On 4/20 IGN released a THE MANDALORIAN Season 2 trailer to troll people with, and it was absolutely hilarious! Sadly some “old man who yell at clouds type” …
April Fools day has passed. This was cruel and unnecessary IGN.
How could people be mad at this? That was funny. Lol
I fell for it then realized what it was and what day it was😂
On God of War's 2nd anniversary of all times -_-
It was funny.
Thank God I didn't fall for that prank.
Hi love the content. Do you do movie reviews by any chance!?
Calling someone dumb just because they have a different opinion than you definitely isn't the most civil way Matthew
Love this trailer, very cheeky of ign to use the official trailer title though. Wierdly this is something I'd like to see, a delinquent young force user with no idea of their powers. That has potential.
hahaha, Wonderful.
Why are you always so salty about other youtubers man? Like I can’t watch a single video of yours nowadays without you hating on someone else
April Fools day has passed. This was cruel and unnecessary IGN.
How could people be mad at this? That was funny. Lol
I fell for it then realized what it was and what day it was😂
On God of War's 2nd anniversary of all times -_-
It was funny.
Thank God I didn't fall for that prank.
Hi love the content. Do you do movie reviews by any chance!?
Calling someone dumb just because they have a different opinion than you definitely isn't the most civil way Matthew
Love this trailer, very cheeky of ign to use the official trailer title though.
Wierdly this is something I'd like to see, a delinquent young force user with no idea of their powers.
That has potential.
hahaha, Wonderful.
Why are you always so salty about other youtubers man? Like I can’t watch a single video of yours nowadays without you hating on someone else
It was reallly funny