Why is my aspelinium dying? I live in the area where i have really cold whether as well so not a lot of sunlight and a little bit of water but still its not surviving😔
I saw that mister and immediately thought, “Wow, she’s about that life!!”
Thanks!! Im gonna use that coffee filter trick!!
What a cute baby!!!!
Hey laura, I've had bad luck with ferns. I've had some luck with certain types. But I tend to forget to water or I dont realise when I need to water. Do u think I could grow a fern in a self watering pot? -The Love Family of California
Adventure Time anybody?
That was a great video! I learned a lot and it was enjoyable to watch, thank you
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience about ferns. I'm from the Pacific Northwest so ferns are very dear to my soul.
Ferns are one of the most remarkable of all life forms, wouldn't you agree? 🙂
Love your stone pots
Love this one too.. I can’t keep a fern they always dye on me. There are one of my favorite plants too. Thank you Laura the tips I hope will help me next time I get one. 🤗🌷
My fern isn't shown here; and it's not looking happy 🙁 I need help with it…
I have a 3 fern plants that I found in a Wal-mart garden center around 8 yrs. ago. I planted them in my shade garden and they have come back every year but they have not increased in size all that much. I have never found them again and needed to know if you have ever planted an outdoor fern and if so did it grow to your satisfaction?
I purchased my first fern a little over a month ago, and it's doing well (not the norm for me – haha), and now I’m excited about picking up a few more ferns so that I have a small collection. Thanks for the informative and encouraging videos!
I collect rain water and strain it throgh a paper towel. Then pour into my mister. I use a bigger plastic mister though. My Spider plant loves rain water.
Liked can you do a more detailed information on Ferns in future You are so encouraging
thank you I need to bring in my ferns to winter and they die every year
I tried using a coffee filter at the bottom of my terra cotta pot. I found all kinds of strange yellow mold growing out of the hole of the pot and the bottom of the pot. I used a cotton ball saturated with hydrogen peroxide and held it to the mold until I was able to get it to fall off.
I had a bunch of small ferns growing in a pot with my nepenthes (pitcher plant) and i used to sit the pot in a small plastic tub of water. I would change the water daily Due to the rise of dengue my country started doing regular household checks on "potential" mosquito breeding areas and they regularly gave my mum trouble for my plants collection so I had to switch to placing lots of sphagnum moss in the tub.
However after making the switch I noticed that my ferns were turning brown and dying off. Why is that the case? I would add that I live in a hot and humid tropical country and the nepenthes is still pitchering..
real good informative video! thank you for the information.
How to propagate Boston fern and asparagus fern from the big pot, can't divide it. Thanks
Thx for the info about ferns and toxicity. Plant buyers need to know this. I almost poisoned my rescued cat from two plants I bought! Now I research before buying. Edit: my cat looooves my ferns 🥰
I really really enjoyed this! Super informative! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge with ppl like me (who just want to have plants in their apartment but have no idea what they're doing lol). I noticed my fern (Marcus) starting to dry out and I'm slowed down with watering – and put him in the bathroom for humidity. Are their any trick or hacks that you'd suggest?
My fern some of the leaves have square indentation on them. Is that normal?
Thanks for sharing great help. Ben is beautiful God bless you always
Brilliant! Thank you! 🌷
I have a Blue Star Fern. I searched online and I read that orchid mix is what they like to be planted in. Is this true? What are your thoughts? I'm not sure if maybe instead I should just mix in some vermiculite in regular potting soil to make it more airy?
Thanks for the tips! I'm hoping to grow some ferns for my wedding florals. Fingers crossed!
I bought a fern plant its so easy to care for. I move it around the house to spice up the extra small 🙂 space I have. Love your videos 💚
Great vid! I just got a maidenhair fern a week ago and loving it! My dilemma is I will be away for 6 days and I don’t know how I will keep the fern alive. Do you have any suggestion?
How would a maidenhair fern do with a plant light?
Hi Laura Realy appreciated your video on house plants n ferns. You cleared up some misconceptions on lighting . You have a beautiful family . Happy gardening
Why is my aspelinium dying? I live in the area where i have really cold whether as well so not a lot of sunlight and a little bit of water but still its not surviving😔
I saw that mister and immediately thought, “Wow, she’s about that life!!”
Thanks!! Im gonna use that coffee filter trick!!
What a cute baby!!!!
Hey laura,
I've had bad luck with ferns. I've had some luck with certain types. But I tend to forget to water or I dont realise when I need to water. Do u think I could grow a fern in a self watering pot?
-The Love Family of California
Adventure Time anybody?
That was a great video! I learned a lot and it was enjoyable to watch, thank you
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience about ferns. I'm from the Pacific Northwest so ferns are very dear to my soul.
Ferns are one of the most remarkable of all life forms, wouldn't you agree? 🙂
Love your stone pots
Love this one too.. I can’t keep a fern they always dye on me. There are one of my favorite plants too. Thank you Laura the tips I hope will help me next time I get one. 🤗🌷
My fern isn't shown here; and it's not looking happy 🙁 I need help with it…
I have a 3 fern plants that I found in a Wal-mart garden center around 8 yrs. ago. I planted them in my shade garden and they have come back every year but they have not increased in size all that much. I have never found them again and needed to know if you have ever planted an outdoor fern and if so did it grow to your satisfaction?
I purchased my first fern a little over a month ago, and it's doing well (not the norm for me – haha), and now I’m excited about picking up a few more ferns so that I have a small collection. Thanks for the informative and encouraging videos!
I collect rain water and strain it throgh a paper towel. Then pour into my mister. I use a bigger plastic mister though. My Spider plant loves rain water.
Liked can you do a more detailed information on Ferns in future You are so encouraging
thank you I need to bring in my ferns to winter and they die every year
I tried using a coffee filter at the bottom of my terra cotta pot. I found all kinds of strange yellow mold growing out of the hole of the pot and the bottom of the pot. I used a cotton ball saturated with hydrogen peroxide and held it to the mold until I was able to get it to fall off.
I had a bunch of small ferns growing in a pot with my nepenthes (pitcher plant) and i used to sit the pot in a small plastic tub of water. I would change the water daily Due to the rise of dengue my country started doing regular household checks on "potential" mosquito breeding areas and they regularly gave my mum trouble for my plants collection so I had to switch to placing lots of sphagnum moss in the tub.
However after making the switch I noticed that my ferns were turning brown and dying off. Why is that the case? I would add that I live in a hot and humid tropical country and the nepenthes is still pitchering..
real good informative video! thank you for the information.
How to propagate Boston fern and asparagus fern from the big pot, can't divide it. Thanks
Thx for the info about ferns and toxicity. Plant buyers need to know this. I almost poisoned my rescued cat from two plants I bought! Now I research before buying. Edit: my cat looooves my ferns 🥰
I really really enjoyed this! Super informative! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge with ppl like me (who just want to have plants in their apartment but have no idea what they're doing lol). I noticed my fern (Marcus) starting to dry out and I'm slowed down with watering – and put him in the bathroom for humidity. Are their any trick or hacks that you'd suggest?
My fern some of the leaves have square indentation on them. Is that normal?
Thanks for sharing great help. Ben is beautiful God bless you always
Thank you! 🌷
I have a Blue Star Fern. I searched online and I read that orchid mix is what they like to be planted in. Is this true? What are your thoughts? I'm not sure if maybe instead I should just mix in some vermiculite in regular potting soil to make it more airy?
Thanks for the tips! I'm hoping to grow some ferns for my wedding florals. Fingers crossed!
I bought a fern plant its so easy to care for. I move it around the house to spice up the extra small 🙂 space I have. Love your videos 💚
Great vid! I just got a maidenhair fern a week ago and loving it! My dilemma is I will be away for 6 days and I don’t know how I will keep the fern alive. Do you have any suggestion?
How would a maidenhair fern do with a plant light?
Hi Laura Realy appreciated your video on house plants n ferns. You cleared up some misconceptions on lighting .
You have a beautiful family . Happy gardening
Easy fix for humidity: whole home humidifier.