I see a major unfair issue that needs to be observed. Medical patients can grow 5 plants, but the possession law says we can only possess 2.5ozs. What the heck are we supposed to do with the surplus after harvest!? The Bill needs to include that medical patients can keep what they grow as long as they dont go over 5 plants. We are being set up for breaking the law if something like this isnt included in January 2020. The Illinois Bill is the most carefully thought of Bill in the United States except for this issue. It needs to be solved someway.
Lets see other states already legal, crime rate down, market booming!
Fucking bull shit I can’t grow a fucking harmless 100000% percent natural plant in my back you can literally go to jail over 6 plants. You know you could have a heart attack if you eat tomato plant leaves so technically tomato plants are more dangerous then weed plants lmao let that sink in
😐 Marijuana is a bourgeois tool to keep the proletariat indolent 😐
What the hell is this country doing. Marijuana makes you stupid as hell and thats an irrefutable fact. Thats what the government wants. These pot heads don't see this because when your already stupid, you wont know your stupid. Plus for me though. Im gonna do what the government will do….. Take advantage.
cook county shitcago being greedy as hell as usual.
that sucks because people want to grow their own.
Let’s ask Bernie Sanders!
How are the pot heads going to afford their pot, they don’t work do they? Government going to give them free money to buy?
Illinois will be the 11th state … Not the tenth lmao get you're facts straight woman!
1:30 OMG just SHUT UP. Just try it and find out, hell even take full spectrum cbd/thc oil and find out
This is an awesome vid!
Hey guys, i work for a Lender company and we fund a lot of start – ups and cannabis businesses, if you guys are really serious in starting the business, we can help lending money so you can start your business
Legalize marijuana worldwide!
This is nice!
Illinois State Government is the first state legislature to vote themselves the Legal Cartel! WOW!
They can pat themselves on the back for helping those of color all they want, they just found a more insidious way to to use Herb to rape the populous.
And, oh yeah, nothing at all changes for 7 months…
Employers can still hold a zero tolerance policy for marijuana. So let me get this straight, my boss can drink himself shit face every night but if I smoke a joint a week ago and have to do a piss test I can lose my job!!!?? That's fucking stupid!
Wow Illinois found a new way to tax, by getting in on the drug trade. legalizing it without any conditions, would have been the only meaningful way. This is just about revenue from the poorest segment of society, nothing else.
It was legal before somebody with bad math & directions got here; When is Columbus day?
After law enforcement weighed they cut the freedom to grow a plant from the bill. Vote NO on any proposed "Public Safety" tax increases. No freedom no tax increase.
I see a major unfair issue that needs to be observed. Medical patients can grow 5 plants, but the possession law says we can only possess 2.5ozs. What the heck are we supposed to do with the surplus after harvest!? The Bill needs to include that medical patients can keep what they grow as long as they dont go over 5 plants. We are being set up for breaking the law if something like this isnt included in January 2020. The Illinois Bill is the most carefully thought of Bill in the United States except for this issue. It needs to be solved someway.
Lets see other states already legal, crime rate down, market booming!
Fucking bull shit I can’t grow a fucking harmless 100000% percent natural plant in my back you can literally go to jail over 6 plants. You know you could have a heart attack if you eat tomato plant leaves so technically tomato plants are more dangerous then weed plants lmao let that sink in
😐 Marijuana is a bourgeois tool to keep the proletariat indolent 😐
What the hell is this country doing. Marijuana makes you stupid as hell and thats an irrefutable fact. Thats what the government wants. These pot heads don't see this because when your already stupid, you wont know your stupid. Plus for me though. Im gonna do what the government will do….. Take advantage.
cook county shitcago being greedy as hell as usual.
that sucks because people want to grow their own.
Let’s ask Bernie Sanders!
How are the pot heads going to afford their pot, they don’t work do they? Government going to give them free money to buy?
Illinois will be the 11th state … Not the tenth lmao get you're facts straight woman!
1:30 OMG just SHUT UP. Just try it and find out, hell even take full spectrum cbd/thc oil and find out
This is an awesome vid!
Hey guys, i work for a Lender company and we fund a lot of start – ups and cannabis businesses, if you guys are really serious in starting the business, we can help lending money so you can start your business
Legalize marijuana worldwide!
This is nice!
Illinois State Government is the first state legislature to vote themselves the Legal Cartel! WOW!
They can pat themselves on the back for helping those of color all they want, they just found a more insidious way to to use Herb to rape the populous.
And, oh yeah, nothing at all changes for 7 months…
Employers can still hold a zero tolerance policy for marijuana. So let me get this straight, my boss can drink himself shit face every night but if I smoke a joint a week ago and have to do a piss test I can lose my job!!!?? That's fucking stupid!
Wow Illinois found a new way to tax, by getting in on the drug trade. legalizing it without any conditions, would have been the only meaningful way. This is just about revenue from the poorest segment of society, nothing else.
It was legal before somebody with bad math & directions got here; When is Columbus day?
After law enforcement weighed they cut the freedom to grow a plant from the bill. Vote NO on any proposed "Public Safety" tax increases. No freedom no tax increase.