How to pass a drug test same day (2019 urine certo method)
Tutorial starts at 2:12 PLEASE READ CRUCIAL TO PASSING: drink more than a gallon of water/cranberry juice/gatorade if you can! the more fluid you consume …
I smoked pot a month ago just one or two puffs off my bowl at night,, I'm just feeling worried it , please help me,,I want to keep my job
Just gotta add to this that this all depends on what lab you are being tested at. If you are in PTI, Probation, anything like that, and your officer sends your urine to a lab to be analyzed, this will not work. You will not have enough creatine in your urine and they will know. It will come back as inconclusive or diluted. My PTI officer didn't play that shit. Diluted samples counted as fails as far as he was concerned. The good labs weigh your urine to make sure it weighs what normal male/female urine is supposed to weigh. Yes, if you use a clean urine sample from a friend and they are a different gender as you, good labs will know this and you will be outed. You can recolor your urine with b12 but the weight (due to missing creatine) will be wrong. Now that is only for expensive 3rd party labs. I had an employee at a major ammonia manufacturing plant who did random piss tests in the safety office with an at home cup test…. I've literally just flushed with water for a few hours (like 1.5-2 gallons in 2-3 hrs) and the at home test showed nothing. And I smoke a whole lotta weed every day. So, my point is, if it's a retail store, or customer service, or grocery, or something like that, the test should be easy to fool because they probably aren't using super expensive labs. Industrial settings, machinery operating, places where safety is a huge fucking deal, they are going to test you well most likely… Most are moving to hair follicle testing. And a whole bunch of very desirable positions with the best paying companies will log you into a data base shared with other companies if you fail that hair test. Super fucked up, I know … So…. This is a very nuanced thing and the certo method definitely did not give me passing results in PTI. I tried. A lot. Lab made synthetic urine is the most reliable way to fool lab techs imo. They have worked for me I the past.
Hey Brittany I talked to u awhile back on drug test I found a better way to pass it's called portable agua it works
I caught caught slippin 40 min before i started my shift with a drug urine test, i drank the Certo with vitamin water, & killed more than a half a gallon of water, pee’d once, than peed again this time on the test, it was almost clear & she was suspicious but she let me go & i passed. Oil field job baby, this shit works!
the biggest factors are how much you weigh and how much you smoke. Always drink a gallon of water for every drop
Our drug tests in Australia go to a lab to get the levels… I wonder if this would work for the lab test? @Brittany Ramone
I Just got an interview with a really amazing company and they loved me.. This is my DREAM job and Literally almost lost my mind when I heard “drug screening” I’ve been smoking all day but I’m stopping now. The test is in 2 days.. when would be the best time to take this?? Right now or right before have to take the test???
I like your face
Brittany I don't think I am a justice warrior. I just wanted to ask how you are doing? I have 2 children that my husband and I adopted and they were both addicted to Meth. My son has neurological problems as a result. It's been a real struggle raising him. But I love him, he is my baby. I hope you have someone supporting you. You remind me of myself when I was a teenager. Just wanted to drop you a line. Take care. Be good to yourself too! Loved your closing line. I think it was "If you can't be good, be good at it". My papa used to say "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, but if you do, don't get caught. Lol 🖖
You came sooo thruuu no capp
wow I wish your eyes, so beautiful
What about a nicotine test????🤔😩😩
It works yall
Friend Smokes Crack Daily…PASSED..
I tried this and did a test on myself and came out negative, but I got rescheduled because it was diluted now I have to take it again. Do u have tips on how not to get the result back diluted? Thank you
"I don't have a job so you can't come for me" XD LOLOL
Hi, I have a drug test on Wednesday.. it will be 20days of me being sober.. when do you recommend I take the Certo ? It would mean the world to me if you could please help me out, this is my dream job and they didn’t mention I was going to be drug tested until after I signed my contract
Tried 5 times still failed !!
Does anyone know if this works in a lab? Because if anyone is using this taking dip sticks or UA cups I used to pass a whole bunch of probation tests by just drinking a lot of water and b12 for the color just to dilute it because the dip sticks and cups are easily fooled, but I'm curious about if anyone has done this exact method and then went to a lab. Not knocking it just asking because a career hangs in the balance for myself, congrats to everyone who passed using her method, but please give me your feed back if you've done a lab!
I’m going for bbl surgery in a few weeks,I got an email from the surgeon saying I will be tested for drugs before surgery ,if I am positive my money will not be refunded and I will be turned away from having the procedure done , I’m worried I’ve been smoking marijuana heavily😕can u give me some advice btw I ❤️ loved ur video
“If you can’t be good, you better be good at it” my motto for the rest of 2019 lmao
Love the video thanks 🙏🏻
You are effing beautiful. Thanks for the vid I'm tryna get a job today so I'm praying it works for me. The blue Gatorade kepted me ffrom tasting it at all
Does this work for heroin
Quick question so if I take this a day before my drug test I won’t pass it?!?
How much water should I drink after I drink that before my test?
okay i have a doctors appointment the same day i’m getting tested so if they take out blood will that effect the certo in my system?
Brittney: I just did this at 12:00 today. I self tested at 1:30, it was positive; I tested again at 3:30 and it was still positive. Is it because I am a long term user? Help. Should I just pull my application and just reapply in 3 or 4 months?
Check my page out
Someone help!!! If i drink certo the night before my test then one soon as i wake up will it still work? Im scared 1 packet wont be enough because my exam is at 7 am
I’m so nervous for my test tomorrow can I just be sipping on like 2 packs throughout the day?
Ok quick question….so if I drink it now, and don't have a piss test til Sept is it going to have it stay clean? Or is it just a mask?
If you want to see me use the certo method and give a better explanation as to how it works check out my latest video via the link below!
“Doing drugs and passing a drug test to prove Certo works in 2019”
She was cute till she said coke
Baby girl stop the Coca-Cola your to cute
I smoked pot a month ago just one or two puffs off my bowl at night,, I'm just feeling worried it , please help me,,I want to keep my job
Just gotta add to this that this all depends on what lab you are being tested at.
If you are in PTI, Probation, anything like that, and your officer sends your urine to a lab to be analyzed, this will not work. You will not have enough creatine in your urine and they will know. It will come back as inconclusive or diluted.
My PTI officer didn't play that shit. Diluted samples counted as fails as far as he was concerned.
The good labs weigh your urine to make sure it weighs what normal male/female urine is supposed to weigh.
Yes, if you use a clean urine sample from a friend and they are a different gender as you, good labs will know this and you will be outed.
You can recolor your urine with b12 but the weight (due to missing creatine) will be wrong.
Now that is only for expensive 3rd party labs.
I had an employee at a major ammonia manufacturing plant who did random piss tests in the safety office with an at home cup test….
I've literally just flushed with water for a few hours (like 1.5-2 gallons in 2-3 hrs) and the at home test showed nothing. And I smoke a whole lotta weed every day.
So, my point is, if it's a retail store, or customer service, or grocery, or something like that, the test should be easy to fool because they probably aren't using super expensive labs.
Industrial settings, machinery operating, places where safety is a huge fucking deal, they are going to test you well most likely… Most are moving to hair follicle testing. And a whole bunch of very desirable positions with the best paying companies will log you into a data base shared with other companies if you fail that hair test. Super fucked up, I know …
So…. This is a very nuanced thing and the certo method definitely did not give me passing results in PTI. I tried. A lot.
Lab made synthetic urine is the most reliable way to fool lab techs imo. They have worked for me I the past.
Hey Brittany I talked to u awhile back on drug test I found a better way to pass it's called portable agua it works
I caught caught slippin 40 min before i started my shift with a drug urine test, i drank the Certo with vitamin water, & killed more than a half a gallon of water, pee’d once, than peed again this time on the test, it was almost clear & she was suspicious but she let me go & i passed. Oil field job baby, this shit works!
the biggest factors are how much you weigh and how much you smoke. Always drink a gallon of water for every drop
Our drug tests in Australia go to a lab to get the levels… I wonder if this would work for the lab test? @Brittany Ramone
I Just got an interview with a really amazing company and they loved me.. This is my DREAM job and Literally almost lost my mind when I heard “drug screening” I’ve been smoking all day but I’m stopping now. The test is in 2 days.. when would be the best time to take this?? Right now or right before have to take the test???
I like your face
Brittany I don't think I am a justice warrior. I just wanted to ask how you are doing? I have 2 children that my husband and I adopted and they were both addicted to
Meth. My son has neurological
problems as a result. It's been a real struggle raising him. But I love him, he is my baby. I hope you have someone supporting you.
You remind me of myself when I was a teenager. Just wanted to drop you a line. Take care. Be good to yourself too! Loved your closing line. I think it was "If you can't be good, be good at it". My papa used to say "Don't do anything I wouldn't
do, but if you do, don't get caught. Lol 🖖
You came sooo thruuu no capp
wow I wish your eyes, so beautiful
What about a nicotine test????🤔😩😩
It works yall
Friend Smokes Crack Daily…PASSED..
I tried this and did a test on myself and came out negative, but I got rescheduled because it was diluted now I have to take it again. Do u have tips on how not to get the result back diluted? Thank you
"I don't have a job so you can't come for me" XD LOLOL
Hi, I have a drug test on Wednesday.. it will be 20days of me being sober.. when do you recommend I take the Certo ? It would mean the world to me if you could please help me out, this is my dream job and they didn’t mention I was going to be drug tested until after I signed my contract
Tried 5 times still failed !!
Does anyone know if this works in a lab? Because if anyone is using this taking dip sticks or UA cups I used to pass a whole bunch of probation tests by just drinking a lot of water and b12 for the color just to dilute it because the dip sticks and cups are easily fooled, but I'm curious about if anyone has done this exact method and then went to a lab.
Not knocking it just asking because a career hangs in the balance for myself, congrats to everyone who passed using her method, but please give me your feed back if you've done a lab!
I’m going for bbl surgery in a few weeks,I got an email from the surgeon saying I will be tested for drugs before surgery ,if I am positive my money will not be refunded and I will be turned away from having the procedure done , I’m worried I’ve been smoking marijuana heavily😕can u give me some advice btw I ❤️ loved ur video
“If you can’t be good, you better be good at it” my motto for the rest of 2019 lmao
Love the video thanks 🙏🏻
You are effing beautiful. Thanks for the vid I'm tryna get a job today so I'm praying it works for me. The blue Gatorade kepted me ffrom tasting it at all
Does this work for heroin
Quick question so if I take this a day before my drug test I won’t pass it?!?
How much water should I drink after I drink that before my test?
okay i have a doctors appointment the same day i’m getting tested so if they take out blood will that effect the certo in my system?
Brittney: I just did this at 12:00 today. I self tested at 1:30, it was positive; I tested again at 3:30 and it was still positive. Is it because I am a long term user? Help. Should I just pull my application and just reapply in 3 or 4 months?
Check my page out
Someone help!!! If i drink certo the night before my test then one soon as i wake up will it still work? Im scared 1 packet wont be enough because my exam is at 7 am
I’m so nervous for my test tomorrow can I just be sipping on like 2 packs throughout the day?
Ok quick question….so if I drink it now, and don't have a piss test til Sept is it going to have it stay clean? Or is it just a mask?