“For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 To …
The Lord would have showed you something about the gravity of the pandemic. Can you see what's going to happen right in the middle of it?
I also dreamed of the rapture last week. It was night, I saw a very thin moon, almost all dark. I saw the stars gliding across the sky like glitter. I saw a very large comet passing by. Then the sky turned red, and there were people in white in my living room. Then a light came in and pulled me up like a tornado. At that moment I woke up. = D
During church service Sunday night, while my pastor was preaching, the Holy Spirit was so strong that on the last window near the drum set, I saw a white light coming from the window. Like a portal to Heaven had opened.
I had a dream last night. I saw letters written one after another and they were JUDGMENT. Before the letter "T" was about to be finished I woke up. The letter "T" was never completed. The Lord put it on my heart that before judgment (Great Tribulation) will occur we are going to be raptured. Thus, the writing of the letter "T" was never finished in my dream.
Thank you so much Pastor Tim, you have no idea how much I need to hear that over and over and over. I am born again and I do know that my Lord Jesus is with me and for me and I have nothing to fear or be anxious about but for some reason I am. Part of it, I believe is because of a man I know and love very very much but I'm not certain if he is saved. And the thought that he would go to hell, that he wouldn't be coming with us in the Rapture is almost more than I can bear. But I have tried to talk to him about it, not like you would I'm sure, I ask him straight out and he gets mad at me. I could go into that more but to what end. Anyway thank you for this video and for all you do
022020 ponder that number
Hi pastor greetings, I saw a dream today night, I m upset and can't understand what its mean.. I was in a party with so many people some of them were my colleague. Party was in very open place but i eat nothing,When party is over i want to go home,can't find any ride and after very long time got auto rickshaw by Uber, that was very small, uncomfortable, open and weather is bit cold and its night time ..so I was very nervous what to do.I ask him to change but there were no other ride…so he drop me in the middle of busy and strange street.. I was alone there and few people start following me and I m running just running then I saw a home with double door that was open I just come inside and a kind person was sitting there ,home was very quite,peaceful he said be patience nothing can harm you, on the door there was a lock with keys,I said plz lock the door they will come n take me..He said no one will enter the door,no one can harm you,be relax..I was so comfortable there, that person was so sweet nice and kind ..i want to call my mother that i cant come home today..only I was there after some time my church fellow she join me there…and we share room and slept down….whats this don't know..God bless you all
Brother you're awesome but you've got the date one day ahead, lol.
Pastor Tim, do you think it's possible the experiences that we experience in a rapture dream could actually happen exactly as one experienced it? Or is it somewhat similar or for encouragement? I wonder why some get rapture dreams or visions and if it was for a purpose. Because, I experienced a few that were awesome and it made me wonder if I would go up in a similar manner.
I wondered why I haven't seen Pastor Tim's videos for awhile! Somehow I was no longer subscribed. That's odd.
Here's what I find interesting this month. One it's a leap year 29 days this month. Plus you have two date's with the exact same numbers ? First we had 02/02/2020 and tomorrow is 02/20/2020. Just odd I thought.
I needed to hear this today. Your dream brought tears to my eyes and believe it. So encouraging and true to God's Word. Thank you
The oh poop handle? lol
Pastor Tim, you are such a lovely person. And I think it is so sweet how you call your wife the loveliest bride in all the land. I always enjoy your message and your positivity. It is very refreshing. Like balm for the soul.
WOW, yet again… another dream.
WOW, GLORY TO GOD…….. THANK YOU JESUS. God is SO SO VERY GOOD Love, prayers & blessings to you, family & ALL my brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus. SEE YOU SHORTLY
Come lord Jesus Soo ready
I just received a call from center for disease wanting me to return the call to take a survey on children and teen immunizations. Weird…
I had a dream last night I was driving my brand new yellow sports car. Everyone was happy for me, then I was on the street of a very fancy subdivision and I knew that's where I lived. There were Christmas decorations, no Santas, and Christmas music was playing in the streets. I knew it was of God! I don't own a brand new car now, but I lacked nothing in my dream.
Things are lining up. Please visit Ministry Revealed channel. Tribulation 14 years. 7 years of seals, and 7 years of trumpets. Israel is still in its true 70th year. Multiple “raptures” are true. Three to be exact. Escape, rapture, return
I needed to hear this. Thank you. Praise and glory to God!
This video was so awesome!!!!
Pastor, is it possible that the rapture dreams you have could just be what's in your subconscious? I had 1 rapture dream some years ago and recently a left behind dream. Both were extremely emotional and I keep getting told its in my subconscious. Because I'm always thinking it could happen any minute. Your thoughts?
Thanks so much for sharing not very encouraging dream
Needed this so much…horrid day/trials…Interesting dream bcz I had a vision that seemed to indicate our harpazo will be similar to coming up out of water, in the sea of glass adjacent to God's throne. Water=interdimensional portal
YEAH!!! But GOD!! He gets the last word. AND he is good. Mercy Mercy Mercy. I love you! God bless you! PEACE!!!!
Pastor Tim, Are you ok first it's a billion people with the coronavvirus, now it's 02-20-2020, Pastor Tim, please it's ok to take a few days/weeks off of YouTube. Your YouTube family will understand. .
I’m scared
Hi Pastor Tim. I love you. brother. I do. Now, I just wanted to point us all at the always there, but few thumbs-down-events ?! I can NOT imagine who does those, I cannot imagine who wants to visit Pastor Tim's website to do so. The thumbs-down-people are now given a great message: If y'all want to write about your issues, let us help. Come clear. Ask the questions you need to ask. You are hereby invited to ask any honest question. Ask Pastor Tim. ask Barry Scarborough, ask Chad (watchman on the wall88) , search for Chuck Missler, Billy Graham, ask, even Google answers questions about The Bible. Ask even me, but I'm way lower in learning. But ask! Study! Why hide behind a lowered thumb, and yet you're still here? We are all here for you. Praise GOD. Come clear, and let us help.
Feb 20th 2020?????
Your oldest daughter is pregnant? Praying for her to endure the increased birth pains that Jesus says will take place in the end days!
Thank you so much…I live right on the New Madrid fault line…very close to the center, matter of fact…this was very encouraging to me. Especially since the new peace plan calls for the division of Israel!!! God bless! ♥️♥️♥️
Can never hear your video sadly hurts my ears robotic sound
I had a dream similar A man told me while holding my hand right before getting on this black Octopus carnival ride that "all will be ok" Next thing me , my husband and younger son were on this terrifying ride ! Being tossed up and down and sideways I called out to my husband he said "I am here" I looked down and saw the same kind beautiful man smiling up at me with the controls in his hand and I knew he was saying "I have the controls all is ok" and I let go PURE BLISS, I WAS FLOATING AND THE EUPHORIA IN MY SPIRIT was something I had never felt I felt that feeling for 3 days this is how strong it was. JESUS HAS THE CONTROLS FAMILY!!!! God bless and THANK YOU Tim for sharing your positive and uplifting rapture dreams
I just received the following RHEMA WORD:
"Chariots of fire are burning bright across the skies.".
We leave soon.
GOD Bless you.
Jesus is at the door hallelujah praise God I can’t wait to go home it’s gonna be so glorious to all be our great King
thank you
Pastor Tim, Blessings. Holly2Moons recently posted a dream, having not been on for quite a while, saying that she was led to do so as an encouragement for the Body and her channel family. I was fairly sure I had insight into her dream but let it linger and huddled with Our Lord. Well, your dream now also comes along with, as I believe I see it, the same message although tailored to you, so am posting this and will on Holly2Moons as well. In short, her dream involved her looking out the door of her house and seeing several, small but very powerful, spiky/skinny tornadoes which, for as narrow as they were, were well able to pull her out the door, she knew, when she peeked out to look. From inside the house, however, she felt secure and not threatened, at all. Just like your dream, these tornadoes represented, imo, the Emerging Judgments Now At Hand being witnessed by the soon departing Bride, AND all the OTHER trees. They are real, powerful and terrible but NOT FOR US. On one hand we are not to discount their severity or authenticity for they are OF GOD; on the other, we are not to bow down to them or to fear of them, but instead, reverence Christ and pray. Did the number FIVE appear in any prominent way in your dream? Among other things, your dream, and Holy2Moons, were of Psalm 91: 7 "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." Maranatha!
Thanks for sharing Tim I am strong in our Lord glory to us all AMEN..
Today is February 19th, why does it say February 20th?
Thank you so much for sharing your dream, Pastor Tim. Every time I start fretting & worrying about the Coronavirus (& taking care of my elderly mother), the Holy Spirit says one word to me: “Safe.” And I know that God has me … He has us. Peace returns to my heart. And I am trusting the Lord to take care of us until He comes to get us. Your sister in Christ, Susan
The Lord would have showed you something about the gravity of the pandemic. Can you see what's going to happen right in the middle of it?
I also dreamed of the rapture last week. It was night, I saw a very thin moon, almost all dark. I saw the stars gliding across the sky like glitter. I saw a very large comet passing by. Then the sky turned red, and there were people in white in my living room. Then a light came in and pulled me up like a tornado. At that moment I woke up. = D
During church service Sunday night, while my pastor was preaching, the Holy Spirit was so strong that on the last window near the drum set, I saw a white light coming from the window. Like a portal to Heaven had opened.
I had a dream last night. I saw letters written one after another and they were JUDGMENT. Before the letter "T" was about to be finished I woke up. The letter "T" was never completed. The Lord put it on my heart that before judgment (Great Tribulation) will occur we are going to be raptured. Thus, the writing of the letter "T" was never finished in my dream.
Thank you so much Pastor Tim, you have no idea how much I need to hear that over and over and over. I am born again and I do know that my Lord Jesus is with me and for me and I have nothing to fear or be anxious about but for some reason I am. Part of it, I believe is because of a man I know and love very very much but I'm not certain if he is saved. And the thought that he would go to hell, that he wouldn't be coming with us in the Rapture is almost more than I can bear. But I have tried to talk to him about it, not like you would I'm sure, I ask him straight out and he gets mad at me. I could go into that more but to what end. Anyway thank you for this video and for all you do

022020 ponder that number
Hi pastor greetings, I saw a dream today night, I m upset and can't understand what its mean..
I was in a party with so many people some of them were my colleague. Party was in very open place but i eat nothing,When party is over i want to go home,can't find any ride and after very long time got auto rickshaw by Uber, that was very small, uncomfortable, open and weather is bit cold and its night time ..so I was very nervous what to do.I ask him to change but there were no other ride…so he drop me in the middle of busy and strange street.. I was alone there and few people start following me and I m running just running then I saw a home with double door that was open I just come inside and a kind person was sitting there ,home was very quite,peaceful he said be patience nothing can harm you, on the door there was a lock with keys,I said plz lock the door they will come n take me..He said no one will enter the door,no one can harm you,be relax..I was so comfortable there, that person was so sweet nice and kind ..i want to call my mother that i cant come home today..only I was there after some time my church fellow she join me there…and we share room and slept down….whats this don't know..God bless you all
Brother you're awesome but you've got the date one day ahead, lol.
Pastor Tim, do you think it's possible the experiences that we experience in a rapture dream could actually happen exactly as one experienced it? Or is it somewhat similar or for encouragement? I wonder why some get rapture dreams or visions and if it was for a purpose. Because, I experienced a few that were awesome and it made me wonder if I would go up in a similar manner.
I wondered why I haven't seen Pastor Tim's videos for awhile! Somehow I was no longer subscribed. That's odd.
Here's what I find interesting this month. One it's a leap year 29 days this month. Plus you have two date's with the exact same numbers ?
First we had 02/02/2020
and tomorrow is 02/20/2020.
Just odd I thought.
I needed to hear this today. Your dream brought tears to my eyes and believe it. So encouraging and true to God's Word. Thank you
The oh poop handle? lol
Pastor Tim, you are such a lovely person. And I think it is so sweet how you call your wife the loveliest bride in all the land. I always enjoy your message and your positivity. It is very refreshing. Like balm for the soul.

WOW, yet again… another dream.



Love, prayers & blessings to you, family & ALL my brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus
Come lord Jesus Soo ready
I just received a call from center for disease wanting me to return the call to take a survey on children and teen immunizations. Weird…
I had a dream last night I was driving my brand new yellow sports car. Everyone was happy for me, then I was on the street of a very fancy subdivision and I knew that's where I lived. There were Christmas decorations, no Santas, and Christmas music was playing in the streets. I knew it was of God! I don't own a brand new car now, but I lacked nothing in my dream.
Things are lining up. Please visit Ministry Revealed channel. Tribulation 14 years. 7 years of seals, and 7 years of trumpets. Israel is still in its true 70th year. Multiple “raptures” are true. Three to be exact. Escape, rapture, return
I needed to hear this. Thank you. Praise and glory to God!
This video was so awesome!!!!
Pastor, is it possible that the rapture dreams you have could just be what's in your subconscious? I had 1 rapture dream some years ago and recently a left behind dream. Both were extremely emotional and I keep getting told its in my subconscious. Because I'm always thinking it could happen any minute. Your thoughts?
Thanks so much for sharing not very encouraging dream
Needed this so much…horrid day/trials…Interesting dream bcz I had a vision that seemed to indicate our harpazo will be similar to coming up out of water, in the sea of glass adjacent to God's throne. Water=interdimensional portal
YEAH!!! But GOD!! He gets the last word. AND he is good. Mercy Mercy Mercy. I love you! God bless you! PEACE!!!!
Pastor Tim, Are you ok first it's a billion people with the coronavvirus, now it's 02-20-2020, Pastor Tim, please it's ok to take a few days/weeks off of YouTube. Your YouTube family will understand. .

I’m scared
Hi Pastor Tim. I love you. brother. I do.
Now, I just wanted to point us all at the always there, but few thumbs-down-events ?!
I can NOT imagine who does those, I cannot imagine who wants to visit Pastor Tim's website to do so. The thumbs-down-people are now given a great message: If y'all want to write about your issues, let us help. Come clear. Ask the questions you need to ask. You are hereby invited to ask any honest question. Ask Pastor Tim. ask Barry Scarborough, ask Chad (watchman on the wall88) , search for Chuck Missler, Billy Graham, ask, even Google answers questions about The Bible. Ask even me, but I'm way lower in learning. But ask! Study!
Why hide behind a lowered thumb, and yet you're still here? We are all here for you. Praise GOD.
Come clear, and let us help.
Feb 20th 2020?????
Your oldest daughter is pregnant? Praying for her to endure the increased birth pains that Jesus says will take place in the end days!
Thank you so much…I live right on the New Madrid fault line…very close to the center, matter of fact…this was very encouraging to me. Especially since the new peace plan calls for the division of Israel!!! God bless!

Can never hear your video sadly hurts my ears robotic sound
I had a dream similar
A man told me while holding my hand right before getting on this black Octopus carnival ride that "all will be ok"
Next thing me , my husband and younger son were on this terrifying ride ! Being tossed up and down and sideways I called out to my husband he said "I am here" I looked down and saw the same kind beautiful man smiling up at me with the controls in his hand and I knew he was saying "I have the controls all is ok" and I let go
I felt that feeling for 3 days this is how strong it was.
God bless and THANK YOU Tim for sharing your positive and uplifting rapture dreams
I just received the following
"Chariots of fire are burning bright across the skies.".
We leave soon.
GOD Bless you.
Jesus is at the door hallelujah praise God I can’t wait to go home it’s gonna be so glorious to all be our great King
thank you
Pastor Tim, Blessings. Holly2Moons recently posted a dream, having not been on for quite a while, saying that she was led to do so as an encouragement for the Body and her channel family. I was fairly sure I had insight into her dream but let it linger and huddled with Our Lord. Well, your dream now also comes along with, as I believe I see it, the same message although tailored to you, so am posting this and will on Holly2Moons as well. In short, her dream involved her looking out the door of her house and seeing several, small but very powerful, spiky/skinny tornadoes which, for as narrow as they were, were well able to pull her out the door, she knew, when she peeked out to look. From inside the house, however, she felt secure and not threatened, at all. Just like your dream, these tornadoes represented, imo, the Emerging Judgments Now At Hand being witnessed by the soon departing Bride, AND all the OTHER trees. They are real, powerful and terrible but NOT FOR US. On one hand we are not to discount their severity or authenticity for they are OF GOD; on the other, we are not to bow down to them or to fear of them, but instead, reverence Christ and pray. Did the number FIVE appear in any prominent way in your dream? Among other things, your dream, and Holy2Moons, were of Psalm 91: 7 "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." Maranatha!
Thanks for sharing Tim I am strong in our Lord glory to us all AMEN..
Today is February 19th, why does it say February 20th?
Thank you so much for sharing your dream, Pastor Tim. Every time I start fretting & worrying about the Coronavirus (& taking care of my elderly mother), the Holy Spirit says one word to me: “Safe.” And I know that God has me … He has us. Peace returns to my heart. And I am trusting the Lord to take care of us until He comes to get us. Your sister in Christ, Susan