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House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing – Hill & Holmes Testimony

Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, and David Holmes, counselor for political affairs at the U.S. Embassy in …

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  1. Watching this as a re run don't miss anything…..even get to watch them take recess
    Fiona Hill is a boss super smart. Heed what she says! Don't let the fuckers divide n conquer lesson learned from Sicilian history which I'm reading

  2. Fiona Hill shows the idiots on the Republican side just how stupid they are. An Amazing lady (British by the way) has a backbone and Honor, something most Americans DONT have and DONT even understand!

  3. The problem with gop crying no fairness by blocking their requests to call certain witnesses is that the only one they want is the whistle blower! They know for a fact, it's written that the whistle blower in any case doesn't have to reveal their identity if they do not choose to for their safety! Ridiculous assertions to the public by the gop representative to gain trust of those not well informed of the law. Its no wonder it's so hard for me to accept any form of a political party and would rather remain independent!

    Lol wenstrup talking about coups create wars. All fine and stuff becuz it's true, but Brother pence is next in line if trump is booted! How is that in anyway in the best interest of the Democratic party? My point is most of the time when a party runs a coup on a leader, that party usually takes over not the right hand man of the guy that said party just booted from rule!

  4. It is the Presidents RIGHT to set foreign policy if you don't like it or your feelings get hurt, that is NOT impeachable. Also, we use foreign aid to get other countries to do what we want all of the time, there is just soooo much Democrat Party Maleficence going on over there that they are afraid he's going to find out. the problem is that by starting this whole get Trump movement, they have directed his attention to the one place they did not want him to look. The Investigator general of Ukraine has done a public disclosure of what monies America had sent in aid, and where it went. No surprise, it seems to have gone directly to the close family members of our U.S. Congress. I am NOT saying that only the Democratic Party was involved, just that that is the only evidence that has surfaced so far. God please save our Republic.

  5. The more I watch these the more I am starting to think. That some of the democrats and some of the "witnesses" sound like they have the same person writing their statements. More for the literary people out there.

  6. Absolutely baffling no one has ever done any investigating on any of Hillary or Bill’s corruption. NOT ONE TIME!!!!!! There is a murder last a mile long from Mena airport To the Muhat compounds in Portugal. Federal agents have had to go on medical leave after reviewing her and Huma Aberdeen eating a fucking baby there’s 33,000 emails were all about sex trafficking and pedophilia and Satanic rituals that nothing to do with the election and that’s why Julian Assange is dead. All the investigative reporters that I know can’t even touch it because they know they’ll wind up dead like Seth rich like the little girl out of Mexico the senator in Georgia I could go on and all that you people don’t even know anything about the Epstein is very much alive. They hate President Trump because one of the very first things he did was sign that sex trafficking bill. Remember people he used to be one of them he knows all about the shit that’s going on he was invited to the secret societies and special clubs. They can’t stand President Trump because he knows exactly what the deep state is all about it when it got down to the babies in the city and it rituals in the adrenal chrome that’s when he said I can’t do this. He’s just trying to really make America great again he really really is trying to get all the evil out of this country I swear to God he is please people do your research start with the mother of darkness castle and why President Trump talked about the thousand lights he’s leaving everybody hints everywhere

  7. Q: Who did give to Russian newest military technology and help to build Skolkovo?
    A: BHO, HRC
    Is there the goal: give both sides weapons and stirring the war?

  8. "Anytime we get a President that actually puts forth great effort into doing great things for our country America poops all over it". Trump works for us the people and has done a whole lot so that we the little guys can have a financial break. He immediately stopped Obama's punishment fees for not having the mandatory health plans so we the LIL guys can enjoy a better refund. Safe keeping our Borders to reduce crime rate "which to any SANE AMERICAN" would find Acceptable but "NO NOT THE UNEDUCATED UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE WE HAVE TODAY"! RENTAL EXPENSES & REQUIREMENTS WERE LEFT SO HIGH BY PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION THAT THE RATE OF HOMELESS PEOPLE IS ASTRONOMICAL! TRUMP HAS BEEN WORKING TO FIND SOLUTIONS TO BETTER THE LIVES OF THE LESS FORTUNATE and THIS IS HOW Y'ALL REPAY HIM? LET'S BE VERY CLEAR, OBAMA BLEEDED THE HELL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY WHILE CHEESING IN YOUR FACE!!!

  9. One of these men was with Epstein. And Obama. The Clintons. Who raped and murdered children , That’s why they wanted Trump impeached to shut him up and we want them to be held for high treason and for the murder and rape of children fold out the democratic party if you have children or love anyone in your life

  10. What I'm having a hard time understanding is how anyone supports the Democrats on the quest to impeach President Trump over absolutely nothing.
    What the American public wants to know about is what the hell happened in 2016 with the presidential election. What was Joe Biden's quid pro quo about involving firing a prosecutor in exchange for their money aka our tax dollars… What the hell was this fake Dossier about that was presented to the FISA court and found to be completely false.

    This Impeachment hearing is only stalling us getting the actual criminals in prison where they belong. Trump did nothing wrong and you people need to pull your heads out of your asses and see what is actually going on here. The American public that supports impeaching Trump clearly doesn't belong in politics or on any jury. Do your duty as an American and support your innocent President and demonize the politicians that are hiding behind a phony impeachment hearing. This truly is the Democrats last ditch effort to hide what went on in 2016 as well as attempt to win the 2020 election…

  11. JIM JORDAN isn’t even on the house intelligence committee they put him on temporarily just for these hearings because he is LOUD and an asshole who will do anything to defend Trump and the GOP.

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