How Can I Grocery Shop Safely? When Is Someone Sick Enough for the ER? Coronavirus Q&A: Apr. 8 2020
Aaron’s back answering your submitted questions about things related to the COVID-19. If you’d like to submit a question for a future episode you can do so at …
We'll be doing more of these, so if you'd like to ask a question you can do so at And, in case you didn't see it, the timecode for each question is viewable in the description.
Did he change his hair?
Biggest problem with aiming for herd immunity by vaccine is the same reason we are seeing an increase in cases/outbreaks of diseases that most developed countries had all but eradicated. Sad as it is, i really don't see antivaxxers changing their tune with covid19 and it is likely that they will try and use the "principles" of pox parties with covid, and expanding the spread.
Have they found, or suspected a genetic weakness due to DNA ethnicity? As in Levant ancestry? or other ancestry? Is there a suspected weakness?
Q: Why do people say it could have been circulating for weeks undetected? Is it because it has a long incubation period? Are we assuming people were really sick of could have died we just didn't know it was covid? What does that mean?
I'm a mail carrier and I try hard to keep my coworkers and customers safe by wearing a mask and washing my hands while I work. Could you mention to people to not approach people unless they absolutely have to? Here in the midwest people are very used to chatting with me as i drop off packages but I dont think that is a good idea and you really dont have to take it directly out of my hands
I live in a small town that doesnt have many infected people but borders 3 highly infected counties in Indiana and I've overheard people at the store talking about how theyre from those counties. I understand that they dont want to shop in their hometown because of the sick people, but I worry they're bringing it here am I a bad person? Are they in the wrong for traveling to shop?
" 11:54 – What is the timeline during which we can ramp up testing to make sure we can do the suppression you advocate? "this is more important, we need to be testing more than a million people per day both current infection test and past infection anti-body test, we need to test more than half the global population
Yeah, that laundry-list of requirements to go back to normal isn't going to happen. We also can't shutdown at all, let alone every time there are cases. I think it's time to open back up and deal with the reality. This is a relatively small risk for most people, and does not in any way justify this level of paranoia, destruction, and cost.
If we wait to have all of those things, we'll all starve to death. IT will take literal years to get even half of it, but we already have approaching 20% unemployment, and farmers are dumping milk into fields. And people with non-covid medical needs are about to die for lack of care.
The ad forced on me before I watched this video was a snakeoil product, fyi. What about zink in moderation, like in a daily multi vitamine? Also what about the placebo effect, say something your mom gave you whenever you were sick as a kid that might not objectively do anything but primes you with your unique life experiences into a better meditative/emotional state?
As SOON as he said, "Don't touch your face," my nose started itching. LOL.
Why do some young people with no pre-existing conditions get so sick while most don't? Genetics? Viral load?
I think the question where the person asked if they have asthma and are coughing, can they go for a walk wasn't asking "If I feel sick, can I go for a walk." I think they were asking "if I have a chronic condition where my illness manifests similar to coronavirus symptoms, can I go out." And if they can't go outside, how long should they self-isolate? And what should they do about groceries, what if places don't deliver to their house, etc.?
Great info. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!
Letting it burn isn't the only other option. There are plenty of people complying with recommendations in Sweden. China is authoritarian and it seems like the world took a communist turn in mimicking their approach.
The Spanish flu was very different tho. The places that let the Spanish flu burn through their communities were left without their early 20's male bread winners. I don't think we should let old people die of preventable diseases so social distancing is still super important. This isn't about the economy in my opinion. No matter if we social distanced or not, most of our young population will come out on the other side of this, but the older/chronically ill may not if we don't do this right. That's the important thing to focus on right now. It's inhumane to not take the steps necessary to stop this spread just because the economy will suffer. Unfortunately we don't know how it will effect the economy long term but most estimates I've seen have been hopeful
Our grocery stores in GA have started going unidirectional shopping so you never go down an aisle and run "face to face" with a person going the opposite way. Does that have a purpose? Is it better to walk past than face to face?
I was also at a college with high international population (including someone in my dorm from Wuhan) and I had fever, cough, muscle ache in mid January. Also tested negative for flu…school heath officials said some sort of severe respiratory virus was going around campus (everyone was testing negative for flu). We can’t help but think we might have had it…..
I quarantined myself completely for 2 weeks (no grocery store even!) and was very relieved to have no symptoms.
One of the things they are doing with positive antibody testing is they can take their blood and pass those antibodies to boost those suffering.
My mum is listening to some idiot who supposedly has a PhD in nursing who is propagating the vitamin D thing, that black people are predisposed genetically to get it and a whole lot of bull that is dressed up just enough to look legitimate and be dangerous. How do I report this idiot?
Please make a distinction between « there’s no evidence for this » because we looked for and there was no, vs because we never researched to find any.
Confused – American Enterprise Institute is a hyper-conservative publicity wing of (largely) Charles Koch and the like. I have seen what they have tried to pass as 'Scientific' analysis on global climate change and it was total garbage. Not only in very very shakey analysis but also simply incorrect likely intentionally falsified data as to temperature trends. Aaron, while you seem knowledgable and trustworthy if you are looking to AEI for sources then I would have to say that whatever you say is untrustworthy. Did you perhaps misspeak yourself? There is no worse source than AEI.
I work in a large grocery store, please DO NOT go when they first open. That's when the largest amount of people have been at once.
I'd love for medical professionals and economist and the business community to start having deep conversations. We need to figure out how to minimize the impact of this virus without completely collapsing the economy.
"Chronic smoking, certainly chronic, but I'm not…" I see you're familiar with Dr. Dre
Hehe "chronic smoking"
Coronavirus primarily affects your lungs. Smoking negatively affects your lungs. Common sense deductions should follow.
I was wondering about long term problems as the result of a Corvid infections? I heard the number of heart attacks of increased since the infection started. I think about conditions such as post polio syndrome.
Why is the coronavirus not a typical virus and why are we having to take such drastic steps to prevent the spread?
haha, chronic smoking
So lets be real. all Federal funding is being stoped.. so the ability to be tested will not happened.. Good luck
Would love to be quarantining but my Office Depot has decided my roommate is essential, and we need his paycheck to pay rent, soooooo (I mean he is washing his hands + wearing a mask + being as careful as we know how but s t i l l)
When I heard that question with the 0.3% figure, my reaction was: Whaaaa?! 0.3% of a 40% population infection rate in the U.S. alone would mean a total of just under 400,000 deaths. That is about 28x as many fatalities as in the U.S. to this day. That is not a number for which anybody should be saying, "Oh well, that's acceptable, let's just ditch this whole social distancing idea."
good episode, THANK you for doing the coverage, sharing and promoting your balanced approach .. GG
What if we just went on with everything and let the virus kill a part of the population? Would not that be the norm of natural selection?
If you can shop during the week around noon it'll tend to be slower. Lots of older and compromised people are shopping in the morning as many stores are designating that time for them. Around 5/6 is the worst time to shop always. Later in the day is gonna be slowish but we're likely to be out of product.
N95 disinfecting for healthcare providers: a few days in direct sunlight, UV sterilization box, ozone machine – would you recommend any of these methods?
In other news, eighteen psychopathic MORONS downvoted this video. Go figure.
Are you embarrassed by your Feb 15th video yet? I would be. You should not be giving people advice on this issue, you completely missed the true nature of the virus, even when it had shown it's full potential.
You totally failed to mention the increased transmissability and 20% hospitalisation rate. Comparing it to the flu was disingenuous.
Just a a side note on the UV light, I am no expert but as far as i know it's only UV-C light that kills viruses, sunlight only consists of UV-A and UV-B light because the ozone layer filters out UV-C light. UV-C is incredibly dangerous and damaging to human skin and needs to be used with caution.
1:37 I hate when professionals answer in roundabout ways that doesn't answer the essence. We don't need to know about "those who prepare food shouldn't be going if they're sick/coughing on food". What we need to know is, if an infected person cough on my food, will it infect me when I eat it?
On an unrelated note, that's a nice series of Robin Hobb books in the background!
I feel like antiviral drugs, hydroxychloroquine, tamiflu, etc, are like Plan B, except you usually know when you have had sex, you don't know when you've contracted the virus.
It'd probably be more than 2 million dead in that scenario. Given the hospitalization rate, that would probably crush the medical system and cause a ton of extra deaths from other stuff that would otherwise be treatable.
I get a really noticeable sense of calm from watching these videos
We'll be doing more of these, so if you'd like to ask a question you can do so at And, in case you didn't see it, the timecode for each question is viewable in the description.
Did he change his hair?
Biggest problem with aiming for herd immunity by vaccine is the same reason we are seeing an increase in cases/outbreaks of diseases that most developed countries had all but eradicated. Sad as it is, i really don't see antivaxxers changing their tune with covid19 and it is likely that they will try and use the "principles" of pox parties with covid, and expanding the spread.
Have they found, or suspected a genetic weakness due to DNA ethnicity? As in Levant ancestry? or other ancestry? Is there a suspected weakness?
Q: Why do people say it could have been circulating for weeks undetected? Is it because it has a long incubation period? Are we assuming people were really sick of could have died we just didn't know it was covid? What does that mean?
I'm a mail carrier and I try hard to keep my coworkers and customers safe by wearing a mask and washing my hands while I work. Could you mention to people to not approach people unless they absolutely have to? Here in the midwest people are very used to chatting with me as i drop off packages but I dont think that is a good idea and you really dont have to take it directly out of my hands
I live in a small town that doesnt have many infected people but borders 3 highly infected counties in Indiana and I've overheard people at the store talking about how theyre from those counties. I understand that they dont want to shop in their hometown because of the sick people, but I worry they're bringing it here
am I a bad person? Are they in the wrong for traveling to shop?
" 11:54 – What is the timeline during which we can ramp up testing to make sure we can do the suppression you advocate? "this is more important, we need to be testing more than a million people per day both current infection test and past infection anti-body test, we need to test more than half the global population
Yeah, that laundry-list of requirements to go back to normal isn't going to happen. We also can't shutdown at all, let alone every time there are cases. I think it's time to open back up and deal with the reality. This is a relatively small risk for most people, and does not in any way justify this level of paranoia, destruction, and cost.
If we wait to have all of those things, we'll all starve to death. IT will take literal years to get even half of it, but we already have approaching 20% unemployment, and farmers are dumping milk into fields. And people with non-covid medical needs are about to die for lack of care.
The ad forced on me before I watched this video was a snakeoil product, fyi. What about zink in moderation, like in a daily multi vitamine? Also what about the placebo effect, say something your mom gave you whenever you were sick as a kid that might not objectively do anything but primes you with your unique life experiences into a better meditative/emotional state?
As SOON as he said, "Don't touch your face," my nose started itching. LOL.
Why do some young people with no pre-existing conditions get so sick while most don't? Genetics? Viral load?
I think the question where the person asked if they have asthma and are coughing, can they go for a walk wasn't asking "If I feel sick, can I go for a walk." I think they were asking "if I have a chronic condition where my illness manifests similar to coronavirus symptoms, can I go out." And if they can't go outside, how long should they self-isolate? And what should they do about groceries, what if places don't deliver to their house, etc.?
Great info. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge!
Letting it burn isn't the only other option. There are plenty of people complying with recommendations in Sweden. China is authoritarian and it seems like the world took a communist turn in mimicking their approach.
The Spanish flu was very different tho. The places that let the Spanish flu burn through their communities were left without their early 20's male bread winners. I don't think we should let old people die of preventable diseases so social distancing is still super important. This isn't about the economy in my opinion. No matter if we social distanced or not, most of our young population will come out on the other side of this, but the older/chronically ill may not if we don't do this right. That's the important thing to focus on right now. It's inhumane to not take the steps necessary to stop this spread just because the economy will suffer. Unfortunately we don't know how it will effect the economy long term but most estimates I've seen have been hopeful
Our grocery stores in GA have started going unidirectional shopping so you never go down an aisle and run "face to face" with a person going the opposite way. Does that have a purpose? Is it better to walk past than face to face?
I was also at a college with high international population (including someone in my dorm from Wuhan) and I had fever, cough, muscle ache in mid January. Also tested negative for flu…school heath officials said some sort of severe respiratory virus was going around campus (everyone was testing negative for flu). We can’t help but think we might have had it…..
I quarantined myself completely for 2 weeks (no grocery store even!) and was very relieved to have no symptoms.
One of the things they are doing with positive antibody testing is they can take their blood and pass those antibodies to boost those suffering.
My mum is listening to some idiot who supposedly has a PhD in nursing who is propagating the vitamin D thing, that black people are predisposed genetically to get it and a whole lot of bull that is dressed up just enough to look legitimate and be dangerous. How do I report this idiot?
Please make a distinction between « there’s no evidence for this » because we looked for and there was no, vs because we never researched to find any.
Confused – American Enterprise Institute is a hyper-conservative publicity wing of (largely) Charles Koch and the like. I have seen what they have tried to pass as 'Scientific' analysis on global climate change and it was total garbage. Not only in very very shakey analysis but also simply incorrect likely intentionally falsified data as to temperature trends. Aaron, while you seem knowledgable and trustworthy if you are looking to AEI for sources then I would have to say that whatever you say is untrustworthy. Did you perhaps misspeak yourself? There is no worse source than AEI.
Do you have any thoughts on variolation?
I work in a large grocery store, please DO NOT go when they first open. That's when the largest amount of people have been at once.
I'd love for medical professionals and economist and the business community to start having deep conversations. We need to figure out how to minimize the impact of this virus without completely collapsing the economy.
"Chronic smoking, certainly chronic, but I'm not…" I see you're familiar with Dr. Dre
Hehe "chronic smoking"
Coronavirus primarily affects your lungs. Smoking negatively affects your lungs. Common sense deductions should follow.
I was wondering about long term problems as the result of a Corvid infections? I heard the number of heart attacks of increased since the infection started. I think about conditions such as post polio syndrome.
Why is the coronavirus not a typical virus and why are we having to take such drastic steps to prevent the spread?
haha, chronic smoking
So lets be real. all Federal funding is being stoped.. so the ability to be tested will not happened.. Good luck
Would love to be quarantining but my Office Depot has decided my roommate is essential, and we need his paycheck to pay rent, soooooo (I mean he is washing his hands + wearing a mask + being as careful as we know how but s t i l l)
When I heard that question with the 0.3% figure, my reaction was: Whaaaa?! 0.3% of a 40% population infection rate in the U.S. alone would mean a total of just under 400,000 deaths. That is about 28x as many fatalities as in the U.S. to this day. That is not a number for which anybody should be saying, "Oh well, that's acceptable, let's just ditch this whole social distancing idea."
good episode, THANK you for doing the coverage, sharing and promoting your balanced approach .. GG
What if we just went on with everything and let the virus kill a part of the population? Would not that be the norm of natural selection?
If you can shop during the week around noon it'll tend to be slower. Lots of older and compromised people are shopping in the morning as many stores are designating that time for them. Around 5/6 is the worst time to shop always. Later in the day is gonna be slowish but we're likely to be out of product.
N95 disinfecting for healthcare providers: a few days in direct sunlight, UV sterilization box, ozone machine – would you recommend any of these methods?
In other news, eighteen psychopathic MORONS downvoted this video. Go figure.
Are you embarrassed by your Feb 15th video yet? I would be. You should not be giving people advice on this issue, you completely missed the true nature of the virus, even when it had shown it's full potential.
You totally failed to mention the increased transmissability and 20% hospitalisation rate. Comparing it to the flu was disingenuous.
Just a a side note on the UV light, I am no expert but as far as i know it's only UV-C light that kills viruses, sunlight only consists of UV-A and UV-B light because the ozone layer filters out UV-C light. UV-C is incredibly dangerous and damaging to human skin and needs to be used with caution.
1:37 I hate when professionals answer in roundabout ways that doesn't answer the essence. We don't need to know about "those who prepare food shouldn't be going if they're sick/coughing on food". What we need to know is, if an infected person cough on my food, will it infect me when I eat it?
On an unrelated note, that's a nice series of Robin Hobb books in the background!
I feel like antiviral drugs, hydroxychloroquine, tamiflu, etc, are like Plan B, except you usually know when you have had sex, you don't know when you've contracted the virus.
It'd probably be more than 2 million dead in that scenario. Given the hospitalization rate, that would probably crush the medical system and cause a ton of extra deaths from other stuff that would otherwise be treatable.
I get a really noticeable sense of calm from watching these videos