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I don't want children — stop telling me I'll change my mind | Christen Reighter

One in five women in the United States will not have a biological child, and Christen Reighter is one of them. From a young age, she knew she didn’t kids, …

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  1. I have 1 child, one and done. I hear this all the time. "You need to have at least 2.. he's going to grow up alone.. he needs a brother/sister" We really don't want more children, we don't want to add more to the population. The near future for humans on this planet is terrifying because of pollution, global warming, and contant threats of world wars. I'm scared for the future for the child I already have. I will do whatever it takes to raise him to become a polite and intelligent person and a great contributor to society. If we do decide to have more children, it will be through adoption 😊

  2. I am a happy, loving aunt to 15 kids age 12 and under! My mom had 7 kids and 5 of them have had children of their own. I also felt this expectation from others all my life that I would have children, but I never felt the need myself. As one of the oldest, I was always the second or third mom in my house, and did tons of babysitting for others as a teen. I love kids and caring for them. Still, I don't have any urge to bear children myself and am glad that I never did. It's just not me, and I'm happy with who I am.

  3. 🙄 Okay Christen, you WILL change your mind. You might not admit it because you went all public with it now. It is a natural element as per basic biology. I really don’t see why she is so proud of it. What are you trying to get another letter to the alphabet community?

  4. Perhaps I just have a strong sense of self for whatever reason but I have never felt or been made to feel like I can “only” be a mother because I’m a woman. I am a mom, wife, businesswoman and I enjoy all of it. I also know a lot of people without children and they don’t let that define them either so I would have to say that we allow other people to make us feel a certain way when we are not self assured…I also have never been referred to as a “little girl” either, that was weird.

  5. Never go to male gynecologists. My female ob-gyn had no problem setting the consent forms in front of me and scheduling the procedure. Not a peep out of her divining my future. As to the male gyn's question about "what about in 20 years, blah blah blah…" "in 20 years, that child you're insisting upon me having could be bullied so badly at school that they hang themselves and you're telling me to take that chance because you're projecting", and proceed to complain to the licensing board about him.

  6. I want children, but I don’t want pregnancy and birth giving. I want at least an adopted child in my family. That’s what I want. And I have fixed my mind on this for years, since teenage years.
    I have yet to tell anyone, even my parents. I know people will think of me as selfish, but I know I can’t carry a child. I won’t even last, deep down I know. I’d be drained, mentally and physically. I’d be so messed up I might abandon my children.
    I feel like people around me have more rights with my uterus more than I do. It’s maddening.

  7. America has the third largest population in the world, I don’t think some people abstaining from getting busy will do much harm. Besides, if this can convince dumb people to not reproduce then that means they won’t have the opportunity to raise potential offspring to be dumb either.

  8. Most people actually get children for egoistic reasons:

    – to get a reason in life
    – to have someone, when they get old
    – to "leave some traces" / "spread their DNA"
    – to "save their relationsship"
    – to have some possession

    We are overpopulated today anyway, so it's actually a great service, to not get children. Moreover children are very exspensive and often enough very difficult to raise.

  9. I know it’s 16 I never wanted children and although I was told dozens of times by dozens of people I would change my mind when the right one came along. I never did change my mind and to this day it’s one of the best decisions I ever made.

  10. I recently turned 30 and I am still having to explain to people that I do not want children. A lot of relatives have offered to raise the child after I give birth and it's soo frustrating because it escapes them that I am not the kind to delegate responsibility in such a manner. Someone even told me that I have no value as a person if I have no intention to have children! I really hope that people can come to understand and respect other people's choices even if they don't conform to what is seen as "normal".

  11. I experienced bias against child free women in the workplace. Being required to work all the holidays because “it’s not like you have kids to enjoy Christmas with, so you won’t mind working.” Being expected to pick up additional work when coworkers were out on maternity because “ they’ll do the same for you when you’re pregnant.” When you explain you won’t be getting pregnant, they just laugh and say you’ll change your mind. Getting lectured that as an educated person I had a duty to have kids because a lot of stupid people are having too many kids. The most curious thing was that many of these same people would tell me years later that they were angry with me because they hadn’t felt like they had a choice and that somehow my choice made them feel bad.

  12. I can tell why parents bring kids to this world. To satisfy their need of controlling someone in their lives. Having kids is the most narcissistic thing you can do

  13. I honestly believe I as a human don't have what it takes to take care of another little human baby, life is hard and I am struggling to take the best care of myself, and sometimes even that doesn't work out. I don't want a child, maybe a pet? But even that seems hard now. And to feel how I am felling…is OKAY!

  14. What's the point of having kids if they're gonna get married and leave you one day?? You're gonna end up alone as a parent, whether you choose to have kids or not!

  15. I never wanted children. My mother complained non-stop about having kids. She should not have had kids. I knew I didn't want kids, and I stuck to it. I don't feel guilty or bad about it. I look at it as doing my share to help keep the world population down. One of our biggest issues on the planet is too many people with ever shrinking resources. It's unsustainable.

  16. I’m in a limbo space.
    I like kids, I’m good with kids, but I don’t actively want kids. It’s not a life goal for me, not a thing I need. If I’m still childless 50 years from now I can’t honestly see myself having some hole in my heart or feeling regret over never having/adopting one.
    But if it happens (not accidentally because I really cant see myself bringing a completely unplanned person into the world unless I was already in a much more stable situation than I am now) or I find a partner and we’re in a situation where I feel like we could actually support raising a whole separate human being, I’m not against the concept.
    Which flies in the face of my mother’s frustrated friend who told me “No time is ever perfect! It just happens and you handle what comes your way!” And I’m just, no, no thank you, that sounds like the exact opposite type of situation I would be willing to bring or adopt a person into @.@

  17. YES. I am selfish. I want my life to be about me and my spouse finding satisfaction in our lives. I want to travel. I want to buy things for myself, I want to enjoy my time, I want to be able to spend my money in things I enjoy without having to “priorize” my child over me. I’d make a lousy parent. Precisely because I am indeed selfish.
    If you judge me for this, and think it would be ok for someone who KNOWS they’d suck at parenting to still go ahead and breed just because that’s what we’re “supposed” to do, well, you are messed up.Because a person like me who suddenly makes this choice to satisfy others will only result in bitterness and regret and a very poorly raised child, scarred for life.

  18. There was a couple who wanted a child and They did had a child but the child was born with disability.
    The parents sent him to the Orphanage/adoption house.

    So what do we understand from this story??
    The parents were just not ready to have Child Or,
    Disability of child made the parents not to love their baby child.

    Parenthood is not a easy thing to do.

  19. I have never liked kids (obnoxious little ;(-)/) and my parents want me to be a mom (I never want to touch this topic for anything in the world) and people around me always tell me you would be a great mommy and I always tell them that I LOATH kids and they still do no want to understand that some women do not want to be mothers I get really furious because they always want me to put me a role I HATE. Besides that there have been women in all history of life that did not want to become mothers but had to put up with that horrible thing and they even openly said they did not like being mothers that children basically ruined their life. I agree with her I rather repent of not having children than being a mom and wanting to kill myself every damn day of my life.

  20. I had a father who REALLY wanted a child, but changed his mind three years after I was born, and left me with a mother who only got pregnant BECAUSE her husband wanted it. People can change their minds even after they have children, that's a large part why orphans even exist. I remember being little and genuinely wishing to be adopted in another family. I used to believe I had "real" parents who would come to pick me up… I never want to put a child through what has affected me to this day – being unwanted. So I'd rather adopt a child who already feels unwanted, and give them what I always lacked as a biological child…

  21. Society still sees women as breeders, period. You always have pro-life people yelling at pro-choice people to "close their legs" or "get sterilized" but when it comes down to it, conservative states do their best to make sterilization difficult because "being a mother is the best thing ever." I also don't see a lot of pro-life people protesting for easier access to birth control or sterilization as to not produce unwanted babies. In the U.S. Black women have one of the highest mortality rates from any developed nation. So where is all of the baby and mommy support then? Another thing that is funny to me is that some places have no problem with sterilizing Native American women without informed consent. Which leads me to believe that they only care about controlling womens' bodies and using them as breeders when it is convenient.

  22. I told my myself, my family, my husband, my friends, my doctor I’m one and DONE. PERIOD. But bc my doctor knows “what’s best for me” and refused to tie my tubes after my first child he left me at risk (because I’m married and things happen) to have a child I do not want or need.

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