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How Unearth A Good Dui Lawyer

Ask from your network. Family and friends are a good source of information. They might know a good attorney in your area who specializes in DUI cases. If you are acquainted with someone who had a DUI case, ask if he/she can refer the attorney who handled the case. It would also be a good idea to ask other attorneys you know for a qualified DUI attorney since they have a good grasp of the person’s expertise and work ethics. If your network cannot refer anyone, then it will also be a good idea to visit your local bar association or courthouse. They will be able to provide a list of lawyers with a good history in handling DUI cases.

When you face criminal charges, you will not only pay fines, damages and the like, but chances are you will also face some jail time. Your license may also be permanently stripped from you. In other words, this can change your life dramatically. Plus, if found guilty after trial, you will have a permanent criminal record. That will not vote well when you are trying to find a job especially today when jobs are lacking.

Seek out a Phoenix, Arizona dui lawyer who has demonstrated success in the courtroom and who really cares about your case. Also, don’t forget to talk finances with your lawyer. That’s an important piece of the puzzle.

In most cases, a DUI is a very serious offense that does require a lot of court time. If you want to avoid any and all jail time for your offense, you need to seek the best legal aid possible. If you have the money to spare you might want to look into hiring an attorney privately. These firms will work with you on a firsthand basis so that your case is handles swiftly.

To find the best one out there, you should give time and a lot of consideration in shopping for a portland spousal support attorneys near me. Don’t simply hire the first one who gives you his or her card. You can also ask around the area about who has the reputation of being a good defense attorney for such charges. Better yet, ask a friend or family member who was able to face the same problem and get out of it. The best may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and depending on your needs, the best may differ as well. This is why you should take time to consider who you should hire to defend you and represent you in court. But why do you need the best one?

Don’t just assume that a DUI lawyer who claims to have been practicing for twenty years has actually been handling cases like yours for that length of time. He probably hasn’t. He may be counting his ten years in the D.A.’s office, his five years putting together billable hours for a real estate firm, and his five years actually handling drunk driving cases. Even if he has been handling your type of case for a long time, how many times has he been to court? Experience matters when it comes to hiring an attorney, so make sure yours has some.

In listening to the news, we are quick to hear about the rising death toll in Iraq. Interestingly enough, though, it still loses out to the number of fatalities caused by drunk driving in the United States by a ratio of about 17 to 1 (according to MADD and DoD Reports, comparing fatalities of 2005 to both causes). 17 to 1. 17 to 1. That’s in favor of drunk driving. There aren’t 17 reports against drunk driving for every report of some legislator fighting Bush’s Iraq policy. In fact, I’d wager that the number is quite inverse.

You can choose to refuse to blow in the breath machine. But if you do, the State will say that it reflects a guilty mind. In other words, “he could have blown into the machine. He chose not too, knowing his license would be suspended. Therefore, he must have a guilty mind, and is therefore guilty”.

To begin with, you are charged with a crime that carries a particularly high social stigma. Ever day in cities across the country advertisements, in print, in radio, in television, are expounding about the dangers of driving under the influence, about the high penalties associated with DUI, and characterizing DUI offenders as animals. When you walk into court charged with DUI, you are fighting this stigma from day one.

Hopefully, once you get a good DUI lawyer behind you, your case will not even end up going to trial. They will likely find that their evidence was wrong, and you hopefully have an alibi to show them that you had not been drinking right before you drove.


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