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Growing Cannabis

I broke my Plant No-Buy!🌿|| April Plant Haul 2020|| Kreatyve Laydiiee

Check out all the plants I bought this month! I was supposed to be on a no-buy this month & I broke it on Day 6!! Plant shopping & caring for plants is a major …

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  1. Great haul! Your cactus looks like Opuntia microdasys (bunny ears). Be careful handling them — those little stickers get into the skin and hard to see.

  2. Just a tip on the Moonlight Philodendron, but don't miss a watering when its putting out a new leaf as well as don't over water it at that time, the leaf will die. I have a Prince of Orange and learned by losing my first leaf but it came to me soaked and took 4 weeks to dry out in a tiny 4" pot. New subscriber, I'm in Concord, NC!

  3. Can you tell me how you water your agleonemas amd how often. Do you bottom water at all? Love the white planter the donkey's tail is in, where did you get that one?

  4. Not sure if you are aware of the glochids (those white fuzzy dots) on your cactus but do not touch them. Do you let any part of your body touch them. You will get teensy, tiny pines stuck into your skin that will be near impossible to dislodge. Definitely keep it away from children, pets, and any curious people.

  5. Your cactus looks like an opuntia of some sort! Idk what specific species or variety but it's genera is opuntia. They're often called "bunny ear cacti" as nicknames, Mickey mouse ears def makes sense!
    Also, does the Lowe's garden club cost anything?

  6. Hello! My mom loves all things plants and has a huge collection of plants and flowers and has even converted me to be a plant mom!! She discovered your channel and we sat down and watched. Loved your video! We didn’t know that Home Depot has a garden club. Thanks for that tip; mom will definitely be signing up. I just subscribed to your channel!! I’m a new YouTuber; just started on my YouTube journey just over 2 months ago and would love your support and advice on how to grow my channel. If you get a chance stop by. Nice to meet you. See you on the screen 📺.

  7. All your plants are lookn good…hopefully i can get the little fig and it grows make my green thumb excited to start over with plants…

  8. I have two alliis and they are both almost naked. I'm starting to see new buds. It's been a stressful few months. Keep us posted!!

  9. I'm going to check out the Etsy store you noted. I am trying to support small business in these times where I can. It seems that the only ones I can think of is hair products and plants (that come to mind right now) when I do shop. I haven't purchased any clothes, shoes, pocketbooks, etc… It has been plants, food for the home, and haircare.

  10. Can you share a link to your earrings 🙏🏾? Can you do a video on becoming an indoor plant parent…what's your process, new soil, debug, etc. Most of my plants are outside because I don't like bugs😑

  11. 3 of my favorite places to shop for plants! I'm going to start getting out more this week and of course, that's the first place I'm going! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Because of you my wish list got longer lol …the Aglaonema 'pink moon' is so pretty 🙂
    Spring time is such a bad time to go on a plant no buy hahah plus we're all confined, which makes it worse 😀

  13. Hey Jess!!! Grrrl, I’m over here cracking up at u. Smh You need your own plant business. I knew you were going to be buying some more plants. Knew when the words, no plant buy came out of your mouth. 😂😂😂 Love all the plants you purchased. Have a happy plant day

  14. Hi, Jess. I loved that agalonema! I went to Esty looking for it but couldn't find it. I'm going to just keep checking. I found the little fiddle at my local Albertson! I was shocked to see it there. Great haul!

  15. I forgot about their garden club I use to be a member but canceled it..but I am again..thanks for sharing..
    Judging by these plant you tubers No Buys doesn't work it's like telling a shoe collector not to buy shoes..or an alcoholic not to drink…lol

  16. The Home Depot Garden club Coupon was $5 off $50, not the best, but I guess better than nothing lol

  17. I'm not a cactus person either but man the one you have looks so cute!! now it has me considering having one myself lol 🤔😅

  18. Love the Chinese plant, I didn't see the link?? We need a tour after every haul to see how they look in their new home. I've been to HD so many times to buy soils & sucs & never new about the Club 🤗🤗 TY!!

  19. I would have loved to get that little fiddle but my Walmarts aren't the best. My Lowe's had the big ones for $29 but I held off. I did find two Aglaonemas at Walmart though. Hopefully they don't die since I'm a new plant mom😊😊😊

  20. OMG I didn’t know that Home Depot had a garden club. Pause video to sign up. Thank you for that little jewel. Great haul so far. I grab a dwarf fiddle as well and I love it. I’m glad it’s a smaller one, actually prefer it over the larger one 🤷🏾‍♀️. I need to find that calathea and ficus would love to add those to my collection.

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