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Cannabis Oil

How to Spot a Bootleg Cannabis Vape Cartridge | RS News 8/30/19

Vape pens are increasingly the go-to choice for cannabis consumers, both in states with legal cannabis, and on the still-thriving black market. However, as …

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  1. Damn this is some of the worst harm reduction attempts I seen wtf trust ur taste buds cuz they CAN'T make bunk taste good fr wtf do u EVEN smoke wtf im at a loss for words n that's rare. But damn there's really no way to tell unless u test it or get it from an ACTUAL LEGIT medical at least in muy state if it's NOT medical its a risk but my area don't have a big issue with BAD carts ppl just sell distillate cut with pg vg etc. But the good ones are cannabis and terpines which cost a bit more but ur customers will return and NOT die ffs! But it's frustrating cuz I'm not in the mood to go grab ALL the shit fuvk yt took down ALL the good ones damn it so frustrating trying to educate when there's an effort against it trying to control the truth anf info fucj dakr we CAN'T lie to the kids about something like weed which is safe! And tell them is NOT THEN they go well ALL dugs must be good n they get intk meth n crack like my phone screen is ffs!

  2. When u have kids buying bullshit and being hospitalized for it, what is any rational organization/govt. gonna do?? BAN EVERYTHING. We just got weed decriminalized in NY after fighting to legalize. They take their sweet time with it but took them a few months to ban favored e carts. This seriously just shows that govt. responds to fear and media war games more than clear and respected evidence. I understand trying to protect people, but when you say we're working on it to something else but then show things can be done quickly I ask questions.

    This whole weed debate is fucking stupid just legalize it, govern it within the tobacco laws and call it a day. All these states taking years to do so is just them biding their time to make sure taxes and governments get their cut off the top first. There's no point arguing anymore. Legalization just makes sense at this point cause people will always go outside the law and if current events and history shows us anything is that making laws prohibiting things just promotes people and criminals to continue to use "unlicensed retailers". This goes for cannabis, guns, or anything the news wants to complain about today. Just legalize and make us all safer.

  3. Make your own, grow your own bud, use nug smashers, don’t ask permission if you can grow something natural. The government never had authority to make nature illegal, wake up people please

  4. Get connected to the right source it's of most importance I get my products bfrom Mr Vince he is probably the person I could advise anyone to contact if they ever need this get to him on WhatsApp or hangouts at +19292440389

  5. Vaping is a new tech, and one the FDA or any other government agency hasn't really looked in to…
    all I know is, Marijuana has never killed anybody (overdose or bad trip…lol) Now all the sudden, THC vaping is bad?
    probably, high as stupid f's actually smoking CBD oil.

    thank you, you can call me Holems, Als Wey-at-Holmes.

  6. Yes so basically telling marijuana consumers to buy “legal”. Because we don’t know anything about it it could kill us. I don’t believe you big pharma! You very well could be adding things to cannabis that could kill us like you do to every other product on the market.

  7. It's looking like at least some of the cases are related to vitamin e toxicity caused by a thickener added to the cart's mixture. If true, even carts from dispensaries may not be safe as even reputable manufacturers were including them in their mix. Some of these thickeners were even being approved for use by state regulatory bodies.

  8. Sooo…like anything else buy reputable products from reputable companies where the price isn't too good to be true.

    Just like everything else.

  9. God dammit people quit being idiots! Just quit doing that goddamn vaping!
    It was never ever investigated enough before it was released to the public! And the FDA should be up on charges because of it!

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