AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack+ With License Key Free PC/Windows [2022-Latest]
Name: AutoCAD
Release Date: 1982-1991 (Desktop), 1992-present (Web/Mobile)
Available Operating Systems: AutoCAD 2017 and earlier run on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, macOS, and Linux.
License: AutoCAD is available as a subscription-based software product, a freeware (where the user can use the product for free but must register), and a CADOnline subscription.
Cost: Starting at about $50 per year for a subscriber, AutoCAD is quite a bit cheaper than its rivals.
CAD is a set of software and hardware tools used by drafters and engineers to design and analyze objects and to produce technical drawings and other works. The AutoCAD family of products includes AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD R13, AutoCAD Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD Electrical Desktop, AutoCAD Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Electrical 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical 3D, AutoCAD LT Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD LT Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD LT Electrical Desktop, and AutoCAD LT Civil 3D. AutoCAD Electrical 2016 and AutoCAD Electrical 3D 2017 are based on the same core technology as AutoCAD LT, but the design and engineering features of the latter have been replaced with a user interface similar to that of the desktop applications.
New features in each product include drawing, layering, annotation, multipage drawing, on-screen drawing, 3D modeling, simulation, and drawing commands. AutoCAD LT Architecture and AutoCAD LT Mechanical contain 2D design-related features. AutoCAD LT Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD LT Mechanical Desktop, AutoCAD LT Electrical Desktop, and AutoCAD LT Civil 3D are intended for the design of buildings and their mechanical components. AutoCAD Architectural Desktop, AutoCAD LT Mechanical Desktop, and AutoCAD LT Electrical Desktop contain 2D design-related features and are used by architects, mechanical, and electrical engineers, respectively. AutoCAD Architectural Desktop and AutoCAD LT Architectural Desktop share a common code base and do not support the multipage drawing feature of AutoCAD LT Mechanical Desktop. AutoCAD LT Mechanical Desktop does not support the same features as AutoCAD LT Electrical Desktop. AutoCAD LT Civil 3D is intended for the design of plumbing,
AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack [2022-Latest]
AutoCAD Free Download is capable of importing and exporting to formats other than DXF. In fact, it is able to import such popular file formats as: DWG, SVG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF. AutoCAD Crack For Windows is also capable of exporting a variety of standard file formats: DXF, DWG, PGN, DWF, DXF, DGN, and AI.
Windows and macOS software
The Windows desktop version of AutoCAD 2008 is available in three editions, Standard, Professional and Architectural.
Unsupported features
The following features are no longer supported:
DWG raster graphics conversion
Application User Preferences (appprefs)
Application User Settings (appsettings)
Network Service Authentication
Network Service Settings
Network Share Settings
The Windows version of AutoCAD 2012 is available in three editions, Standard, Architectural and Architectural Professional.
For those users using a Mac, the Macintosh version of AutoCAD 2008 was released as late as 2004. For this reason, the Macintosh version of AutoCAD 2008 was eventually discontinued as a product. Instead, the Macintosh version of AutoCAD 2009 was released for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
Since AutoCAD 2010 for Windows, Autodesk added the ability to have a printer driver print only to specific pages within a drawing. Autodesk has also added some significant enhancements to the pen/tablet features, including support for tablets with stylus capability.
AutoCAD 2012 for Mac OS X was released in July 2012.
AutoCAD 2016 is also available for Mac, Windows, Linux and Android.
AutoCAD 2017 for Windows and macOS is available in two editions, Standard and Architectural.
AutoCAD 2020 for Windows, macOS, and Linux is available in two editions, Standard and Architectural.
AutoCAD Student is available for Windows and macOS.
Mac OS X Support
AutoCAD operates on a minimum of OS X 10.5 Leopard and OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. AutoCAD 2008 and later requires an Intel processor. AutoCAD 2009 and earlier requires an PowerPC processor.
AutoCAD for Mac 2012 operates on OS X 10.9 Mountain Lion and later.
AutoCAD Student is available for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and later.
Online and cloud computing
AutoCAD for Internet Connection
AutoCAD 2020 23.1 [Updated-2022]
– This version contains a new toolbox,.sav,.lib and.rst versions of.py files.
– Download additional Python files, tools, and.txt files from and
– A zip file containing all the python files and.txt files can be downloaded from
– If you use OpenCascade, please follow the steps in install.txt
Espressif ESP8266 ESP32 Arduino Uno and Arduino Due
– Arduino Uno and Due support 5V USB connected ESP8266 and ESP32
– You can also use the integrated USB connector on the Arduino board.
You can read more about it at and
– You can also select the ESP32 or the ESP8266 chip depending on your needs.
How to use the keygen
Install Autodesk Autocad and activate it.
– This version contains a new toolbox,.sav,.lib and.rst versions of.py files.
– Download additional Python files, tools, and.txt files from and
– A zip file containing all the python files and.txt files can be downloaded from
– If you use OpenCascade, please follow the steps in install.txt
Arduino Due
– Arduino Due support 5V USB connected ESP8266 and ESP32
– You can also use the integrated USB connector on the Arduino board.
You can read more about it at and
– You can also select the ESP32 or the ESP8266 chip depending on your needs.
How to use the keygen
Install Autodesk Autocad and
What’s New in the?
Draft boards in the web browser:
Access all your Autodesk Architectural Design Cloud drawings from one convenient location. Create, collaborate, and learn from your drawings from any web browser.
To create a draft board, go to cloud.autodesk.com, log in to your account, and click the Create a Draft Board icon.
When a new draft board is created, its link is sent to your registered email address. You can then access that draft board anywhere, on the Autodesk Architectural Design Cloud website, or from the link in your email.
Draft boards are a great way to share and collaborate on projects. The links are also good for creating a draft board in your corporate intranet or in your home from your PC, tablet, or smartphone.
The complete list of new features and updates for the Autodesk Architectural Design Cloud will be available in the Fall.
About Autodesk
Autodesk offers software products for 3D design and engineering, media and entertainment and data management. Its product offerings include the Autodesk software platform, which represents more than 83 percent of the company’s revenue, as well as Autodesk Design Suite, Autodesk Media and Entertainment and Autodesk Data Management. Additional information is available at
You can follow @AutodeskArch on Twitter.
To get the latest software news for Autodesk Architectural Design Suite, go to www.autodesk.com/ads.
Autodesk, AutoCAD, BIM 360 and Autodesk 360 Design are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, pricing and terms and conditions at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.
Autodesk is a registered trademark or trademark of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, pricing and terms and conditions at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or
System Requirements For AutoCAD:
· Windows 7, Vista or XP (32/64 bit)
· AMD Athlon 64/Core2 Duo 1.3GHz or better
· 1 GB RAM
· DirectX 9.0c
· Geforce GTX 200 Series or Radeon HD 3870 / 3850 Series
· 1024 MB VRAM
· NFS 2.0, BXFS or Coherent, and Intel or AMD’s IOMMU driver.
1. To run in windowed mode:
Install a recently released version of