I know President Trump is smart enough not to sign this garbage, that has nothing to do with helping the American Taxpaying citizens o the USA !!!!!!!!
Americans cant borrow money every time want things they cant afford and never be able to pay back!!!!Why should You????
It must be nice to make other people borrow and pay for things you want that has nothing to do with them and that they won't benefit from.
I'm living my best life, my business partner who we worked together few months referred me to Fixmyfinance01@GMAIL com when I was very broke because of some bad business decisions and i got to make over $15,000 with their help to settle bills. I was about going homeless but now i can pay my bills comfortably, they also help with credit repairs, bitcoins giveaway
Did you notice that it is only the white people who want to go back to work in the USA. You will not see one black or one latino face supporting back to work . For blacks and latinos it is BACK to Welfare!
Mr. Ohio needs to calm down maybe if you didn’t bailout The Kennedy Center their would have been $$$$$$$ left over for the people that REALLY NEED IT. THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL
What was with that one Republican randomly voting in favor of passage there at the end? Misclick? Lol.
Decoction to stand proud of these crazy they actually starting to open up everything
My advice for Republicans is that y’all better start helping us I will show you how we can get rid of you that’s my advice
This bill stinks.
In a perfect world..why would anyone have to worry about anything…if everything was free. But society is undoubtedly greedy and selfish. Its like when we were being instructed as children on how to share! These fundamentals will still logically work if people get out there own way…share and take care of everyone and stop being SELFISH!
Kaitlyn Stout I wasn‘t advocating for NO government; I am saying “vote the nonessentials out”. The Democrats have done NOTHING for the last 3 1/2 Years but try to Impeach a duly elected president before he even stepped into office! They have wasted taxpayers money on BOGUS witch hunts. And now they want to pad this stimulus package with their hidden agenda wishlists all while they cover it up with a pretty little name like “Heroes Protection Act”! They are despicable for lying to the American public in this time of crisis! They should be ashamed of themselves for trying to blackmail their way through this! They should start REALLY caring for Americans and stop PRETENDING to care!
3 more trillion ??? Where is this money coming from but more important where is it going. Just to give u a somewhat example of 1 trillion is . In seconds do you know how much trillion seconds is . It's a 132 years. That's 1 trillion seconds. 350 billion goes to American people . Which we will have to pay our own money back they gives us but wheres the rest going . Bailouts and lines pockets and that's Scott free money . Our money but we will have to pay it back next year . Un f*cking believable . And no one cares. This is what this smoke screen virus has been about all along . Corporate bailouts and stealing money from the next 5 generations . And boy are we the American people gonna pay for this in a few months when the dollar devalues to about nothing . For the dumbf**ks that dont understand . When eggs are 2 dollars a dozen now and in 2 months they will be 7 dollars a dozen . Keep thinking our government cares about us Americans.
Trump and the Republicans biggest beef against this bill is mail in ballots! They know if they don't have their henchmen in the field at the polls to cheat or mislead voters, they know he won't win with mail in votes! Wouldn't even be close!
Ah yes, America faces an unparalleled economic catastrophe. What retail sales cratering tell us is two things. First, people stay home, in times like these even if they can go out and shop. Second, they consume less, because their optimism is gone. As the economy adapts to a permanently lower level of spending, a wave of businesses will have to shutters its doors, meaning today’s job losses become permanent and that is how a whole economy grows poorer.
A new pool of people will then have to compete for what jobs there are on offer. That will erode the bargaining power of workers, so incomes will fall further. And what jobs are on offer are dead-end, go-nowhere jobs mostly, anyways: "low wage service jobs," which is the modern American pundit’s way of saying: "you’re a servant all over again, just like your grandparents maybe were." Poof! There go whole centuries of progress. No, I’m not f*cking kidding. An economy of people driving Ubers and delivering Instacarts and selling pallets on Amazon isn’t one of people reaching their potential. It’s not one of great discoveries and breakthroughs and creativity and imagination and freedom. It’s just one of soul-crushing menial labor. That is what it means for an economy to grow poorer. The human potential goes up in smoke and history rewinds. Instead of that chance to become that great artist, novelist, scientist, entrepreneur, yes, you wind up a glorified servant. You could have been something but now you drive an Uber by day and sell stuff on Amazon by night, just to put food on the table. As a result, society itself grows impoverished in the truest way of all the things you might have created. Maybe you would have discovered that vaccine, or written that chronicle of the pandemic, or made that documentary, or employed a few hundred people. Now? You’re just another servant, in an economy of them. This is what most economies through history have always been, sadly, and that is why progress means the freedom not to live in the servitude that comes from poverty. Depressions do more harm than we fully know. Americans haven’t suffered one in recent history, but they’re about to. And they’re about to learn, the hard way: depressions are things for which we have no good words. The opposite of seeds: things which undo harvests and unmake gardens. They are like viruses of the human spirit. They take us backward in time, as they plunge us downwards into the abyss. Headlong enough that way and you find yourself in a dark age. But that perhaps, is just where foolish, brutal, indecent men like Donald J T***p have always been living and want the rest of us to, too…. R.I.P., American Economy…
I am bothered by all the comments on this debate. I am also blown away by the differences on each side of the debate. I have eight kids and am a single mother who lost my job due to this outbreak. Yes it is unfortunate and yes things are financially tight however there is a bigger picture to all of this and I am saddened that everyone fails to acknowledge this. We all know there is no such thing as a "free ride" and we all have a responsibility to protect the economy, health, safety, education, rights etc. Of this country. I do not see how multiple stimulas payments will fix this issue…short term thinking is unrealistic and should not be considered. This is about the impact on future generations…this is a bandaid that will only end up in the same position a month from now. This is not the best solution. All the negativity is adding to the problem. This is why this world is what it is today and u should b ashamed of yourselves.
What's shameful is all the bologna they put in this bill! Illegals getting stimulus checks? What in the heck is this country doing. The richest country will soon be the poorest at the rate they are going.
We should all make a honest bet if biden wins all the conservatives delete their social media accounts, if trump wins all the demokkkRATS should delete theirs! Why not??? Oh ya I get it lmfso
Poor working class are slaves to these capitalist Republicans.
what's unfortunate is that the republicans are obvious villains. there is not left and right this is right and wrong. we need to stick to the science, republicans are ponting fingures when they are fully at fault for all of our complications. a reminder that they had a stimulus bill that would have taken care of everything they are going through now, and McConnell blocked it. gave a ton of cash to conglomerates. they are extremely deceptive and should be cast off as criminals.
chinas numbers are 1:1 with the rest of the world. meaning, that china didnt lie. otherwise their numbers wouldnt match what the rest of the world experienced, as it did. the only one at fault for the american deaths is Donald Trump. he chose to go against the facts, now we are all suffering because of it.
Congress is insane with their outrageous wish list! They need their pay cut to match what they deny those struggling!
How about dealing with the Americas that still haven't received their stimulus check ?? Ssdi and my son ssi/ssdi !! Shame on all of you because we are now homeless and starving !!
The richest country in the World can give one year to the peasants who have given their life to prop up this country on sturdy landscape a decent balance to their already decaying situation under poverty and pandemic.
Conservatives are the politicians of stolen funds and hatred of the poor/POC. It should be obvious to any human that people should be treated like people. If you have something against that then I don’t think you’d want to change your mind, everyone will see you for what you are though. Remember that.
I know President Trump is smart enough not to sign this garbage, that has nothing to do with helping the American Taxpaying citizens o the USA !!!!!!!!
Americans cant borrow money every time want things they cant afford and never be able to pay back!!!!Why should You????
It must be nice to make other people borrow and pay for things you want that has nothing to do with them and that they won't benefit from.
I'm living my best life, my business partner who we worked together few months referred me to Fixmyfinance01@GMAIL com when I was very broke because of some bad business decisions and i got to make over $15,000 with their help to settle bills. I was about going homeless but now i can pay my bills comfortably, they also help with credit repairs, bitcoins giveaway
Did you notice that it is only the white people who want to go back to work in the USA. You will not see one black or one latino face supporting back to work . For blacks and latinos it is BACK to Welfare!
Mr. Ohio needs to calm down maybe if you didn’t bailout The Kennedy Center their would have been $$$$$$$ left over for the people that REALLY NEED IT. THEY ARE OUT OF CONTROL
What was with that one Republican randomly voting in favor of passage there at the end? Misclick? Lol.
Decoction to stand proud of these crazy they actually starting to open up everything
My advice for Republicans is that y’all better start helping us I will show you how we can get rid of you that’s my advice
This bill stinks.
In a perfect world..why would anyone have to worry about anything…if everything was free. But society is undoubtedly greedy and selfish. Its like when we were being instructed as children on how to share! These fundamentals will still logically work if people get out there own way…share and take care of everyone and stop being SELFISH!
Kaitlyn Stout I wasn‘t advocating for NO government; I am saying “vote the nonessentials out”. The Democrats have done NOTHING for the last 3 1/2 Years but try to Impeach a duly elected president before he even stepped into office! They have wasted taxpayers money on BOGUS witch hunts. And now they want to pad this stimulus package with their hidden agenda wishlists all while they cover it up with a pretty little name like “Heroes Protection Act”! They are despicable for lying to the American public in this time of crisis! They should be ashamed of themselves for trying to blackmail their way through this! They should start REALLY caring for Americans and stop PRETENDING to care!
3 more trillion ??? Where is this money coming from but more important where is it going. Just to give u a somewhat example of 1 trillion is . In seconds do you know how much trillion seconds is . It's a 132 years. That's 1 trillion seconds. 350 billion goes to American people . Which we will have to pay our own money back they gives us but wheres the rest going . Bailouts and lines pockets and that's Scott free money . Our money but we will have to pay it back next year . Un f*cking believable . And no one cares. This is what this smoke screen virus has been about all along . Corporate bailouts and stealing money from the next 5 generations . And boy are we the American people gonna pay for this in a few months when the dollar devalues to about nothing . For the dumbf**ks that dont understand . When eggs are 2 dollars a dozen now and in 2 months they will be 7 dollars a dozen . Keep thinking our government cares about us Americans.
Trump and the Republicans biggest beef against this bill is mail in ballots! They know if they don't have their henchmen in the field at the polls to cheat or mislead voters, they know he won't win with mail in votes! Wouldn't even be close!
Ah yes, America faces an unparalleled economic catastrophe. What retail sales cratering tell us is two things. First, people stay home, in times like these even if they can go out and shop. Second, they consume less, because their optimism is gone. As the economy adapts to a permanently lower level of spending, a wave of businesses will have to shutters its doors, meaning today’s job losses become permanent and that is how a whole economy grows poorer.
A new pool of people will then have to compete for what jobs there are on offer. That will erode the bargaining power of workers, so incomes will fall further. And what jobs are on offer are dead-end, go-nowhere jobs mostly, anyways: "low wage service jobs," which is the modern American pundit’s way of saying: "you’re a servant all over again, just like your grandparents maybe were." Poof! There go whole centuries of progress. No, I’m not f*cking kidding. An economy of people driving Ubers and delivering Instacarts and selling pallets on Amazon isn’t one of people reaching their potential. It’s not one of great discoveries and breakthroughs and creativity and imagination and freedom. It’s just one of soul-crushing menial labor. That is what it means for an economy to grow poorer. The human potential goes up in smoke and history rewinds. Instead of that chance to become that great artist, novelist, scientist, entrepreneur, yes, you wind up a glorified servant. You could have been something but now you drive an Uber by day and sell stuff on Amazon by night, just to put food on the table. As a result, society itself grows impoverished in the truest way of all the things you might have created. Maybe you would have discovered that vaccine, or written that chronicle of the pandemic, or made that documentary, or employed a few hundred people. Now? You’re just another servant, in an economy of them. This is what most economies through history have always been, sadly, and that is why progress means the freedom not to live in the servitude that comes from poverty. Depressions do more harm than we fully know. Americans haven’t suffered one in recent history, but they’re about to. And they’re about to learn, the hard way: depressions are things for which we have no good words. The opposite of seeds: things which undo harvests and unmake gardens. They are like viruses of the human spirit. They take us backward in time, as they plunge us downwards into the abyss. Headlong enough that way and you find yourself in a dark age. But that perhaps, is just where foolish, brutal, indecent men like Donald J T***p have always been living and want the rest of us to, too…. R.I.P., American Economy…
I am bothered by all the comments on this debate. I am also blown away by the differences on each side of the debate. I have eight kids and am a single mother who lost my job due to this outbreak. Yes it is unfortunate and yes things are financially tight however there is a bigger picture to all of this and I am saddened that everyone fails to acknowledge this. We all know there is no such thing as a "free ride" and we all have a responsibility to protect the economy, health, safety, education, rights etc. Of this country. I do not see how multiple stimulas payments will fix this issue…short term thinking is unrealistic and should not be considered. This is about the impact on future generations…this is a bandaid that will only end up in the same position a month from now. This is not the best solution. All the negativity is adding to the problem. This is why this world is what it is today and u should b ashamed of yourselves.
What's shameful is all the bologna they put in this bill! Illegals getting stimulus checks? What in the heck is this country doing. The richest country will soon be the poorest at the rate they are going.
We should all make a honest bet if biden wins all the conservatives delete their social media accounts, if trump wins all the demokkkRATS should delete theirs! Why not??? Oh ya I get it lmfso
Poor working class are slaves to these capitalist Republicans.
what's unfortunate is that the republicans are obvious villains. there is not left and right this is right and wrong. we need to stick to the science, republicans are ponting fingures when they are fully at fault for all of our complications. a reminder that they had a stimulus bill that would have taken care of everything they are going through now, and McConnell blocked it. gave a ton of cash to conglomerates. they are extremely deceptive and should be cast off as criminals.
chinas numbers are 1:1 with the rest of the world. meaning, that china didnt lie. otherwise their numbers wouldnt match what the rest of the world experienced, as it did. the only one at fault for the american deaths is Donald Trump. he chose to go against the facts, now we are all suffering because of it.
Congress is insane with their outrageous wish list! They need their pay cut to match what they deny those struggling!
How about dealing with the Americas that still haven't received their stimulus check ?? Ssdi and my son ssi/ssdi !! Shame on all of you because we are now homeless and starving !!
The richest country in the World can give one year to the peasants who have given their life to prop up this country on sturdy landscape a decent balance to their already decaying situation under poverty and pandemic.
Conservatives are the politicians of stolen funds and hatred of the poor/POC. It should be obvious to any human that people should be treated like people. If you have something against that then I don’t think you’d want to change your mind, everyone will see you for what you are though. Remember that.