't have that. We need ALL news to parrot our left-leaning opinions!
Who cares about politicians? They are all the same: Rich and Crooked, man or woman, black or white! ROT IN HELL!
I fear for our country when we have 1/2 the country willing to throw out an election on made up charges. Just think, if they can do this to the President, they can do this to you. They failed to do their "diligence" in the house and they expected for the Senate to do the house's work for them. What kind of people are these? So evil, perverts, degenerates, and anti-Americans that is what the democraps are.
Think about this, Pocahontas wants to allow 9 year olds to make political decisions in America! I guess she's used to democraps doing this in America.
Bernie is a communist who spent his honey moon in Russia?
They both hate America. These are the candidates that the democraps want to rule in America?
Thanks to the democraps, communists, Pocahontas, the Camel, Spartacus, Bernie, Schiff, nutler, pisslouse, we will have Trump for four more years!!! Thank you democraps from the bottom of our hearts!!!
The RNC, Conservatives, Patriots, Police Officers, Armed forces, true Americans, Adults, all thank the democraps for helping us vote Trump in for 4 more glorious years. Your hateful attitudes have blinded you into giving the DNC communist, socialist, and anti-American candidates.
Last night brits were shouting for joy due to brixit's victory, but then they began to laugh about the democraps. They asked us, how could we possibly vote for a Democrapic party that had ruined England?
So one last "thanks" for the democraps who helped us re-electe the greatest President America has ever had.
Who says crime don't pay!
Great job sir!
Every time it's on TV it's the same old song and dance very little proof they just don't like Trump so they'll find any way they can to get rid of me if you don't go with the flow they reroute you on another River and lie to the public
Democrats Got Smacked Down Again…LOVED It…Trump 2020.
Why is it that every president of the U.S. since Nixon has been considered at some point im peachable.Clinton was impeached.
But for some reason the worst, and most incompetent one ever to sit in the whitehouse,Donald Jackass Trump should not be removed.There is some warped thinking going on in the Republican party.
They are stinking stupid.Satan himself must be holding their brain and their balls hostage.
Trump has been impeached .He must be CONVICTED AND EVICTED.
The People call Hanover Fist! Hanover Fist. Calling Hanover Fist
8:54:45 He basically admits that he can come to any conclusion, like a priest, to interpret someone else's words to mean anything he deems necessary. "I can justify my flip flop!"
This whole trial was bullshit!
I hope they call witnesses. Don't even bother with calling Hunter or Schiff. Just call President Zelensky. CASE CLOSED!!!!
Check out the little girls defending hunter during the recess……
Sure, and that's what the Germans said about Hitler, too.
Pathetic the Democrats are Destroying our country and all those who voted for are letting them Destroy it Thank you all you dumb Liberal Assholes
Behold ! All Nations of the earth, Repent ! and receive the Kingdom of God. ( A Billion new converts for JESUS by 2030)
Oh look all you sheep Trumper's don't believe the "liberal media," yet they write negative articles about Democrats and their families. Both parties are a joke, read everything. TRUMP / PUTIN 2020 BRO ALL CAPS SMOKE METH AND SLEEP WITH MY SISTER.
Obama? Any mention is "whataboutism."
When Alan Dershowwitz gave the list of presidents that have been accused of Abuse of Power, the Democrats case sank beyond recovery. Are you kidding me, all of the US presidents would have been impeached by the Democrats standard. What a big fat disgrace the Democrats have become!
Alan is the new hero! Go go go go go Alan!
We can hear what is going on… why do we need these commentators and their slant? Bolton? Why are you not addressing anything you hear. Liars or idiots?
KAG… impeach the Democrats in the House.
Vote for witnesses and subpoena Bolton or be complicit in Congressional negligence to fulfill its duty as a check and balance against the Executive branch.
The dems have lost! That's a Fact.
I was on the fence for some time. but after listening to Trumps defence team and doing some research i see right though the dems lies.
( let me start by saying, I was a life long Democrat until the last few years ). Ronald Regan said it best, " I did not leave my party, my party left me. " I am not sure what Democrats stand for anymore. "The old Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein, never wanted this. They knew it would backfire on the Democrats, but the young ones ( who know nothing ) kept on pushing it. Here is my prediction of what is going to happen. 1. You will see a few "Major" Democrat's vote to NOT impeach Trump. They will say things like " There just was not enough LEGAL proof. 2. Trump will be acquitted. 3. Trump will ask the Justice Dept. to look into what Joe Biden did and see if any charges will happen. 4. Biden will be done politically. 5. Republicans will get control of the House, Senate, and the White House. 6. Democrat's will never have the power they once had. You can call me crazy, stupid, bootlicker, I don't care. I was called all that a few years ago when I said Trump would win and I did not vote for Trump. I just call it like I see it.
People don't understand the consequence that is being wrought by fostering panic and absolute rejection of the system… Watch and see. the end of 2020 is going to be marked by widespread violence – no matter how this plays out.
Wake up.
I just love Donald Trump so impeach me..good old American pie ..the will never put the peach in Apple Trump Pie… Darn democraps not in my pie..
Analysis by Yamiche Alcindor of PBS:
Even if the president did everything that they said he did, even if John Bolton is right and he did pull people into his office and said "look, I need you to get that investigation into Joe Biden in order for me to give up that 391 million dollars, that congress already appropriated to Ukraine…That still isn't impeachable.
He basically made the argument that abuse of power in and of itself is a really political term… it belongs in campaign rhetoric not, he said, in the context of a senate trial.
The other thing to note is that Alan Dershowitz, in laying out his arguments, he was making the same argument that acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney made in October 2019 when Mick Mulvaney said "Get over it. Political influence happens in foreign policy. It's how these things work."
If a president cannot be impeached for abuse of power that implies that his power is limitless, unbounded. That sounds like imperial power, not that of an elected official.
Bolton has a leaky diaper!
This impeachment is a Democrat attempt to illegally influence an election and to negate the constitution in order to illegally get control and power and to cover up their own criminal activities and treason.
When will people understand since the first day Trump announced he was running for president the democrats started their campaign of disinformation to persuade the voting public to hate him. Everything including this fake impeachment is all about conning the public to hate trump. Have you ever wondered why? The dems hate Trumps agenda this is clear, so this says their agenda must be opposite. What is Trumps agenda so far? to make America great and he is doing it…. What does this tell you? The dems agenda is to make the entire country into what we see every dem run state like, high tax and plenty of homeless. The dem utopia is designed for the wealthy to prosper off the backs of the poor just like a socialist country that ends up falling apart. This has been a scam on all of us from the beginning, try thinking and stop being scammed by the fake news and the dems.
This impeachment is a waste of time and taxpayers money. Its sickening to know mainstream media is so biased and influential to the undecided voter. The script they use is so frustrating to a commonsensed person who wants a nonpartisan approach.
Do people really understand what policies would be implemented if one of the presidential Democratic candidates get elected. Our country needs Trump for another 4 years.
“The man who can be trusted with very little will also be trusted with much; and the man who is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” – (Jesus Immanuel, the Messiah, at Luke 16: 10) –
Evidence and factZ shredZ Democrats case!
bye bye swamp!
I listened to every minute and learned a great deal. Thank you. Wonderful representation.
The result was determined months ago but they pretend they don't know and keep talking and spending money
Under the Miss America and Miss World rules if the one with the Crown on her head is impeached the runner up who is Hillary, will be Miss America or the President whatever.
This case is done. Just get on to the verdict. The defense just annihilated the House case two days ago.
DemonRATs….They will be eliminated….anyone playing the game will NOT get a pass. Q……SHEEP NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If corrupting an election, literally using a foreign power to generate disinformation, and using extortion to achieve that, with the extortion itself being a felony withholding of congressional appropriations, is NOT A CRIME equivalent to BRIBERY and TREASON, then we are doomed. Goodbye constitution, because it is NOT A CRIME to violate the constitution by simply not holding elections (which is the same an running a fraudulent election). Fails to achieve the "threshold factor"? It is FAR BEYOND the threshold of high crimes.
Hah, Nixon didn't have Fox News. Oh my god, one right-leaning news source in an ocean of left-leaning news bias. Oh no, we can't have that. We need ALL news to parrot our left-leaning opinions!