It was seeming like I had it, a sore throat with chill, after a couple days it moved to my lungs, got me scared. I think I successfully treated it by nebulizing glutathione. I'm not a confirmed case, and I live in long beach, but I've been trying to get the attention of a doctor so that they could try it on a confirmed case. I emailed St. Mary, the CDC, lets some comments on NIAID's fb, and twitter. I hoping a doc will try it on a confirmed case. Contact me if you want to know more, it's rather simple.
Thank you for mentioning north Long Beach as a hotspot
It was seeming like I had it, a sore throat with chill, after a couple days it moved to my lungs, got me scared. I think I successfully treated it by nebulizing glutathione. I'm not a confirmed case, and I live in long beach, but I've been trying to get the attention of a doctor so that they could try it on a confirmed case. I emailed St. Mary, the CDC, lets some comments on NIAID's fb, and twitter. I hoping a doc will try it on a confirmed case. Contact me if you want to know more, it's rather simple.
Thank you for mentioning north Long Beach as a hotspot