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Marijuana Medical Benefits

Impact of Smoking vs Vaping Demonstration

In this short film leading smoking researcher Dr Lion Shahab and Dr Rosemary Leonard carry out a demonstration to visually illustrate the impact of smoking vs …

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  1. I don't advocate for either smoking or vaping
    My question is do cotton balls filter more stuff out of the smoke then your lungs actually would??

  2. Haven’t given up yet , but have cut down with the help of the nhs stop smoking / SmokeFree app to help keep me motivated ….
    Would recommend the app to anyone thinking of giving up & needing support & motivation ❤️🙏🏻

  3. I started vaping, still have the odd cig when im desperate but vaping is the only thing that helped me cut down substantially, I've tried everything else. Even when i can completely come off cigs I imagine ill still vape until i die lol. Too accustomed to smoking as I started when I was 11, im certain my lungs already have irreversible damage.

  4. I had a heart attack on the 1st Feb 2019 after 30 years of smoking at only 46 years old.Been vaping since then and can honestly say I feel 100 percent better.

  5. Issue 1: Zero details about what sort of vaping device, what sort of liquid and what strength of nicotine in the liquid (ot in fact whether it is even a nicotine liquid).
    Issue 2: There's a tonne of harmful chemicals which will not leave visible residue like tar does. All the aldehydes in vapes for example which have been identified as causing respiratory issues and decreasing lung functioning up to 5% per year, significantly above what we could expect from natural degredation. This is effectively just a video showing how much less tar there is, no more or less.

    Effectively what we have here is glorified propraganda masquerading as 'research' this comes from the same source who claimed vaping to be 95% less harmful than smoking, a statistic from PHE which has been widely debunked and even acknowledged by the original authors of the study to be unreliable due to sample size issues and a recognised conflict of interest. Despite knowing this, Dr rosemary still touts this statistic, no surprise then that she would seek to further spread unreliable information in this video. I'm not disputing that vaping is significantly less harmful, that's widely agreed upon, just please stop claiming it is a certain level of safe, or providing visual demonstrations that would lead people to believe it is safer than it is, especially on youtube which is such a key source of info for adolescents, the exact group we are wanting to avoid lulling into having an apathetic or positive attitude towards vaping.

  6. NHS / Brittain is the only one that's being fair with the vaping stuff. The media is desperately trying show it SD being wd harmful if not more harmful thwtn smoking

  7. Its been 6 years since i switched from smoking to vaping. Now my teeth is white and stronger. My lungs is pink and i experienced a boost of energy. It saved my teeth and most importantly my life.

  8. If you dont smoke, dont vape. If you smoke, you need to vape. If you thinking about start smoking, vape. I didnt need to see this to know that setting fire to chemicals and leaves then inhaling it is worse than vapour, but thanks anyway!

  9. I smoked for 20 years and i HATED IT. i got a vaporizer last week and I haven't touched a cigarette since, and I feel better for it. You still have to want to quit but vaping has helped me more then any pill, gum or patch has. If your looking to quit smoking I recomend it. If you don't smoke you shouldn't vape and if your a dual user your just dumb in my opinion.

    Update: been 8 months now and still not smoking and feeling 100% better, I've gone down to 3mg of nicotine next step is zero then quit the vape too.

  10. Good experiment and 100% true,imagine a room on fire and another room full of vapour,after the fire in the room is being put out the walls and roof would have damage and be black and wouldn't smell nice,now take the vapour out of the other room,what do you think what would happen to the room that had vapour in? I'd say nothing.

  11. Because of this video I decided to try vaping. You will stop coughing up your lungs each morning. Eventually you will even notice you are vaping less than you used to be smoking. You will start to notice how smokers smell like ashtrays. In the end you will still die like the rest, possibly because of a car accident because of all the vape clouding your vision.

  12. Very gd @nhs. Basically in Britain its in our best interest to put health first.. as our government pay for healthcare. In America its the other way round. They make money out of health care so want you to smoke. Ohh and they owe big tobacco companies billions they have borrowed ✌️

  13. Been vaping for a week now! Don't have any cravings for the cigarettes and in fact i feel better and the cigarettes have a repulsive smell to me just after few days! If you wanna quit smoking or just try to be healthier give it a try! I guarantee you won't regret it!!!! Best thing i have ever done in my life and i'm kicking myself for not doing it 10 years ago. Used to smoke tobacco before and conventional cigarettes too for over 18 years. Pack and a half /day and an equivalent of that of tobacco. Spending over 200$ a month! Please give it a try! Increase your health and spend less too!!! My expenses now around 20$ a month! And that's stretching it! You can gradually lower the nicotine too so it's easy to quit! Please try it!

  14. I have seen many tests done similar to this before either using a similar bell jar set up or by using different methods with videos posted on youtube up to 5 years ago and all with very similar results. not that I needed to see this to know vaping is a safer alternative, my own common sense was enough to realise that vaping is safer and that all the hyped up scare stories in the press are just utter rubbish. still nice to see the NHS posting this, just pity its not being broadcast as a regular public information film on the BBC as it really needs more exposure then its getting.

  15. Vaping isn’t 100% risk-free but neither is walking through a city centre or working in a city centre. Would be interesting to see the impact of exhaust pollution on our lungs.

  16. Thank you from America, misinformation is keeping cigarettes lit but vaping is becoming more popular. As a smoker myself I’m turning to vaping cold turkey to help improve my health.

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